
HP: Incomprehensible

He had been reincarnated... as an obscurus!? Inside Harry Potter's body, no less. He's Harry Potter's obscurus, not Harry Potter himself. He'll manage, somehow. First thing first, He'd need to get his host out of the Dursley. Cover made by Revon Zev (This book's author). Also on Ao3, FFn, Scribble Hub, and Wattpad. Spanish translation by Nasu954 on Wattpad.

RevonZev · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

CH. 1 - An Obscurial

Disclaimer: I do not own The Wizarding World series. The Wizarding World series belongs to J. K. Rowling.

~ oOo ~

Everyone watched as the house on Privet Drive was flattened. There was debris everywhere and they didn't even know how. Was there an earthquake? There sure wasn't. The people from the Privet Drive only knows one thing before everything they know had gone to the ground – black fog.

It wasn't smog, definitely not. Smog won't cause such a disaster. Plus, it was in the countryside. No smog would ever reach them. Unless it was a forest fire or something, but with British ever rainy days? The last major one was in 1958, the Chinchaga Fire.

The event even got in the news. After an investigation, the result was that there was a massive gas reserve underneath Privet Drive. The owner of number five Privet Drive estate was boring a well, and one of the borers was an avid smoker. They hit the gas reserve and it started leaking. The gas got lit from the cig and the chain of fire going into the reserve made it explode.

That wasn't the real reason, though, the obliviators had erased and created a fake memory for every Privet Drive occupant's memory. The real reason was that a breach of the statute of secrecy had happened. The British Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes or DMAC had received a signal on their devices. The signal received was that there had been a breach involving a magical creature and an accidental use of magic by a child in a specific location in the muggle world. Whoever made the device needs to be fired, as they were vague and sometimes hair-wrenching when investigating. The second best they got just shows where a magical accident had happened in a one-kilometer radius.

They were, like any department in a corrupt system, underfunded. They would only care once an accident had reached international ears. Like right now. An obscurus. An obscurial had shown up in Britain. The upper management was in denial. "There is NO obscurial in Britain!" said the minister. The people who had seen it were not. There was an obscurial on the loose and they want to capture it. With more than half of the Ministry of Magic corrupt, that was no easy task.

After a month without any sighting of the obscurial, the case was suspended indefinitely on the Minister's order. A staff of DMAC had contacted Newt Scamander about the case, as he had experience handling obscurial. He wanted to help whoever was infected by the parasitic obscurus, but without a trail or sighting, Scamander can only sit in retirement.

~ oOo ~

During the investigation of DMAC, one Albus "Train of a name" Dumbledore had gone on a frantic search for Harry Potter. He had enlisted the entirety of The Order of The Phoenix. Most of the members blamed Dumbledore's negligence for the loss of their Savior. No one except Dumbledore and McGonagall knows where the Savior lives and every time someone asks where, Dumbledore answered, "Harry is in a safe place." Look where that had gotten him now.

Good thing Dumbledore had them under oaths, otherwise the Prophet would besmirch the Dumbledore's name down the muddy river. The members could only complain. McGonagall told Dumbledore in front of everyone, "I told you." and left with the floo back to Hogwarts after hearing the news from Dumbledore. Snape had drawled at Dumbledore's face, which reeks of incompetence, and left the same way as McGonagall.

McGonagall and Snape had met each other in Hogwarts and how to proceed. Snape would rather craft potions in his dungeon office than search for one Harry James Potter. McGonagall had, however, decided to search on her own, not relying on The Order of Phoenix.

Dumbledore asked Minister Fudge about the Privet Drive incident. Fudge had answered that it was a rouge You-Know-Who's follower and had been handled with. That wasn't the real reason, but the one Fudge accepted. He had even told The Prophet. If Dumbledore had asked the DMAC who had been at the site first, he would've known the correct answer.

At least he still has access to Potter's trust vault, that was good. That means Harry Potter was still alive. The question was, where. He had kept Harry's hair and blood for occasions like these. He had read a book on location spells and rituals and all of them need either magical signature, blood, or hair. Dumbledore located the book and did the location ritual.

The result was… blurry. He tried again with a different ritual. The same result. Again with a spell. Couldn't even locate Harry Potter. The first was supposed to find the exact location of Harry Potter, the second was the direction, and the third was to find if Harry Potter was anywhere in Britain. He was not. The best he got located Harry Potter somewhere in France. Harry's captor must've kept Harry there.

Dumbledore didn't have any support in France. Ask Fudge? No, no, no. He would want details. He didn't want word out that he had lost their Savior, which could crumble his reputation. Not only that, but he needs to stay as Chief Warlock to have a higher ground than the dark faction. He needed them down, and Harry Potter will be the one that does it.


This book's name was originally because I just want this book to be absolutely what I want on a whim, grammar, plot, and crossover be dammed; thus the title, Incomprehensible. Essentially, it's for getting back my writing interest… But somehow the title also fits an Obscurus, plus, now I want this to be a proper fanfic …somewhat. Found the idea from Ao3 Obscurial Harry Potter fics.