
HP: I am Aurelius Dumbledore

In the 1920s, a magical adventure marked the beginning of a remarkable era. The conflict between No-Majs and wizards is about to erupt. The dove took over the magpie's nest, becoming the sole survivor to reach adulthood in silence. A skilled summoner of the Obscurus, a brilliant wizard who disregards the dangers faced by the Obscurials. "I am the chosen one, the one and only!" "I am the embodiment of destiny!" "Because... " "I am divine!" **************TRANSLATION************** Original Chinese Title:- 美漫霍格沃茨:默然者的战争学院 ****************************************** If you want to Support me then, Check Out~~ p@treon.com/FicReader OR buymeacoffee.com/ficreader Uploading Daily 1 to 5 Chapters Just a Translator and a Reader

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"If you think about it carefully, you won't agree," said Aurelius, looking at her meaningfully.

Nagini was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, "I understand!"

"Tell me about it," Aurelius encouraged.

Nagini pursed her lips and said, "It's a group."


"Grindelwald's idea is to divide people into those who can cast spells and those who cannot," Nagini said excitedly. "Spellcasters are just wizards, and those who cannot cast spells are like Squibs and Muggles."

"In Grindelwald's view, spellcasters are nobler than those who cannot cast spells. This is the view of most wizards now, even the kind ones," Nagini's eyes shone. "Most wizards are indifferent. One-Fifty feels sorry and ignorant. Regardless, the only difference is whether someone can cast spells or not."

"You're right."

"Besides those who cannot cast spells, Grindelwald's proposition is no different from today's blood theory! Just like in a circus, the leader is at the highest position, followed by wizards and squibs. The status of Blood Curse people is unclear, but those squibs don't dare to provoke me and Jon too much because we have powers they don't..." Nagini relied on her limited cognitive analysis.

Aurelius snapped his fingers. "Bingo! That's it. Grindelwald is a typical power theorist. His classification still uses magical power as the only benchmark."

"As you said, spellcasters and non-spellcasters, but it can also be further subdivided," Aurelius waved his wand, and a line of magical characters appeared. "Genius wizards are at the top. They are few and far between and are worthy of being called geniuses. Most wizards are not geniuses."

"Except for a limited number of genius wizards, ordinary wizards also have different spell-casting abilities. What influences the level of wizards' spell-casting abilities?"

Aurelius guided Nagini to think, recognizing that she seriously lacked common sense knowledge, and judgment after her years of imprisonment. He was trying to train her.

Nagini thought hard and said with uncertainty, "Bloodline?"

"Not a bad point. Some rare bloodlines do make wizards very skilled in certain aspects. I know a natural legilimens," Aurelius casually wrote 'special bloodline wizards' at the back. "Anything else?"

Nagini shook her head, unable to think of anything else. To her, the prevalence of wizard blood theory was simply that blood might bring some special talents, and she didn't understand anything beyond that!"It's inheritance! The biggest difference between pure-blood wizards, mixed-blood wizards, and Muggle wizards in their families is that pure-blood wizards have been in the magical world for generations, and the magical knowledge accumulated by their ancestors is a huge treasure. Both parents are pure-blood wizards. This is twice the accumulation, half of what half-blood wizards have. As for Muggle wizards, it all depends on themselves. Look, the gap widens at the moment of birth."

"So in the current magical world, pure-blood wizards have a higher status than half-blood wizards, and half-blood wizards have a higher status than Muggle wizards?" Nagini understood somewhat.

The reason is not complicated. Pure-blood wizards are born with more family accumulation and can learn to use it. Therefore, pure-blood magic is generally powerful, occupies more resources, and wins a higher status and voice.

"Then, those so-called pure-blood nobles—do they have more resources than ordinary pure-blood wizards?"

"Of course." Aurelius wrote down 'pure-blood nobles', 'pure-blood wizards', 'mixed-blood wizards', and 'Muggle wizards' in turn. "Other than that, there are Blood Curse. All Blood Curse should be wizards, but some of them are like you, born with great flaws. Some are like me, caused by certain acquired factors, and some are like Jon because some magic experiments failed. Compared with wizards, Blood Curse can cast spells, but the flaws are too obvious."

Aurelius also wrote 'The Blood Curse'.

"Then there are Squibs. Do you understand the difference between Squibs and Muggles?"

Nagini wondered: "Aren't Squibs just Muggles living in the magical world?"

Aurelius shook his head: "No, although Squibs cannot cast spells like Muggles, they are two groups. The most obvious thing is that Muggle expulsion spells cannot affect Squibs. This means that Squibs cannot cast spells, but Squibs have some magic resistance... To sum up, Squibs have no spellcasting ability and have magic resistance, but they don't have any major flaws compared to aliens."

"In the end, it's the Muggles." Aurelius started writing, line by line in mid-air, along with his concluding remarks.

"Did you find it?"

"The theory of blood... is still based on the theory of strength." Nagini's eyes widened as if she had discovered something incredible.

Aurelius waved his hand casually, and the words in mid-air disappeared. "Grindelwald's claims are not inconsistent with the bloodline theory. In other words, in the eyes of wizards who insist on the bloodline theory, Grindelwald's claims will not infringe on them. On the contrary, provoking a war between wizards and Muggles and winning the war can greatly expand their interests. This is also an important reason why Grindelwald has so many followers. The clever Grindelwald deliberately blurred these ideas by only focusing on two general concepts: wizards and Muggles. He advocated for wizards to rule over Muggles, aiming to gain support from middle- and low-level wizards. However, he neglected to mention that even among wizards, there are different statuses. He did not provide a clear way to distinguish them. The concept of bloodline theory remains unchanged."

Aurelius spread his hands, indicating uncertainty about Grindelwald's message.

Grindelwald possesses a deep understanding of human nature, and the ideas he presents allow him to harness the power of other wizards to fulfill his desires. As a wizard, Grindelwald feels entitled to oppress Muggles, as he views them as adversaries.

Having foreseen a future conflict between Muggles and wizards, Grindelwald believes that taking action preemptively is preferable to waiting for Muggles to discover the existence of wizards and once again ignite a medieval witch-hunt fueled by their fear of magical beings.

To summarize his intentions in Two words: world domination.

Grindelwald aspires to become the ruler of the world.

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