

[GACHA ROLLING... CONGRATS ON WINNING: GODHOOD] The above never happens lol. --This is a AU and a crossover-- --Don't own any characters or shit like that--

cheelzy · Movies
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14 Chs

CH 12 version 4

no actually come stand at my side im going to summon someone." he commands and after she gets next to him, he presses the icon for wendy.


As the light goes down wendy is shown in her full glory, looking extremely different from her canon form... For one there's no way twig Wendy became this... Mature in the future.

Harry turns to look at her face as she starts talking.

"Woah... Twice now that I've been teleported... And another dimension at that." Wendy mumbles as she takes a bit to absorb the new information she received.

After a bit she looks up at Harry and starts speaking in a calm voice. "So... Im inside a world full of racist wizards... Could be better but thats life for you." she shrugs as if this was just another day.

Harry hearing that asks his system what information his summons get and what he got was that they'll get all the basic knowledge a normal adult will have.

Standing up from my chair closely followed by Chloe he look at her closely and thankfully she does look like a adult.

"So... Youve been teleported before?" Harry asks hearing that and knowing gravity falls he'd believe her.

"You have no idea, One time i was fucking this cute blonde chick and some dickwad randomly swapped places with me during his families dinner giving them... a eyefull." She says chuckling at remembering the families faces.

Seeing as she was starting to reminisce Harry starts talking before she could enter memory lane. 

"....ok, anyways im in need of a public parental figure would you Wendy Blerble Corduroy like to take that roll." Harry not knowing where the words came from asks her as his hands glow very faintly.

"Wait do i to do any work... Because ill do it but ill do it unhappily." Wendy States with deep conviction.

Harry seeing her like that gets reminded of her canon self that would drop everything to soos whenever Stan wasnt watching.

"Nah its a simple job just look pretty and say you adopted me from a abusive home." Harrys says adding in the abusive part to throw shade at Dumbledore placing him there.

"Hmm? You dont look like a a abuse victim." She notes as she finally notices Harrys body and even though he was A child he looked to be the peak of what a kid could be. "You look to be anything but a abuse victim..." She mumbles as she checks him out.

"Wizard magic." Harry says giving no other information.

Hearing that wendy also drops the issue but not before looking at his body one more time. "Yea ill take your offer, i get to laze around and do nothing? Count me in." She says happily taking his hand getting a small shock but thinking it was just her body ignored it.

"Good all we need is to get you and Chloe robes to not stand out and get there before they close." Harry says happy he had a shield from any would be busybodies.


"MASTER YOUR SANDWICH IS READY." Lumpy yells out giving Harry a... Very pretty sandwich... No wonder it took this long... Before she could pop away Harry motions her to stay.

"Lumpy can you get some wizarding robes for these lovely ladies." Harry says motioning towards Wendy and the ever silent Chloe.

Chloe hearing this looks down at her standard cyberlife clothes in confusion as she had perfectly fine clothes.

"If master Harry wishes i shall wear the crimes against humanity." She says as while she was a robot she still got loaded with basic information of the world and the clothes were... Not to cyberlife standards.

Lumpy disappearing and coming back she appears with 2 robes that looked horrible but Harry could imagine a wizard wearing.

"These be robes master james bought for lady Lily... But she never used them... I don't know why..." Lumpy says confused why someone wouldnt wear the wizardings top fashion.

"... I can see why she didn't." Wendy mumbles starting to regret accepting the job even though she couldnt deny Harry's request.

Harry sitting down shows zero signs of leaving the room motions to the clothes. "You should hurry up i want to get all my school supplies before they close." Harry says calmly.

"... Great i get a perv boss." Wendy says while taking off her clothes with little care if harry saw her body and after putting the robes on turns to find chloe and harry looking straight at her.

"What?" She asks cautiously.

"Why aren't you wearing under wear?" Harry asks while happy to see her naked was very confused why she wasnt wearing underwear.

"Why should i be wearing them?" Wendy counter asks as if wearing underwear made them the weird ones.

"You know what i wont even dignify that with a response, Lumpy takes us to the fireplace." Harry deciding that if wendy want to show off her tits he wouldnt stop her.

Lumpy hearing this grabs everyones hands and with a *POP* apparates them into a small but comfy shack with a beautifully decorated fireplace.

"Does master know how to use a fireplace?" Lumpy asks for she didnt want to be the reason her master gets caught on fire.

"You throw some powder and yell out the location you want to go too right?" Harry says thinking of how canon harry used the fireplace.

"Yep, ill be going then if master needs anything call for chimpy... Hes mad that im doing his job..." Lumpy says reminding harry that chimpy was the one that's supposed to be helping harry not her as she leaves.

Watching Lumpy leave he turns back around grabbing some of the floo powder he turns towards Wendy and Chloe.

"So i dont know if a non living person can activate the fireplace so I'll be storing Chloe." Harry says getting a small nod from her. "Wendy the fireplace might be completely stupid but this is what wizards do all the time so suck it up." Harry says giving her the encouragement of the lifetime.


[showing status:

NAME: harry j. potter - SKILLS:(ACCIDENTAL MAGIC)(cosmetic - freeze walk)(elemental control) - GACHA TOKENS: 0 - BLOODLINE: (EXPERIMENT 8 BODY)(CHAD DNA) INVENTORY:(hydro silk robot - IT)(Aframax oil tanker - IT)(Discord mod fedora - IT)(kink handcuffs- IT)(RT600 android- IT)((30 pig balls)(Potion of chad) - SUMMONS: (Wendy Blerble corduroy - SU)

-- this is a question yall can skip if you want but it has to do with the future of this fanfic --

so i feel like rewriting this... even just making a new fanfic with the same premise and i wrote a small segment of what i would write if i redo all of this.



--this is a small part of what the new fanfic would be--


"Hello? Is anyone in there?!"(unknown)

Waking up from hearing some annoying bitch screaming near him, he opens his eyes causing a wave of memories to hit him.

"agh... God damnit... Im inside harry fucking potter." (Harry)

Standing from his sleeping area he goes to the door and opens it with a bang causing him to comes face to face with a bushy haired girl about to release another wave of knocking... again, but seeing that harry had opened the door she lowers her hand and looks at him angrily.

"Do you know that it's against the rules to lock doors in the hogwarts express?" (Hermione)

Harry looking at her gains a look of pure annoyance and grabs her shoulder, forcing her into a seat harry grabs both her shoulder making her keep eye contact.

"Look goody too shoes i could give two flying fucks about your rules but you coming here fucking waking me up really tick me off so now you have the privilege of being my body pillow."(Harry)

Before Hermione could even release a rebuttal harry gets on the seat and lays his head on her lap falling dead asleep.

"W-What...hey... Wait, Wake up..."(Hermione)

Hermione watching as a stranger uses her lap as if it was a pillow trys to move him off but fails causing the rest of the train ride to hogwarts to be one hell of a ride for her.

--inside Harry's mind--


"What? Wait i got a standard cheat! Oh and yeah i do want to roll my starter gachas."(Harry)

Harry reading the question rolls his eyes, like what type of question is that?! Of course id want to start my journey to OPness.