
HP: Living in a World with Magic

[Harry Potter Fanfiction] Devlin wakes up finding out he's a kid again. But there was a huge difference in this new childhood of his. Magic exists in this world! But unlike the novels he read in the past, he has no cheat system with him. Will his knowledge of his previous adult life give him an advantage he needs to take advantage? Devlin will have to find out as he tries to live in a world with magic. *********** Attention: This is a fanfic story based in the world of Harry Potter. All characters/related stories referenced from the book belongs to JK Rowling. Cover by adamrabalais on deviantart (But i modified) ***

Karue · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

A Wizard Way to Travel

September 1rd, 1990, the day Kate goes to Hogwarts. The Delwyn family all sit in their living room by the fireplace seemingly waiting for something.

"Are you sure we just wait here? We don't meet them in Diagon Alley?" Peter asks

"Nope, Molly wrote that Arthur will get us here. All we must do is light our fireplace. It's almost 7am, so it'll be soon darling." Ester responded to Peter.

Devlin looked at the clock mounted on the wall as the hand reaches 7am. A sudden sound comes from the fireplace. The family all turned their head towards that direction wondering what it was. The flame in the fireplace turned a bright green which shocked the family to move back. The fireplace grew then in width and height as high as 7 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Out of the flame came Arthur Weasley as he dusts off his suit.

"Morning! I'm here to pick you up." Arthur said cheerfully to the Delwyn family. The flame in the fire place shrank in size and returned to its normal color.

"Hello Arthur." Peter shook his hand. "That was amazing. So this is what you meant by needing my permission to come to my home." Peter remembered some paperwork sent by Owl asking for his signature from Arthur Weasley.

"Yes. Remember the paperwork I asked you to sign for the Floo Network? Once you sent that over, I got approval from the Ministry of Magic to open a connection to here." Arthur explained. "Now lets get to it! Let me explain to you how this works." He shows them a pot of green powder. "This here is what we call Floo Powder. It's a fast way to travel and also to communicate. We'll get to my house this way. First you take a pinch of this and throw it here." Arthur took a pinch of floo powder and threw it to the fire.

With a roar, the fire turned green and rose at the peek of the fireplace. "Now someone walk into the fire don't worry it won't hurt you." The Delwyn family all stare at each other and Peter decided to go first. Devlin stares curiously as he watches his father walk into the flame. "Keep your elbows tucked in, and don't panic. Now close your eyes and say 'Weasley Burrow Residence' very clearly. Once you feel a push, open your eyes, stay calm and once you see Molly, walk out of the grate."

Peter walked to the fire and looked at his family first. He then shut his eyes. "Weasley Burrow Residence." and vanished and the flame turned to normal size and color. Devlin and the family looked in shock.

"Is..he.....alright?" Ester asked. In the next moment, the fire turned green on its own but then a changed into the shape of a head that resembles Molly Weasley.

"Arthur, Peter made it just fine. A little dizzy but fine. You can bring the rest." The flaming Molly head spoke.

"Devlin, come now you next.." Ester gestured to Devlin. "I'll go last after making sure both of you are safe."

Arthur gestured the pot towards Devlin. "Go ahead and take a pinch." Devlin took a pinch and threw it into the fire. Once again, the fire turned green and roared as it grew in size.

Devlin closed his eyes and said "Weasley Burrow Residence!" He felt himself being sucked into what felt like a sink hole drain. He was spinning very fast as felt like he was riding a very wild rollercoaster. He opened his eyes struggling to see through the green flames. Through the flames he saw other streams of fireplaces and beyond them rooms. He then caught a glance of his father as he desperately stepped forward blindly. Just as he was felt like he was going to fall, his father caught him.

"Got you! Quite a ride eh?" Peter looking amused.

"That was pretty wild!" Devlin calming himself down. Devlin found himself in a rather cramped living room space with a simple couch and right next to the space was a simple wooden dining table as he finds Ron, Ginny and Percy at the table eating breakfast. Molly was on the other side throwing sausages in the frying pan.

"Hey Devlin over here." Ron said waving to him at the dinner table.

"Good morning Ron, Ginny, Percy." Devlin greeted the Weasley children. A loud roar came from the fireplace as Kate stumbles into the room getting caught by Peter.

"You'll get use to it eventually." Percy tells Devlin.

"Where are Fred and George?" Devlin asks seeing how it's pretty peaceful.

"They are out degnoming the garden outside." Ron pointed towards the window. In view, Devlin watched as he saw one fo the twins hurling a gnome from the ankles as it flew into the air and landed over the hedge. "Not very smart. It's dad's fault really. He thinks they're funny so he's really soft on them."

Ester finally made it through the fireplace and everyone enjoyed a breakfast together. After a small time, Weasley kids who are heading to Hogwarts rush to finish preparing their things. Arthur and Peter are outside discussing various things by the Ford Angelina. It seemed Arthur had a lot of questions and Peter looking at the old classic muggle vehicle.

"Okay everyone, now that everyone has experienced travel by floo powder, we will also go through there to ahead to Diagon Alley. From there, King's Cross Station isn't too far." Molly explained.

"Thank you so much Molly for your help. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be sure what to do. I mean I've read the directions, it's just hard to believe." Ester was holding onto a small packet that's called "The Muggles' Begginer's Guide to Hogwarts." She went and showed a page to Molly. "Like it says here to run into the wall in a section between platform nine and ten. I don't get it."

Devlin was happy that he was able to meet a wizarding family to show them the way. He can figure it out on his own based on what he knows of the wizarding world, but it's more convenient for his parents to figure it out on their own as well as make some connections.

"Oh its fine dear. Its a pleasure and also our kids seem to get along."

After a short time of socializing, the Weasley and Delwyn family gathered by fireplace. From there they each took turns using the floo powder heading to Diagon Alley. From there they headed towards Leaky Cauldron to the muggle world and then went to King's Cross Station.

"It's quite a roundabout way to get your kids to the school don't you think? From what I've read, wizards and witches can travel by broomstick or even use the floo powder for direct access to the the school?" Peter asked Arthur as the trail of two families walk busy morning of the train station.

"Ah yes, in the past it was like that. The parents were responsible to convey their children to school be it broomsticks, enchanted vehicles, or even apparition. After some accidents, students not making it on time, and muggle sightings, the Ministry of Magic wanted to change this. They decreed that students either rode by Hogwarts Express or did not attend school at all." Arthur explained.

"Every year this place packed with muggles! Come this way." Molly said. The families approached an archway separating platforms nine and ten. Molly looked over to the Delwyn family. "Okay, all you have to do is walk straight at this barrier between platforms nine and ten. Do not hesitate."

"Will this work even for us? We aren't wizards." Peter asked for himself and Ester.

"That is fine. The moment your child got accepted into Hogwarts, the spell doesn't affect you and will let you in. There is a growing number of muggle families that give born to wizards or witches. So you aren't the first family to experience this. Come now, Percy, show them the way."

Percy nodded and ran towards the barrier dividing the two platforms and as if was an illusion, Percy went through it and disappeared. Each of the Weasley family followed suit except for Molly.

"Okay Devlin and Peter, you two go together. Look for Arthur on the other side."

Peter grabbed onto Devlin's hand. There was a look of hesitation and excitement at the same time in his eyes. "Ready son?"

"Ready..." Devlin replies in excitement. The two then rushed over and Devlin was expecting to feel something. Instead, after losing his view for a second, he saw a scarlet steam engine with a sign on the front that reads "Hogwarts Express" waiting at the platform packed with kids and their parents pushing their trollies saying their goodbyes.

Devlin stared at the carriages already packed with students chatting about or sticking their heads out the window waving to their families. Kate, Ester and Molly approached from behind.

"This is amazing! It's like another station exists in another world." Ester said

Molly laughed. "You'll get used to it." The family found an empty space where they can talk. Molly looked at her kids. "Got everything you need?"

"We're good here mum, Percy might need something though." Fred smiled

"What is that?' Molly asked

"He forgot his stick up his...." George began saying

"Shut up George!!" Percy said

Molly scolded all of them. "Cut it out everyone!" She kissed Percy and the twins on the cheek. "You behave now! Send lots of owls."

"I wouldn't worry mum. Owl send some if I time." George joked

Fred laughed. "Ya mum, owl think about it too. We can get really busy." Fred says sarcastically

"Whoot knows. Maybe every day." George replied back

"Okay cut it out you two!" Molly says

Ester went to hug Kate. "Take care okay? Be safe and have a great time!"

"Yea Kate, send owls! Let me know what school is like! It's weird to say it out loud...send owls." Devlin said.

Kate hugged her family. "I'll be fine. Thanks a bunch! I'll see how again during the holidays. I'll send letters."

Fred showed up right behind them. "You mean, "Owl" be fine!" Fred smiled.

"FRED!" Molly pulled him away. Kate and the Weasle students completed their goodbyes and went ahead onto the train.

The train began to move. Devlin and his parents watched as the train starts to leave the platform. Ginny was waving at the train excitingly as it goes out into view.

"Next year, it'll be you as well." Peter said to Devlin.

"I can't wait. I'm looking forward to it." Devlin replied.

"Well, for now concentrate on this year what needs to be done. Your school and extracurricular activities still matter. Just because you might go to magic school next year doesn't mean you will be neglected other opportunities." Peter reminded Devlin

"I understand." Devlin thought of an idea. "Speaking of which Dad, can we pick up some books at Diagon Alley?" Devlin turned to the Weasley family. "Is it okay for my parents to buy some books about magic?" He wanted to get a headstart on something about magic.

"Should be okay." Arthur explains. "If it's about the basics, any bookstore will do. Including those that sell publicly in stores. Just take note, the books you got for Kate for school may not be the books required for school next year."

"Okay then. As long as it doesn't get in the way of your grades when school starts this year. I want to pick up a few things too." Peter ensures Devlin.

Devlin thought this might be a good opportunity since his sister is no longer here, he doesn't have anyone to practice with. But he could at least get a head start on the basics. There so much he could learn through experience rather than assuming based on what he knows from the novels and movies.