

[GACHA ROLLING... CONGRATS ON WINNING: GODHOOD] The above never happens lol. --This is a AU and a crossover-- --Don't own any characters or shit like that--

cheelzy · Movies
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14 Chs


'Dear Mr Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...


Reading through the letter harry looks up at chimpy and asks with a deadpan look. "So... how am i going to get everything on this list?"

He honestly hadnt thought of how he would get stuff, like yes this castle will have most of the school supplies but... some shit would be updated and changed and he wont go to school with books that might have outdated information... but knowing wizards they probably havent made a discovery in ages so dunno.

Hearing his masters question Chimpy dutifully answers happily. "master can take the fireplace in the guard shack near the castles entrance."

the fireplace is in the guard shack? no never mind i should worry about something more pressing, looking down at his body Harry sees that while he has the body of Chad... its still a 11 year old body so no way was he going to walk around alone without supervision... unless wizards have different norms, deciding to just ask Chimpy, Harry starts.

"Can i walk around diagon alley like i am now? with a adult?"

Chimpy hearing this was confused because he never went through this issue but he did have a guess. "Master the aurors dont really care about people shopping they mostly stay close to the entrance for knocktorn alley but the people who do care are the shopkeepers, they wont sell certain items you need for school unless a adult or teacher is there."

well there Harry has it, hes going to need a adult... wait wasnt he supposed to be able to get summons from his gacha? he still had 5 gacha tickets to roll... hopefully his protagonist luck pulls through with his gachas.

deciding to continue on his way to his room harry walks away but not before calling out to chimpy... and still feeling awkward saying his name. "hmm thanks... Chimpy im gonna go to my room call me when lunch is ready."

continuing on his way till he gets to his room he enters and calls out to his system.

"system roll my 5 gachas."


(kink handcuffs- IT): indestructible handcuffs that when worn by the opposite sex will depower them and enhance masochism.

(RT600 android- IT):As the first personal assistant built by CyberLife, she is designed to help humans with everyday tasks such as doing housework and making appointments. She is also the first android to pass the Turing test. By publicly passing face-to-face tests in 2022, Chloe ensured CyberLife's success... she also comes equiped with... human like body parts if you know what I mean... :p

(Wendy Blerble corduroy - SU): a very beautiful tomboy who'll know how to handle herself in a apocalypse... not by choice though, sadly she won't let you tap unless your of age so sucks ass man.

(30 pig balls) A pig ball is an explosive that when activated will release white powder to anything near it turning them into small cute piglets. Transformation cannot be reversed until it runs it's course- 4 hours.

(Potion of chad): gain a body of a chad, comes with: chad physique, chad charm, chad grace, and the ever present chad stamina.]

Harry seeing this couldn't help but curse the system, first of all those andriods have chances of becoming sentient and killing him and wendy? What do you mean I have to wait to tap her?! I never asked!

Looking closer harry notices the IT and SU words that weren't there before, deciding to ask his system harry starts talking with a hint of annoyance towards the gacha descriptions.

"System what's the IT and SU mean?"


Hearing the answer harry was still confused because... what makes a summon since the andriods classified as a item when he'd think it would be a summon... like he remembers fanfics of protagonists summoning robots... SUMMONING.

"Wait then why is the andriod a item instead of a summon?" Harry asks confusedly.

[summons are self aware so for example if the RT600 ANDROID gains awareness it's classification will be changed from item to summon.]

"Thats... okay whatever im not gonna think on that." Harry says while rolling his eyes

pressing the chad potions icon Harry gets a beautiful potion bottle with light grey liquid on his hand.

harry deciding to be a little cautious speaks out. "hm... system how will this potion work?"

[MISSION: become become a giga Chad.

DESCRIPTION: while your chad potion will make you a chad you should always strive for the best... WHICH IS BEING THE GIGA CHAD!!


"wait what? missions... OH MISSIONS." Harry completely forgetting his system even HAD missions was surprised it appeared NOW.

"okay so the mission has some information... the potion will give me a chad body with a chance of becoming a giga chad... hmm doesnt say what it does... whatever the best way to figure shit out is with action." harry opeing up the potion swings it into his mouth.

"HURRAH." feeling a burst of energy enter his system harry yells out but within minutes of his hurrah a wave of extreme pain enters his body.


harry screaming in pain falls to the floor twitching and spasming.

fuck fuck fuck it hurts, Harry thinks as the pain continues in almost rhythmic pulses, forcing his body to stand up he heads outside enduring the growing pain.

"CHIMPY!" Harry calling out for help he screams out.


"Master ca- MASTER WHAT HAPPENED?!" Chimpy screams in shock at seeing his master in deep pain, grabbing him she apparates to the potter emergency room.


"LUMPY MASTER BE IN PAIN!" Chimpy screams while putting Harry on a bed.

Lumpy hearing this quickly gives Harry some pain relieving potions but seeing that they seemed to be doing nothing turns to ask chimpy.

"Do you know what caused this?"

Chimpy obviously didn't know so he couldnt answer. "master called me and i found him like that."

Lumpy hearing that couldn't help a sigh from coming out. "The potions arent working so whatevers happening ill need to use a light scanning spell, hopefully master wakes up to allow me to use a full powered one."

lumpy after telling chimpy that she starts using the spell but after finding that Harry seemed fully healthy... even healthier then his last scan... so all she could do was wait.


[showing status:

NAME: harry j. potter - SKILLS:(ACCIDENTAL MAGIC)(cosmetic - freeze walk)(elemental control) - GACHA TOKENS: 0 - BLOODLINE: (EXPERIMENT 8 BODY) INVENTORY:(hydro silk robot - IT)(Aframax oil tanker - IT)(Discord mod fedora - IT)(kink handcuffs- IT)(RT600 android- IT)((30 pig balls)(Potion of chad) - SUMMONS: (Wendy Blerble corduroy - SU)