
HP: Partners?

Harry wakes up after the events at the DOM finding a semi-repentant Bellatrix LeStrange staring into his eyes. By:-ReluctantSidekick Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character. The rights belong to the respective owner.

ChaoticPlayer · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

chapter 11: : A Family Favor

"The will reading is tomorrow, do you want to go with me or would you prefer to stay here and study the book?" Bellatrix thought about it then looked down at the book, "I'll stay here after all...there has to be something in here we can use to fight this."

That night they didn't even bother being in separate rooms. They lay in the same bed, Bellatrix busily making notes in the book she'd taken from the Black library. Harry looked over to her, "Have you found anything?"

"A few things, nothing conclusive yet, but there are a few rituals I will investigate further while you're away. The most promising is also the least appealing unfortunately."

"What do you mean, what could be less appealing than being forced to obey Voldemorte?"

Bellatrix sighed and set down the book, "The most promising I've found is the 'Verus Amor' spell, roughly translated it means 'True Love'...it would create a bond between us similar to a phenomenon known as 'soul bonding'. We'd share our magical cores, we'd be a constant part of each others minds..we could be apart from each other, but we would need to be in each others presence at least weekly as far as I can tell...not too mention how the spell is cast.."

"How?" Harry sat up in the bed, Bellatrix had a look somewhere between hopeless and annoyed as she looked at the passage.

"Like every truly powerful spell, it is a mixture of intent and blood. The 'blood' in this case is a euphemism. We would have to lay together, at the moment of 'completion' if you will, we would each have to say the phrase 'Verus Amor Senex Vincula Erumpit', literally 'True Love Breaks Old Bonds'."

"Who thinks of a spell like this?" Harry shook his head, he felt Bellatrix draw up slightly away from him.

"I don't like it any more than you do, that's why I didn't want to suggest this ritual." Harry moved back closer to her.

"It's not like that Bellatrix, I mean, this kind of magic it forces two people together..."

"It was used in older times as a way to 'encourage' less compatible couples to be together, so it was most likely it was written by old men with either ignorant sons or less attractive daughters." Bellatrix shifted slightly in the bed, setting the book on the nightstand and turned back to face him fully. "This is a last resort. I promise if we have to do this, I'll find someway to make the Josephine glamour permanent. You won't have to look at an old woman in your bed every night..."

Harry surprised her, he kissed her. This wasn't like the other ones, it wasn't a soft, comforting kiss. This kiss, she noted, had some 'oomph' to it. When the kiss broke, he smiled softly.

"You aren't some 'old woman', you are in fact a very beautiful woman. If we have to do this, the glamour will remain a temporary necessity. You will not hide your face when we are together unless it's to keep us safe." He kissed her again, "Now, let's get some sleep."

The next morning found Harry back at Gringotts. When he first got there Professor Dumbledore had started towards him, but was shooed away by Griphook. The Goblin asked to speak with him after the reading to discuss his account. This was the public reading of Sirius Blacks will. Harry looked at the crowd, he recognized most of them. Professor Lupin is here, there's the Weasley's, I see Mrs. Malfoy, Hermione is sitting beside Ron..I wish I could sit with them, but Goldclaw told me to take my place in the Lords chair..I don't recognize the woman sitting with Tonks, that must be Andromeda...Professor Dumbledore didn't look pleased when Griphook spoke to him about my taking over the family vault.

When the will was read and the crowd began to disperse Harry went to Griphook, "Master Griphook, has there been any developments with my account? You said that you were looking at some new investment strategies."

"Lord Potter-Black, if you'll give me a half hours time I will have everything prepared for you, if you'd like you can wait here while I check my messages and see if there were any updates to the information I have ready for you now." Harry nodded and the Goblin began to walk away.

"Lord Potter-Black?" Harry turned, it was the woman he had correctly guessed was Andromeda Tonks. She looked very similar to her sisters. Harry shook her offered hand, "My daughter Nymphadora has spoken of you often, I guess we are family now.." She visibly stiffened as another walked up behind Harry.

"Lord Potter-Black, I wonder if you would escort me to the family vault to pick up my 'inheritance'?" It was Narcissa Malfoy, she was doing an admirable job of being polite, considering she was in front of the person who was now Lord Black, and her sons biggest rival.

Andromeda looked to her, "We're family now, so you'll come to a dinner at my home soon. Nymphadora told me about your girlfriend, so of course she is invited. I won't keep you any longer Lord Potter-Black."

"Harry please, as you just said we are family now Mrs. Tonks."

"In that case, it's Andromeda or Andi please. We'll talk again soon, Harry." She leaned down and hugged him, "Be careful, please," She said just loud enough that he heard it before leaving, not saying anything to her younger sister.

Harry turned back to Narcissa, "Well, I believe you wanted to go down to the vault Mrs. Malfoy?"

"Narcissa, please, as my 'dear sister' said, we are family now. While we are down in the vault there are one or two things I would like to discuss with you, nothing too serious. I just want to know the direction you will take the houses. After all, I was a Black first." She allowed Harry to lead her towards the entrance to the vaults. A nearby Goblin led them to the cart and a few dizzying moments later they were inside the vault.

Narcissa looked at the box of sketchbooks for a long time before finally picking one up. "I don't know how giving me something that was mine first counts as an inheritance, but it is interesting that he kept them. After..well my cousin and I were never the closest of family.." Her hands shook slightly as she flipped open the book, she'd been so young when she'd had this book. Her mother hadn't started planning to which family she would marry her off to. When she was introduced to Lucius it wasn't love at first sight, but she supposed they'd done well enough at first. Then Draco was born, she thought,we fulfilled our obligation, and he barely touched me again. Draco doesn't respect me, he's his father son. What can I lose from requesting the annulment?

Harry was occupied with the pile of parchment on a small table, "Mrs.-uh Narcissa? Could you look at these for me?" Narcissa walked over to the table and picked up the documents.

"These are documents proclaiming your place as the Lord of houses Potter and Black. Most of them are self fulfilled, but the ones where you denote which wife will be Lady Potter and which will be Lady Black must be filled out by you."

"What do you mean by that? I would have to have two wives?"

"Well only if you wished to keep both houses alive. Otherwise you would simply combine the houses and your wife would then be Lady Potter-Black. Surely, you were taught this.." Narcissa seemed confused, "I know you were raised by muggles, but surely they saw to your education regarding your fathers name."

Harry snorted at that, "The Dursleys, Narcissa, hated my father. They barely said anything about them for the majority of their lives."

"In that case you will need instruction, I would offer my services. If you will see your way clear to a small stipend, I will be glad to teach you what you need to know."

"How small?"

Narcissa smiled at that, Perhaps the young Lord isn't as foolish as my son believes.. "Since you are the head of my birth family, how about thirty galleons for each lesson?"

Harry thought for a moment, "Very well. I will send you an owl in a few days time and we can begin our lessons then, if that will work?"

Narcissa nodded deferentially, "That is acceptable Lord Potter-Black."

As they made preparations to leave the vault Harry picked up the papers, Bellatrix could probably tell me somethings about this as well, that way I know if Narcissa is less than honest with me.