
HP: Second Chance

Once enemies, now united by circumstance, four wizards face a critical decision. Having lost faith in those close to them, they embark on a perilous journey. Rewinding time, their lives become solely their own. Donning masks, a new game begins from this moment onward. Playing: HP/FD, DM/DG, NL/MB, RW/AG, BC Jr/BL. Support me at: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 26

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After Pansy Parkinson's tragic death during a test, Dumbledore declared mourning. The banners of the faculties were lowered and the main flag of Hogwarts was covered with a translucent, black cloth. Some of the students mourned the girl's death, some did not, but what had happened frightened everyone. They had never seen death before in their lives and this sight was not to their liking.

 The members of Team Phoenix were horrified at what had happened to their partner, they were only now realising exactly what they had been condemned to. Granger had been hysterical for a second day, realising that she might die too, and no soothing potions had helped her; Chang was in much the same state, only with the difference that she was roaring almost silently, not getting out of bed. Dean Thomas was walking gloomily and not talking to anyone, thinking intensely about something. Many students, looking at the behaviour of the Phoenixes, gradually came to the idea that the team would probably withdraw from the tournament. And indeed, things were heading that way.

 A commission arrived at Hogwarts to find violations in the organisation of the tournament. It included Rufus Scrimgeour as Head of the Aurorate, Amelia Bones, who was the Director of the Department of Offences, Lucius Malfoy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Sirius Black, a representative from the Council of Aristocrats and Howard Greengrass, an employee of the Department of Mysteries. All of them would now reside at Hogwarts and directly oversee the tournament. This was the order of the Minister of Magic. Some people at the school didn't like this development, and some liked it. The former included the Headmaster of Hogwarts and his deputy. Dumbledore's plans were spoilt by the appearance of such strong and powerful mages. Firstly, now he would not be able to influence Potter at all. Black would not allow it. The former prisoner had made it clear to the Headmaster that he would not allow his godson to be manipulated in any way. On top of that, Sirius has stated that Harry, having the status of lord, has become an adult and no one has any power over him. Secondly, Lucius Malfoy was a bastard. The white-haired aristocrat had already thrown him out of the Headmaster's office once. Not quite successfully, of course, but who knows how lucky he'll be next time if Malfoy tries again? After all, he had no trump cards now, in the form of the tame Boy Who Survived. Not only did the brat get off scot-free and get a title, but he'd also befriended the youngest offspring of the white-haired family. And on top of that, he's reconciled Neville and Ron with Draco. And thirdly, Albus felt that someone very strong had swept away all the pieces he had so lovingly placed on the chessboard over the years. Swept away and turned it into a game of cards, a game where more players than two were playing. And fourthly, Fudge had ceased to regard him, Albus Dumbledore, at all. And that's too bad. After all, the Minister of Magic is not the last wizard in the country. His word is still more important than the word of the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

 Minerva McGonagall, as well as her employer was not happy about the commission that arrived at the school. The woman had hoped that she would be able to deal with the friendship between Slytherins and Gryffindors that had so unexpectedly appeared before it became public knowledge. Well, the Deputy Headmistress didn't believe that her cute little lion cubs had independently decided to make peace with Snape's slippery snakes. Surely it must be some insidious plan by the silver-greens. They've trapped her students and want to do them harm. And Severus is being very suspicious, turning a blind eye to the fact that his students are no longer feuding with their ideological rivals. That's another plus in favour of her version. And now that Mordred's commission is in the school, it will not be possible to hide anything. Nor could they hide the fact that Potter-Evans had used his gift during the second part of the first assignment. Merlin, what a disgrace, a glorious, bright Gryffindor openly showing everyone that he did not shy away from his dark gift of Parseltongue. What a blow to the bright reputation of her department. And those damned journalists had spread the word about it all over the magical world. Especially this Isabella Runge, who came from nowhere. She was so diligent in describing Potter-Evans as an aristocrat with such a rare and once revered gift of being able to talk to snakes that it even overshadowed the short article about the death of one of the champions. And judging by her writing, everyone should be exalting this Potter-Evans talent. Though really, Parseltang is evil and such a gift is to be feared. A dark gift has no right to be praised!

 Well, of course, Minerva was angry that the members of the committee had no piety for the great and bright Albus Dumbledore. Moreover, they dared to argue with him and point out his alleged mistakes. Outrageous! One would think that the Headmaster of Hogwarts should have covered Miss Parkinson with himself and burned in dragon flames instead. The sheer audacity of blaming Albus for the death of a Slytherin girl was unheard of. And they've also sent a complaint to the Department for the Protection of Magical Creatures. You see, Bill Weasley had deliberately set off fireworks that scared the dragoness into a frenzy. The boy had no reason to do that! The stockpile of fireworks he had brought with him to use when his little brother passed the test had exploded on its own, apparently the merchandise was tainted. And the fact that they found some kind of timer in there is a lie. It was probably all Lucius Malfoy's idea, the slippery Slytherin just wants to bring the Weasleys down.

 Oh, poor Molly, how much she has to put up with from that arrogant aristocrat. First he insults her husband and mocks their financial situation. And now he wants to sue one of her eldest sons. He's a terrible man! And it seems he's also taken up with Ron. The boy's surname shouldn't have changed out of the blue. Besides, the late Lord Pruett banished Molly from the family, so there's no way Ron could be his heir. It was definitely all Lucius Malfoy's doing, only he could think of a way for the boy to become a Pruett. But why would he do that? Although, such a question is unnecessary. So, it was clear, to give the Weasley couple a jab at him for being better, smarter, richer, more successful, and so on. Well, nothing, she would write to Molly and Arthur with her thoughts on their son's change of surname and then they would quickly set the boy straight. She should also get in touch with Neville's grandmother, because he'd gone completely off the rails and let her talk to him. It would be nice to bring Potter back to his destined path, but there was no one to turn to. And Albus was no longer seen as an authority at all. And what else could one expect from him, when he'd made friends with the younger Malfoy. Malfoy, Malfoy... Malfoy everywhere. What a nuisance, their blonde hair sticking out everywhere!

 Harry, Neville, Ron, Draco, Draco, Fleur, Barty/Alastor, and Severus, though the latter two were careful to hide it. Also rejoicing were the Slytherins, hoping that the aristocrats would be able to thwart Dumbledore if he decided to break them up with the Gryffindors again. Unlike the scarlet-signalled Slytherins were well aware of their good fortune in having the hatchet buried between two centuries-old feuding faculties. Now they were not outcasts in the school, no one tried to curse them, beat them up, or frame them, though all of the latter was their prerogative. Gryffindors could be disliked by Salazar's followers, mocked for their ignorance and impulsiveness, hated for their narrow-mindedness, but.... They were not to be disregarded. The members of the Alo-Sign Faculty were, how should I put it... perhaps the conscience of the magical world. They always tried to punish the guilty, nobly forgive the wrongdoer, tell the truth, no matter how bitter it was. If you looked at it that way, the Slytherins were the brains and cunning of the world, and where would they go when there was no one to stop them? All in all, Gryffindors were a vital link in the magical world of England.

 Of course, there were those in that faculty who were considered its faults. But that was the exception rather than the rule. That there was a lousy sheep in the flock, however, should not be surprising. It has always been that way and it will be that way no matter what. It was the law of nature. The Slytherins realised that despite their skills, the purity of their blood, the length of their lineage, they were the lousy sheep in the herd of wizards of magical England. But now that they had befriended the Gryffindors - that was about to change. Protecting Godric's followers was expensive, that was why they were glad that the aristocrats had arrived at the castle, they would surely be able to stop Dumbledore from ruining everything again.

* * * * *

 Igor Karkaroff walked beside Snape, wondering what was so important the potionist wanted to talk about. Of course, thanks to their past, they both had plenty of topics to talk about, but neither of them tried to avoid them, so they didn't really talk to each other. Now, though, going to Severus's apartment, Igor regretted it. He'd noticed at the beginning of the summer that his mark had slowly come to life, and when he'd arrived at Hogwarts, it was almost the same, except that it wasn't pulsing and piercing his arm with the pain of the summons. There was no one to talk to about it, not Snape, who was already under Dumbledore's thumb. Though the Potions Master would certainly understand him.

 Snape and Karkaroff entered the Dean of Slytherin's private apartments. Igor didn't even have time to look round before he heard such a familiar voice. A voice that belonged to a man who was thought to be long dead. The voice of his friend, Barty Crouch Junior.

- Igor, would you like to change your life...?

* * * * *

 His head ached mercilessly, his mouth tasted as if a hundred cats had pooped in it, his body shook with a nasty, small tremor, as did his insides. Igor struggled to open his eyes and tried to focus on something. It didn't work. The second attempt was more successful and the man realised he was in his bedroom on board the ship. He struggled to stand up and suppressing the trembling in his knees, he walked to the mirror. His appearance left much to be desired. He looked like that, he could only scare the Infernals, and there was no guarantee that they wouldn't take you for one of their own. Karkarov scratched his cheek with a week-old stubble and sighed heavily. A half-empty bottle of Russian vodka caught his eye and he grimaced. The man hardly remembered where his magic wand was, and then pulling it out from under the bedside table, he performed the necessary spell with a steady hand. So, seven days ago he had learnt the shocking news and received the release he had long desired from the Dark Lord. For the past week, the Durmstrang Headmaster had been drinking heavily. Yeah, well, he could hardly be blamed for that. It wasn't every day that you found out that your worst enemy and master had killed you. Even if it was in another life. But was it? He wasn't the one going back in time, he wasn't the one trying to change anything. He was living the life he was meant to live. And if nothing was changed, it wouldn't be long before his life would be cut short in a terrible and painful way. For in the eyes of some, he was and would be a traitor. What was Barty's suggestion? Change his life? Well, he's in. And now he must clean himself up and finally give his new leader an answer.... And don't forget to thank your friend for giving him his memories and breaking the link with the late Dark Lord-to-be. The late one, that's for sure. God forbid anyone should have enemies like the four time travellers.