
Hp The Ageless

Zander is sent to a new Harry Potter world as Eric a Nordic Vampire. Traveling the globe during 700 ad

BigSteve · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

20 Twilight?

As we rode the priest explained we were already in the dutchy and it wouldn't take long to reach our destination. I had sent back my familiars before entering the inn. That way if I was attacked I could portal away if needed. We made it to the smaller city which had a Byzantine buildings being added to the original Roman style. Upon entering the priest stated "Let's go to the church to thank God before looking for new guards." Needing to keep up my pilgrim facade I agreeded and followed their horses. The noble thought it was a great idea as well. We tied our horses and I left my axe in a bag on the horse. As we made our way inside many people gave me a quizzical look with my braided long hair and viking clothes. Upon entering I followed what I had learned in my previous life of holy water on the forehead and making the sign of the cross. The priest let out a breath he was holding as this seemed to be a test if I actually followed their faith.

Looking at the newer church I was going to laugh as it was designed with murals that showed the Byzantine Emperor as a Saint with a crown and a halo above his head. This mural was quickly glanced over by the priest as he stared at the ceiling mural which beautifully depicted over 70 local birds in the area. As they looked around I chose a pew to sit and pretended to pray. While praying I looked around with soul sight to check for any mages. As I scanned the people two caught my eye. One was a local priest who had a soul with dark whisps and a single liquid core. The other was an older lady praying infront of me that had a crystal core with her second core nearly crystal. Both souls hinted at using darker magic. After an hour we left the church making are way to a new inn for the noble to rest and for the priest to procure new guards.

Upon entering the inn I ordered some whine using the money the noble paid me. It was a fine red as the priest left. I was technically guarding the noble. While traveling I had learned that the noble was a devoted catholic but very cowardly. As night came I was sitting outside on a bench still enjoying wine as I had a higher tolerance for alcohol forcing me to stay sober. As I was people watching I noticed a man in dark robes who had a 2 crystal cores with his third beginning to form. At the time I was working on my third core so we were pretty matched but this man looked rather old compared to me. I decided to follow him to see if there were more wizards nearby.

As I followed him I had noticed his heart was beating rather slow. I followed him to a home in the nicer part of the city. When he seemed entry he pulled up his right sleeve showing a scar that was shaped in a V with a coat of arms and a jewel at the top. While he did so I remembered seeing that from someplace but I couldn't recall instantly. The one thing I did know was that when the door opened I could smell that familiar iron smell.

Not wanting to get involved with any vampires I left for the inn to end my night. As I was walking I could hear footsteps behind me only for when I turned around no one to be there. I had been noticed following the vampire. Stepping into a deserted ally I knew this was the spot to fight my pursuers. I slid under a porch and invisioned my magic turning me invisible. After becoming invisible three people following my scent was approached where I was hiding. The men had a crazed look as their eyes were a bright red. Their fangs elongated as they smelled the area. One of the men asked "Where did he go" to a fourth man coming from the other end of the street. They stopped 10 feet infront of me as they began to converse.

The older man I had been following was no where to be seen as the men infront of me were rather young with the oldest looking 30. Being vampires their real ages were unknowable. The youngest said "I can still smell him, he must be in one of these house, but these are all citizen housing and he is not from here." A blonde haired man asked "Do we know what he is? I smell dragon but that could just be his clothes and no dragon blood smells this sweet." This left me confused as I didn't know I smelled sweet, i hadn't taken into account that my smell could cause problems. I knew their was a spell that would cancel smells but since I was using imagination magic and not standardized magic like in harry potter so it would be harder to cast spells. It's hard to imagine the smell of nothingness apposed to learning a wand movement and saying words allowing magic to interpret what I wanted to happen.

Not wanting to cause a mass slaughter I speed two them picking up the older man and another guy by the neck I show my fangs. Both men had two cores while the others were at 1 or beginning the second. I question as my fangs and horns show "Are you looking for death?" The younger man squirms as the old man's eyes widened. Before the others could act he put up his hand and said "Sorry lord, we thought you were a tasty mage." The other men were confused as the older man told them to do nothing. My rage had taken over as my eyes turned red. Normally I wouldn't have acted only silently escaped. Now i was in a pickle, I could act like a killer demon or escape. Wanting to learn more about this world and magic I chose the former. Letting them go I take a deep breath and on the exhale whisps of fire flow. The younger man asked "What are you?" The third man interjected "a Demon?" The older man drops to a knee saying "Forgive them ancient one. They haven't been turned very long." Turning to them he says "He is a True Vampire Dragon. It is where our gift originates."

Continuing the act I state "at least one of you isn't an idiot. I did not create you though. I am a gold dragon of justice. Your gift must come from a chromatic dragon as my breathern protect the weak and down trodden. I don't mind you feeding as long as it's in moderation." The older man questioned "If you are a metal Dragon why don't you kill us?" I show my metal scales as I answer "everything has a right to live. Now if I came across you killing a family for sport your death would be certain. What coven are you with?" The younger one with a smile of pride answers we are with the Umbri Coven my lord." Not wanting anymore surprises I said "I'm looking for magic texts to teach my students. I will be traveling to Rome. It's best if none of your kind give me a reason to deal out any justice." The older man asked shakely "have you met with the Lord's of Volturi. They own most of Italy. Even the Umbri follow their lead. The whole reason the Slavs invaded was due to a war with the Volturi and the Romani Covens. We were told to hunt down whoever was following Lord Marcus."

I thought I remembered that sigil so death mixed in a little Twilight into Harry Potter. I wonder what other story's he has mixed in. I laughed saying "So that's who I was following. I only followed because he had mana." They didn't know what to say as mana sight was rare amongst everyone. I asked "Do you all use magic or do you only have a gift?" The younger Vampire answered quickly "We all get a gift when we turn. I can feel emotions." This made me happy as my Vampirism might be the only form that makes mages. The older one answered "Only older vampires can learn some magic as growing our core take longer to grow. Even still we are limited to blood magic." With this revelation I had an idea to test at a later date. With this conversation nearing the end I told them to set a meeting with Marcus for tomorrow as It would be best not to destroy a whole coven. We went our separate ways as I returned to the inn and fell asleep. The next morning while I was eating breakfast 3 Vampires were watching me. Once my food was finished they approached saying "My Lord, Lord Marcus would like to meet you at the most opportune time. The man's heart was beating slow like the rest but when he spoke to me it picked up in rate allowing me to know that most vampires fear true dragons.

Allowing them to lead we walked through the city ending our walk at a large villa with guards stationed around and helmets covering every piece of skin. Looking at those who led me I noticed they were wearing hoods. Walking over to the youngest i pulled asked "Do you fear the sun?" The younger man's heart quickened as he let down his hood saying "no, it's just our pale skin let's off a light shine in direct sunlight." Lucky for them it wasn't like in Twilight as the shine he gave off looked like a pale man with oil covering his face. I nodded and we entered the front gate.