
HP : Harry The Hero

Dark curses Don't play nice not even with each other . When nine year old Harry is bitten by a werewolf , the horcux fights back . The result could only happen to Harry potter . Canon - is for the first three years of Hogwarts.

KUROSAKI_Megumi · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Chapter- 17 : Confrontation


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Hermione Granger was a witch on a mission. She had been having the worst day of her life. And she hadn't been having a very good year so far either.

Adjusting to her new school had not been easy. She had been disappointed when rather than being impressed by her magical knowledge, many of the students and staff of Hogwarts reacted no better than her old school did. She honestly couldn't see why people reacted negatively to her efforts to achieve her full potential. If they wanted to waste their potential that was their issue, but why did they look down on her for trying to fulfil hers?

Today had been the worst. Her mother's letter that morning hinted at pulling her from Hogwarts to send her to her parents' alma mater of St. Agnes School for Ladies and Gentlemen. Her mother was still stunned by the revelation her daughter was a witch and was concerned about Hermione's future career without a university degree. Then after breakfast that senseless oaf Ronald Weasley was made her partner working on the Levitation Charm. Honestly, the boy must be more than a bit slow not being able to cast such a simple spell. He had no cause to snap at her for merely trying to assist him. But it was his comments after class was over that was the final breaking point.

It didn't help that the person Ronald Weasley was complaining about her to was Harry Potter. The Boy-Who-Lived seemed rather quiet but confident in himself. He didn't use his fame but still seemed quite popular. He appeared to do well in class but not to the point he attracted the professors' attention or gain many points. Professor Snape seemed to hate Harry Potter but since their second class had left the boy alone aside from a few verbal barbs. In fact he seemed to wince every time he so much as looked at Harry Potter. It was very odd.

Logically, she knew it was pointless to spend the whole day crying in the girls bathroom all day. She actually missed all of her classes! But that final rejection hurt too much. Several girls had come in during the day. The Patil sisters came in with her other roommate Lavender and another girl from Ravenclaw. They tried to get her to come to lunch but she just couldn't go.

Eventually, her stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten since breakfast. She was probably late for dinner but she was sure she could find something to eat. After washing her face one last time, Hermione opened the door to leave the bathroom.

And immediately wished she hadn't.

Stomping down the hall towards her was a huge humanoid creature she recognized from her books as an adult male mountain troll! What was that thing doing in Hogwarts?

Hermione heard someone scream. It was only when the troll fixed its eyes on her that she realized she was the one screaming. The hideous creature made a snarling noise before raising its club and charging forward.

The troll smashed through the door with a ferocious roar. Its club quickly turned the nearby stalls into so much kindling. It accidently smashed one of the toilets sending out a spray of water that hit it directly in the face. The enraged troll just started smashing everything in sight including two more of the toilets. Water was now spraying everywhere. The just made the creature angrier. Hermione huddled down against the wall in her drenched school robes praying the troll didn't notice her.

That was when the boys arrived. She couldn't see that huddled in her robe but she could hear them. Ron started yelling at the troll and then suddenly Harry was there pulling at her arm, telling her to get up; to run.

Hermione found her muscles wouldn't move. She could only stand there in shock watching Ronald Weasly jump about waving his arms and yelling. Was that boy trying to get smashed to a pulp?

Suddenly, Hermione found herself effortlessly lifted off the ground and thrown over Harry Potter's shoulder. The Boy-Who-Lived sprinted past the troll and out the door and into the hall. Harry quickly set her down and turned back towards the bathroom. Hermione could see the troll was now between him and the door. The idiot had distracted the troll but cut off his only escape!

"Damn it!" Harry growled. For a moment he looked undecided before muttering, "To hell with it." Before Hermione could ask, the famous boy had ripped of his school robe and shirt while kicking off his trainers and tossing his glasses aside. Hermione started to protest when Harry charged forward. And as he charged, he started to change.

It was no longer Harry Potter that re-entered the bathroom. He didn't look like one of the werewolves she had seen illustrated in her books. He was bigger and furrier for one and moved way too gracefully for another. Werewolves were feral creatures. Yet it was obvious that a human mind guided the creature as it (insanely) leapt onto the troll's back.

This was something outside her books. What was going on here?


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