
Hp The Ageless

Zander is sent to a new Harry Potter world as Eric a Nordic Vampire. Traveling the globe during 700 ad

BigSteve · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

27 Hidden Pyramid

I wanted to keep the armor but I couldn't open a portal because of the spacial locking ward. Carving a circle on the ground I placed the armor and giant axe to collect later. The room only had only one door but it remained closed. Having no choice I used wind blades to create a smaller door in the locked stone door. The walls had similar Hieroglyphs only changing the monsters summoned in the void portal. It went from Draugr to skeleton wyverns, it continued to change out monsters but the glyphs always talked a portal leading to the end of the world. We continued through the door into the another set of stairs. The stairs were wider than normal and had a lower ceiling. We started the climb down and this climb seemed to never end. After walking for 25 minutes with no turns it hit me. This is an enchanted staircase, stopping I spoke out "we should have hit a turn by now. These stairs are wide meaning we should be outside the pyramid by now."

Amun responded "Yeah but this is the only way without going to top again." Not knowing what to do Randvi had an idea saying "let's walk back up, if this is a trap maybe there's another way to find the stairs exit." Turning around we began to ascend the stairs as we climbed the ceiling began to fall causing us to run back down. While running I looked back and as one level of the ceiling the next layer rose. With an idea I said "The wall is rising as the next falls. We need to time it right and get to the other side." This was no problem for us with vampire speed but the Magi was just a normal wizard. Once I passed the wall it continued to fall but I was safe. As each person timed the wall it left Khemu. Having another idea I told everyone to focus on holding the ceiling up as I used an Accio spell on his clothes to pull him to me as accio doesn't work on living objects. The plan was a success as we all made it past the wall. After 5 minutes of climbing back up the stairs we came across a stone door, but this was a new door. Walking to the door it remained shut but it also lacked a shield allowing a new hole.

Upon entering the door we were met with a large room filled with stone statues. The room had nearly 200 statues slightly taller than a normal person with a walkway dividing the statues in half. Each statue spread in a grid with 20 in each row or ten on each side of the path.Before we began to move through the room I had a feeling that the statues were obviously a trap. Making sure everyone was ready for battle I pulled out my axe. I had Randvi remain behind us to cast spells as my brother and I took the front. Amun and Khemu pulled out their swords taking up the sides. Leaving Nailah beside Randvi as she wasn't a fighter but was still vampire strong. Using my mana I envisioned a barrier around my axe as a normal axe can't cut through stone. I taught my brother and Khemu to do the same but Amun was unable as he had no mana at all.

Before we walked the mages of the group began casting explosive bullets. The problem was that the statues were separated enough that the blasts only destroyed one at a time. Saving mana we took our first step and nothing happened. As we walked the statues remained still. Upon reaching the second layer of statues the first came to life. Jumping to the back I destroyed the closest statue as are formation needed to change. Luckily before my brother came to my side the second line came alive. Making a circle we began to cut down the closest golem. While fighting Randvi shouted "They have a core in the center of their chest." Looking at standing golems no core was visible but the fallen golem had a core hidden inside. We stopped between the 1st and second line which made the rest of the golems remain inert. Once the first row was destroyed the third row activated. This allowed for the original formation to work. As we cleared row by row a few of the golems remained statues. After we finished clearing the room of active golems, 25 statues remained reaching the door a shield activated over the door.

Randvi had an idea telling us "Maybe the door only opens when all the statues are destroyed." Listening to the lady we began destroying the remaining statues. While everyone did so I began grabbing some of the destroyed cores which were made of a dark blue crystal more widely known as Lapis Lazuli. Walking up to a remaining statue I cut out am intact core placing them inside my expanded bag. Once we finished destroying the statues the door remained closed. As I walked to the door I passed over a tile the stones were standing on causing the tile to drop. Yelling I said "The tiles are pressure plates. Let's try clearing the tiles. Using wind magic I maid a strong gust push all the stone toward the entrance to the room clearing the tile. Once the tiles were cleared the sound of cogsm wheels activated shutting down the shield. With a wind slash we were on our way.

Coming to the next room we find 2 statues of Sphinx with a door below each on the side walls are hieroglyphs that Nailah began to translate. Once finished she explained "Each riddle passed gives a question to find the exit. One exit leads to death, the other to instant death. 3 questions are given and 3 questions are earned." Remembering this riddle I knew that the final task was one of the guardians is a lier and the other only tells the truth. The questions must be earned by correctly answering the riddle, I know it's possible with one question bit with extra would make it a walk in the park. I explained this to my group asking them to let me answer.

Walking up to the statues they spoke out in Egyptian, which I wasn't ready for. With Nailahs help both Sphinx ask the first riddle together "Two sisters one gives birth to the next who are they." While thinking Randvi spoke "Night and day" When Nailah translated a lumos light appears between the Sphinx.

The second riddle began "I weaken all men and show you visions. None suffer from me but they do without, what am i?" Hearing this in my previous life I knew thw answer. Speaking aloud I said "Sleep." A second lumos light appears after answering.

The third riddle followed "What on 4 legs in the morning, on 2 legs at mid-day and on 3 legs at dusk?" Randvi spoke up saying "A human" A third light appears in the middle.

Then they spoke up again "One of us always lies, the other always the truth, for every light is a question to ask but only one will answer." Then both doors opened showing 2 tunnels filled with a blue fire. I begin with asking the right Sphinx "Which door would the other Sphinx say is safe." He answered "My door." I walked to the left Sphinx the same question and he answered "his door." I spoke up to the group saying "The left is the safe way out." Walking into the left door caused the right to close and the left door to slowly close. Everyone quickly followed as the door closed and everyone was inside the flames remained but didn't caused harm.

Walking into the next room we were surrounded by piles of gold. Being skeptical about the loot I raised a hand telling everyone to stop. Switching to my soul sight I could see that there isn't any gold but rather a fog of blackish mana. Explaining I said "This is fake gold, it's an illusion spell that probably has some deadly curses attached to them." This cause my brother to lose his smile. I continued saying "Step where I step as I can navigate the mana trap as the curses cover more than just where you see the gold. In a line we began to snake our way through the traps reaching another door. Once there we found a pressure plate when stood on the door opened but when you stepped of the door quickly slammed shut. Amun began to say one of us would have to remain until we broke the ward to which I used telekinesis to push the pressure plate down. Passing the door we found another set of stairs. Descending the stairs it began to turn in each direction making a circle ending to at a door. This door was pure black unlike the other sandstone doors. Above was "Death" written in Hyrogliphs.

Using telekinesis I pushed the door open forcefully finding the largest room we have seen with doors on each side. Piles of gold laying in Piles around an alter. In the center of the alter was a pure black sarcophagus looking closer you can see a snake carved where the head should be and its body coiled around the rest of it. Using mage sight I could tell the gold was real as the only mana was coming from the sarcophagus. Leading the way I walked near the alter hearing someone chipping away at the door. Using telekinesis I opened the sarcophagus releasing a black smoke that would have filled the room had Randvi not used wind magic to push it out the door we entered through. Inside was a mummy holding a package inside its stomach. Once I pulled the rock package out the pyramid began to collapse. Dropping the stone it rolled down the stairs and the doors on each side opened.

Spells began flying as I raised an overpowered shield infront of us. Pieces of the ceiling began to fall as I felt a weight off my chest. Before I could act Khemu picked up the stone apparating away. Quickly I opened a portal above the pyramid. As everyone began to exit I opened more portals to my realm depositing the gold and artifacts. Once through I closed all the portals and my eyes as the sun was blinding. Quickly casting a circle shield as precaution. This was a smart move as the portal opened in the middle of a battle. On one side were Egyptian warriors with mages and on the other side was the Caliphate with the mage cult. The sand was colored red as people fought sword on sword while magic flew by their heads. Quickly my group jumped in action with the Vampire speeding around the battlefield. My brother began to fight with his axe as he shot fire balls with his off hand. I followed the same as I transfigured sand into large scorpions, unfortunately they weren't poisonous but their tails were large enough to take off a head.

As I fought I notice my Wyvern was being pushed back by Caliphate Wizards that were flying on Griffons. Before she was dead I transformed into my Dragonoid form shooting into the sky and shooting wind bullets at the griffins. As I saw she was getting more injured my vision saw red as I yelled "No one touched my things" in draconic. My speed increased as my nails became claws I cut out one of the wizards hearts. Griffon to griffin I kept killing the wizards until all that was left was the griffins running flying away. Quickly decending I began to speed through the battle field slashing necks causing many decapitation. Speeding to the Cultist which were wearing red robes with a golden eye on their foreheads I became crueler cutting of limbs before ending their lives. Before I could continue the slaughter my brother and Amun held me down yelling "It's over, it's over there all dead" Quickly Randvi sped to me rubbing my cheeks as she teared up helping to calm my rage.