
HP: Second Chance

Once enemies, now united by circumstance, four wizards face a critical decision. Having lost faith in those close to them, they embark on a perilous journey. Rewinding time, their lives become solely their own. Donning masks, a new game begins from this moment onward. Playing: HP/FD, DM/DG, NL/MB, RW/AG, BC Jr/BL. Support me at: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 32

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Gloom reigned at Hogwarts. Many underclassmen, especially first and second year girls were startled by every rustle or started crying out of the blue. Zhou Chang was not a favourite of teachers and students. Some even despised her because of her unreasonably high ego. These were her friends, who often mocked the Chinese girl's past words that she would be able to fall in love with Harry Potter. But even they now, like many students, recognised that the girl didn't deserve to die, especially not like this. And also, for the umpteenth time this year, they had discovered a certain truth. Firstly, Dumbledore is not omnipotent and does not rush to everyone's aid. Secondly, anyone is capable of ending someone else's life by making a mistake. Thirdly, excellent knowledge of a subject without understanding it can be extremely dangerous. And fourth, ignorance does not save you from responsibility. Because of these discoveries, most of the students at the "best" magic school chose two people who they believed were responsible for the tragedy that happened to Miss Chang. They were Albus Dumbledore, who tried to shift his duties and responsibility for the life/death of the Ravenclaw student and Miss Granger, who became a murderer because of her self-righteousness. The Headmaster of Hogwarts was disillusioned by many of those who thought he was a wise wizard. He was condemned for inaction, even though he had a real chance to save the Chinese girl by simply calling off the Phoenix team from the trial. Oh yes, many people remembered that there were a couple of books dedicated to the tournament that clearly explained the rights and responsibilities of the champions and jury. These books were read in record time by almost all the technical staff, those who did not read this time, managed to do it before the first round. And now the students were certain that Dumbledore had failed in his duties, and therefore was also responsible for Miss Chang's death. Of course, if the girl had died under similar conditions to Pansy Parkinson, no one would have blamed the Headmaster of Hogwarts, because the Slytherin had thrown herself under the dragon flames, and everything had happened so quickly that no one would have had time to react. But here it was completely different. Dumbledore had seen the mistake more than five minutes before Granger had activated the rune circle. But instead of acting, he chose to first pass the responsibility onto Lord Black and then began to argue. After the ordeal was over and Zhou Chang's body was moved to the hospital wing, to a locked ward, there were no owls left in the owlery, all scattered to the students' home addresses.

 Hermione Granger had not disappeared from the students' topics of discussion this year. Which would have made the ambitious Gryffindor extremely happy, had she been talked about in a positive way. But, alas and alack, the girl was being discussed in an extremely unfavourable light for her and her reputation. To the nicknames she had received during her three years of study - snooty, studious, upstart - she had added other, extremely unpleasant titles - dolkoed's favourite, glory stealer, and so on. And now there was another one: murderer. When Miss Granger entered the Great Hall, that was the first word she heard. The students recoiled from her. The younger ones looked on with fear, the older ones with contempt. In that moment, the full weight of what had been done fell upon her. The girl let out a shrill howl, fell to the floor and screamed, tears pouring down her eyes. Professor McGonagall was the first to run up to her and tried to bring Granger to a relatively calm state, but her troubles didn't help, and Dumbledore didn't hesitate to levitate the Gryffindor to the hospital wing. After Madam Pomfrey's refusal to take on Hermione's treatment due to her lack of expertise in psychological trauma, the Headmaster moved with her from there to his office and then to St Mungo's. Where another Gryffindor, Dean Thomas, was taken an hour later.

 All the students were condemning Miss Granger, some even came up with the theory that she had killed Zhou on purpose. Some even seriously considered this option as plausible. The Slytherins, on the other hand, said that she had done it unintentionally, that her fault was her background, which had gotten Granger into trouble in the first place. The Gryffindors, who always condemned the division of the magical population into: purebloods - good, half-bloods - acceptable and muggle-born - bad, were silent this time. That is, they accepted the point of view of the students of the silver-green faculty and did not prevent the others from accepting it.

 Just like that, Granger's one mistake had nullified all of Dumbledore's years of work to put non-purebloods in power. And after the school had been visited by a team of authors and investigators from the DMP, Fudge passed a law that Muggleborns would henceforth attend compulsory classes before entering the school, which would help them to fit into the magical world without much difficulty. And a month of summer holidays to spend in the camp, where they will be taught in-depth aspects of the life of muggles and the basics of the magical world. That is, from the age of seven to eleven - history and theory, and after that practice.

 Dumbledore, trying to simultaneously settle the problem with Granger and the new, unacceptable for him law, failed miserably. As the saying goes, chase two grindylows and you'll never catch one. And so it was in this case. Neither to help Hermione, nor to stop the announcement of the new law, and certainly not to cancel it, the old wizard could not. The law was passed and published in the Daily Prophet. The punishment for Miss Granger was severe. Due to the fact that she was a minor, she was not given a term in Azkaban. But instead they forced the elder Granger to pay the family of the deceased one hundred and fifty thousand galleons, Hermione herself broke her wand and was banished for fifteen years from the magical world, casting a special spell that does not allow not only contact with wizards or have magical objects, but also to pass into the world of wizards. This became a terrible punishment for the girl. All her books were confiscated, her dreams crumbled, and her parents lost their clinic, which had to be sold to pay the appointed sum to Miss Chang's family.

* * * * *

 Despite the tragedy, the second part of the second trial was scheduled a week later. Dean Thomas did not participate. Nor will he participate in the final round or anything else. The psychological trauma the young man had suffered was very deep and had severely affected his judgement. Simply put, he went mad at the sight of his dead lover. He was assigned a ward in the Incurable Ward, the same ward that had once been occupied by Frank and Alice Longbottom. Neville had only once joked about it: Don't dig a hole, you'll fall into it, no matter what time you dig it. The subject never came up again, especially when the Longbottoms, accompanied by Augusta, stepped into Grimmauld Place at Easter holidays.

* * * * *

 Harry, Draco, Ron, Neville, Sirius and Regulus were playing poker in the drawing room of the Black family mansion. Walpurga looked indulgently at the company playing, and occasionally, just out of spite, dealt the cards of one of those who sat with their backs to the others. Giggling maliciously, the painted lady admired the impotent anger of the stronger half, and glanced at her watch. It seemed that she was waiting for someone and thus just trying to fill the free time. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. Sirius raised an eyebrow in surprise, looking around the table.

- Are we expecting someone? - He asked.

- Yeah, I don't think so," Regulus shrugged. - Unless Bella is.

- If she had an appointment with someone, she wouldn't be asleep," Sirius shook his head. - And her meeting in this house...

- Not an option," Draco agreed with his uncle.

- I'll go and see," Harry said, rising from the table. - Reg, you'd better get out of the living room just in case. I don't know who's in there.

 The younger Black nodded in agreement and quickly went out into the corridor, where he climbed the stairs and stood so that he could see everything, but no one noticed him. Harry walked to the door, gripping his wand tightly in his hand. A second and the door opened. What he saw rendered him speechless. Censored ones. Standing on the threshold were those Potter had never expected to see. He recognised them at once, though he'd only seen them once each in THIS and THOSE lives. Yes, and he had seen them in a very poor state.

- Good afternoon, Lord Evans-Potter," Augusta Longbottom spoke first. - I hope you don't mind us dropping in?

- No. How did you know Neville wasn't a squib?

 The old lady nodded approvingly at the precautions her companion had taken.

- 'My brother dropped him from the window.

- Huh?" the young mage said with a glance at his friend's grandmother's companions.

- 'Harry, you are in your godfather's ancestral home, you have nothing to fear here and certainly nothing to fear from them.

- All right. Come in.

 As soon as the guests crossed the threshold, there was a half-suffocated wheeze behind the green-eyed wizard and the thud of something heavy against the floor. Harry turned round and saw Neville lying on the floor, senseless.

* * * * *

 Once everyone had calmed down and digested the news that Frank and Alice Longbottom were completely healthy, it was time to talk quietly. Neville was gleaming like a newly minted galleon, sitting between his parents. Regulus was pouring champagne into glasses, Augusta was directing Kreacher to set the table, Sirius was gathering the rest of their group, Draco and Ron were quietly discussing something. Only Bellatrix was sitting in the far corner of the living room, watching the Longbottoms anxiously.

- Are you scared? - Harry asked in a whisper as he walked over to the woman and sat down on the arm of the chair she was occupying.

- 'Afraid,' whispered Miss Black in reply.

- 'It's not your fault what happened to them.

- You're wrong.

- You're right. You just never could believe it.

- I spent so many years--

- It's in the past, Bella.

- And yet.

- Just let it go. They'll understand. You just need to talk.

- I don't think they'll want to.

- We're all family here. In a family, there should be peace, not armed neutrality.

 Bellatrix didn't answer as she noticed those she and Harry had just discussed walking in her direction. Frank and Alice stopped in front of the chair that Harry and Bella were occupying. Both were silent. This silence was not hostile, rather uncomfortable. Finally, the man spoke.

- Madam Lestrange, my wife and I are aware of the fact that your fault in our madness. My mother told us so, referring to Mr Potter's words. But we'd like to know why you're accused of torturing us.

- I've been Bellatrix Black for six months. Sirius broke the prenup between me and my ex-spouse. And as for your question... As you know, prenuptial agreements have different clauses. In mine, there was a clause stating that when I became Lady Lestrange, I became my husband's property. It was his wish that made me a Death Eater. Because of him, I tortured and killed wizards and Muggles. When Voldemort died," the woman spat out her former master's name with hatred, "Rudolphus and Rabastan decided to bring him back, to revive him. They got word that you had an artefact that could help them. So they dragged me and Barty to your house. And when Barty was able to escape, I got my chance, too. And then. My mind wasn't right. I was myself, and then I became a crazy fanatic. Because of the mental influence on my mind, I screamed in court that I tortured you in the name of my master. But I didn't.

- Well, that makes more sense to us now. Will you be able to talk about this mental influence later? - Alice asked.

- Yes. But maybe we can switch to you now? - Miss Black asked in turn.

- Sure," Frank smiled.

* * * * *

 After the improvised feast was over, everyone settled down by the fireplace. The ladies drank wine, the men preferred stronger drinks. It was obvious to the Longbottoms that they were not very comfortable in a society that was mostly made up of former Eaters. But they tried not to show it. That was okay, they would still have time to learn everyone's history. Now it was time for everyone to find out how their healing had happened, and who had facilitated it.

- So, are you going to tell us how you were healed? - Sirius asked, looking at the reunited family with interest.

- What is there to tell us? - Alice smiled. - You'd better ask our saviour.

 The woman nodded at Severus. He smiled at her weakly.

- That's news," Lucius stretched out. - And why is it, my friend, that you didn't tell us anything?

- Because there was a good chance it wouldn't work. And anyway, it was Lady Walpurga's idea," Snape interjected.

- Maman?! - Sirius exclaimed in surprise. - What a schemer. Even from a painting she does her dark deeds.

- Easy, young man," Lady Black's mocking voice came from the portrait.

 She was sitting in the painted armchair with an extremely pleased look and was leisurely fanning herself.

- Hmm, perhaps you could explain yourself? - Regulus grinned at his mother's pleased look.

- There was nothing to explain. Mental influence, a skilful wizard and potions. That's all there is to it.

- But wait! - Neville exclaimed. - There was nothing the witch doctors could do at Mungo's.

- That's right. And they wouldn't have been able to. Because the potions needed for treatment are forbidden. Which, by the way, was so conveniently banned six months before the Longbottoms' accident. And guess who initiated that action," Walpurga smiled wryly.

- I don't think we need three tries," Draco hissed.

- One will be enough for you," Lady Black nodded.

- So Dumbledore was preparing Operation Lestrange, Longbottoms and Cruciatus long before it was realised," Harry said thoughtfully. - What was the potion?

- "Mind Awakening. It's personalised for each patient, as it's made from their blood. It does no harm to the healthy, only cures," Severus explained.

- I owe you a great deal, Professor," Neville said seriously. - You brought my parents back to me.

- You owe me nothing," Severus shook his head. - It's enough what you and your friends have already done for all of us.