
HP: Memoirs of The True Elemental

Harry's brother is the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry? He's much more than that-A badass Harry in a world that is larger and darker, with Love, Dangerous Mythyoligies and Ancient Magic,he has his hands full. P.S - This is a Harem, and while the romantic partners will be quite obvious, it will be developed, the characters will grow, fight and show why they're in love, no magical harem or a million girls, 3 is the maximum I can write while trying to portray a meaningful relationship/

shadeumbris99_ · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Wrist ligament tear

Hey everyone sadly this is not a chapter but just letting you guys know I have not abandoned this, I stretched a ligament in my wrist, luckily it didn't tear and I can resume typing next week.

Also a belated happy new year everyone, let this year be the one for all of us :)