
HP: Magic Punk

[Congratulations. you just died !!!] He was just a normal teenager. Trying to make something out of his life. But everything changed when Truck Kun met him. Now there are new magical worlds to explore and a mentor who will teach him. But there is more, much more hiding in the darkness. Let's explore the Wizarding World for fun, shall we? ******************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Kamidemond ********************************* I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 20 chapters there. DISCORD Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4 *The Cover is not mine, tell me if you want me to remove it, just don't sue me!!!

kamidemond · Book&Literature
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225 Chs

Chapter 107 : Cure (Bonus Chapter)

In the cosy interior of Newt Scamander's residence, Orion found himself face to face with the legendary Magizoologist. The air was thick with the aroma of magical creatures, and shelves lined with peculiar vials and enchanted artefacts surrounded them.

"Hmm Hello, I am Orion D Ambrosius," Orion said with a little hesitation. Although he came this far he had no idea how to convince Newt on this matter.

"Woh, you are the kid Albus told me" Newt though immediately remembered this name. Orion was dumbfounded at how Newt knew and shut his mouth.

Newt, with a twinkle in his eyes, welcomed Orion and listened attentively as he explained the purpose of his visit. At first, he had no idea why he was here but ultimately he understood and nodded his head.

Orion spoke of a dire need – the requirement of the blood of a Qilin, a creature known for its purity and sacred nature. He shared the urgency of the quest, emphasizing that the blood was essential to save the life of a young witch.

New indeed had a Qilin but he didn't want to give away the blood. That is the last of its kind, if possible he doesn't want to put the creature at risk. 

Newt, ever the compassionate advocate for magical creatures, furrowed his brow. "A Qilin's blood is a rare and precious substance, young wizard. It is not something to be taken lightly. May I inquire about the circumstances that led to this desperate need?" Newt asked exactly why Orion needed it.

Although Orion did explain before he was not thorough with it.

[Calm down and explain in detail.] Merlin said with a little sigh.

Orion, his gaze sincere and determined, explained the delicate situation. A little witch girl, facing a blood curse, required the extraordinary properties of the Qilin's blood for a potential cure. The gravity of the situation hung in the air as Orion conveyed the urgency of his quest.

Newt, known for his deep empathy and understanding of magical creatures, considered the request carefully. The life of a young witch hung in the balance, and his commitment to preserving a magical life guided his decision.

"I understand the stakes involved," Newt finally spoke, a sense of resolve in his voice. "The Qilin is a creature of great purity, and extracting its blood is a delicate process. I will assist you, Orion, but if only the Qilin desire to give the blood itself." Newt said.

Orion nodded. Some magical creatures are sentient. Like a unicorn he met before.

Newt Scamander, with a knowing smile, led Orion through a hidden entrance within his residence, revealing a breathtaking sanctuary concealed from the prying eyes of the Muggle world. As they stepped into the enchanted space, Orion's eyes widened in sheer amazement.

Even Merlin was surprised at the wide variety of animals that were there.

Before him sprawled a vast and vibrant sanctuary, a haven for thousands of magical creatures from all corners of the wizarding world. Exotic plants, sparkling waterfalls, and ethereal glow filled the air as creatures of every size and colour roamed freely. The air buzzed with the enchanting melodies of unseen magical beings.

Newt gestured expansively, "Welcome to my humble sanctuary, where magical creatures find refuge and coexist harmoniously." Orion stood agape, a mixture of awe and disbelief coursing through him as he observed creatures he had only read about in fantastical tales.

A majestic Occamy glided gracefully overhead, its serpentine body sparkling with iridescent hues. Bowtruckles danced among the branches, and a majestic Thunderbird emitted crackles of magical energy and strangly kept on hovering around both Newt and Orion. Orion marvelled at the whimsical Nifflers, mischievously burrowing into mounds of shiny treasures.

Newt, keenly attuned to the magical beings around him, shared tidbits of information about each creature. As they walked through the sanctuary, Orion felt a profound connection to the magical world, realizing that Newt's dedication to preserving and understanding these creatures was truly awe-inspiring.

Newt paused beside a serene Hippogriff, inviting Orion to stroke its feathers. "Magical creatures are not just wonders to behold, but crucial elements of our magical ecosystem," Newt explained. "Respect and understanding are paramount in ensuring their well-being."

Orion smiled at this if only he had a camera to record this.

But soon he was in front of a Qilin, an animal whose blood he needed right now.

"It surprisingly looks like a Doe," Orion said.

"Yes, I have heard that a lot," Newt smiled and said.

And there was not just one Qilin but rather 3. One big one and 2 small.

"So how do we know that they agree to give me some blood," he asked as he was already getting out of time.

Newt was about to go to the Qilin to bring it forward but to his surprise, all three of them came forth by themself.

Merlin narrowed his eyes a little. 

Walking in front of Orion, they look at him with attention. 

"Yo," Orion seeing both Newt and Merlin abandoning him and staying completely silent, in conrfusion just gave a Kakashi-style introduction.

He saw even the Qilin looking confused and cursed inwardly.

He was about to say something more but before that, all three of them bent their front knees and lowered their heads.

Orion again blinks in confusion.

'Man I should have read Newt's book in my free time,' He thought to himself.

'Hey, what is the meaning of this, did I do something wrong, are they asking for food or something,' Orion asked to Merlin in his mind.

Merlin at this just shooked his head and looked at Newt.

Newt too was wide eyes, and there was a gleam on his face. 



Having successfully obtained the precious Qilin blood under the guidance of Newt, Orion found himself faced with the delicate task of crafting a potion to save the young witch girl. Recognizing the importance of precision, Orion sought Newt's assistance in providing a secluded space for the potion-making endeavour.

Newt, ever accommodating and understanding, guided Orion to a quiet chamber within his magical creature sanctuary. Surrounded by the gentle presence of magical beings, Orion set up an improvised potion-making station, the vials of Qilin blood resting on an intricately carved wooden table.

As the flickering candlelight cast a warm glow, Orion delved into the intricate art of potion-making. The air was thick with the scent of magical ingredients as he meticulously measured and combined elements. The silent hum of magical creatures echoed in the background, their presence seemingly lending an otherworldly aura to the potion-making process.

In the midst of this enchanting atmosphere, Orion felt a subtle but unmistakable presence. Merlin, drawn by the significance of the moment, materialized beside him. The ancient wizard offered guidance, his wisdom interweaving with Orion's knowledge of potion-making.

Together, Orion and Merlin worked harmoniously, their magical energies converging to infuse the potion with a potency that surpassed ordinary magical remedies. The Qilin blood, a rare and sacred substance, blended seamlessly with the carefully selected herbs and catalysts.

As the potion simmered and transformed, Newt observed with quiet reverence. The air seemed charged with palpable magic, and even the creatures in the sanctuary appeared to sense the significance of the endeavour.

But it was not that easy, this was a very hard potion to make and it took a very long time before Orion could complete it, even the preparation for th potion took an hour depending on how many things were needed in it.

But finally, the potion took on a luminescent quality, its healing properties emanating a soothing glow. Orion carefully bottled the concoction, a symbol of hope and restoration for the young witch girl.

Newt has to say that he was impressed by Orion's potion-making skills. He was never good at potions but he has no doubt that Orion is already a potion master at this age.

By the time Orion was done, he found that it was already Christmas morning in the USA.

Meaning he was late and could not visit Daphne's place today.

"Ah well, I did my best anyway," Orion mutters to himself and sighs.

"RED" Orion called and immediately with RED Flames his friend was there.

Newt from the side was taken back, he knew hawks quite well and this was not fawk. He could say. 

He never knew that Orion had a phoenix from Dumbledore before.

He wanted to go there and admire the creature but before that Orion handed over the potion to RED.

"You know what to do, right," Orion said while he had dark circles under his eyes.

It took him 5 hours to make the potion considering that he had not slept for the last 27 hours. 

Red took the potion and the letter and with a shriek, was gone with flames.

"Well I might not be there at Christmas but I did send a gift so I guess it counts," Orion said with a smile.

He was about to go and get some sleep but then suddenly he stopped at his place.

All this time, he was extremely focused on one task that he didn't even think about it but only now did he realize.

"Hey, you told me that I have to sacrifice the majority of my magic to make that potion. Did we make a mistake," Orion almost shouted in horror that he made a mistake.

[Huh] Merlin too was sleepy and didn't register Orion's words at the first time but then suddenly he woke up.

[Oh yes, about that. No, we didn't make any mistake.] Merlin replied.

"But my magic, it's still....." Orion was about to say more but at this time Merlin interrupted him.

[Well that was a joke] Merlin said while picking on his ears.



[I just wanted to see if you still help the girl if given this choice. Consider it a test and you pass] Merlin said with a nonchalant attitude. Leaving Orion wordless.

"What the ******* are you insane, what kind of ....." 


There is no way I am making him weak again. Not happening.

From here, there is just going up.

"I need Stones. I don't know how you give me, steal it from your neighbour's garden if you have to but give me stones.

Hit me

Here is the goal for this Week.

500+ Stones for 1 bonus chapter

750+ Stones for 2 bonus chapter

1000+ Stones for 3 bonus chapters

"Thank you Very Much for All Your Support"


If you want to read up to 20+ Chapters in advance, check my Patre on
