
HP: Magic Beasts and how to tame them

Cancer is shit. So after Nicholas died, R.O.B. send him in the magical world of Harry Potter to live a new life. A few request later, he is on his way. To tame all magical beasts. Or that's what he would, if the plot wouldn't come in his way. _____________________________________________________ As you have seen in the title and synopsis, this is a HarryPotter fanfiction. I made a mistake when choosing the genre, because it was my first time and the Support couldn't help. The universe belongs to J.K.Rowling.

1st_Planewalker · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Prologue: New choices


One of the most terrifying things that can happen to a person.

And the most loved choice of an author to kill of a character for reincarnation after Truck-kun.

But one shouldn't joke about death, because it's to short to laugh.

To introduce myself: I am Nicholas, 15 years old and dying from leukemia (bloodcancer).

I can't say I lived a good life because the only place I knew was the hospital.

My hobbies were watching animal dokus, even though I haven't seen an animal in real life if you don't count the birds that fly by. And you don't need to ask, because I also don't know why I love them.

The other thing I liked to do was reading novels about magic.

So when a faceless person appeared before me after I died, I found it funny that he/it introduced himself as R.O.B which is better known as "Random Omniscient Being".

"So did I come here because of the terrible life I had or because you were bored?"

"That is a good question but I choose to keep the answer to myself."

So its the second, I concluded.

"What are the rules?"

"Of what?"

"My reincarnation!"

"And why do you think I would reincarnate you?"

"Because otherwise I wouldn't be here?!"

"Well your thinking is right this time, so let me explain. Your reborn in Harry Potter.

You ask a request and I think if it's reasonable. After that I throw you in. Questions?"

"A few, to be honest."


"First of all I would like to know which timeline I am reborn in and what the request can be about and how many I can pick?"

"Timeline should be around plot, but you can be a few years younger or older if you want. The request can be anything from magical ability, background, old memories or otherworldly magic systems. The number is not fixed, it's more how unreasonable your request are and I say how many would be ok."

"Thanks. Let me think a moment."


"Alright I think I'm ready. First I would like my old memories to be transfered. Then I would like to be reincarnated in a loving family, preferably half-blood and two or three years older than Harry. My body should be more resistant to illness and if possible I would like to use the Taming and Space magic from Ryoma Takebayashi. "

"I understand why you choose taming magic, but why space?"

"To put my stuff in Inventory and my tamed beasts in Dimensional Home."

"Ok I think that works, but I will reduce your space magic to those two abilities, so you don't teleport and warp away from your enemies. It should be a challenge after all."

"So it was really for your entertainment. But thanks, I guess."

"Now on your way."


Hey there readers,

I am a new author, so good criticism and a few nice words would be appreciated,

because English ain't my first language.

Hope you have fun reading this.