
HP: First Light

{A Harry Potter Fanfic} Henry Pearce (SI-OC) wakes up one day and is transmigrated. He realises that he is in the world of Harry Potter. He starts using his magic to stay alive and not be controlled by anyone. Henry acts the way he thinks is right, but fate has different plans for him. I look forward to your comments, evaluations, suggestions, and support. I hope you enjoy reading. *** I write the novel in my native language and then translate it. If you find grammatical mistakes or parts of the novel that you don't understand, please comment and I will correct them. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my OCs. *** 20.02.2023 Hello, I decided to take a break from the story. Even though I know how to progress in the story, I have difficulty writing. I will not leave the story unfinished, but I plan to write another story for now and finalise the novel after completing it. Thank you for reading and for your support.

MCOverse · Movies
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51 Chs

Before starting the journey

With one week left before Henry go to Hogwarts, He had no trouble practicing magic with his wand. "With the effect of the oath. I took, our good harmony had increased to a higher level." thought Henry

"The priority should not be to improve my magic repertoire. I have to practise in a small number of functional spells until they become natural," said Henry, speaking to his wand, pleased with it.

He put his wand in its sleeve holster, walked to Diagon alley, moved to the back of the bar, and passed the wall. He walked towards Gringotts's, laughing in his mind at the sign on the door warning of thieves, 'The Potter world and its nonsense,' he was saying in his mind.

It's not that he cared to make the warrior goblin race bankers and make them work for mages, regardless of the history and politics behind it, considering the attitudes of goblins and mages. It was absurd that their relationship lasted so long.

He proceeded to the counter where he exchanged money with Minerva and said, "Hello sir, I want to exchange money"

The goblin looked down on him, thinking, 'I know they have different cultures and manners, but the benefits of relating to them are insufficient for the attention of those in this world.'

The goblin asked about the amount of change he wanted to make. He exchanged 10 thousand pounds; the ratio was 5:1 galleons. I had 2 thousand galleons.

"Sir, I am a muggle-born and as far as I learned, there is a species that survives by contacting wizards in the magic world called house-elves. How can I reach someone?" I said.

The goblin studied me from above for a while. He leaned over the counter and said, "Young wizard Gringotts has found the trained house-elves and you want to bond with them?"

The bell was ringing in my brain 'Bingo!' I nodded and acted a little timid.

I said, "Thanks, sir, it would be a house-elf without any prejudices." I was thinking about how many galleons you would want in my mind.

The goblin checked his notebook and said, "Training, maintenance, and other service fees cost 500 galleons, mage. Are you sure?" said.

In my mind, I was thinking, 'How ironic are you selling a breed for only £2500 that has nothing to do with fuckin' idiots?'

"Of course, sir, I am excited!" I said keep acting like a child. ahh give me 5 years and I sighed to get rid of this acting.

Then I met the house-elf named Axy and went home with him after the trade. Of course, I didn't forget to ask him to hide from the muggles on the way.

In my room, I was looking at Axy in front of me; the room was looking at me with curiosity and happiness.

"Axy, let's clear up a few things. I will be your lord. You are my servant, my orders will be carried out without question, and you will do the behaviour and education that I expect from you. Do you understand?

"Axy understands, my lord," he said.

"How old are you and what is the average lifespan of your species?" I said.

"Axy is 54 years old, my lord, and house-elves live up to 150-200 years," he said.

As far as I've learned from movies and forums, house-elves don't betray their masters. Although it's an anomaly like Dobby, it's probably due to open-ended orders given by Lucius Malfoy. House-elves are parasitic creatures loyal to their loving work. I was looking at Axy with my hand on my chin. He was looking at me with curiosity.

"Axy, what I have to say, you will not tell anyone what I will show you, and you will never convey to anyone by any means," I said, and then I sent the Harry Potter movies to your mind.

While Axy was in shock, I continued. "Soundproof this room and restrict visibility and entry until I tell you to," I said, waking up at my command and snapping his fingers.

"Axy I am not of this world and as I see the future is not very bright as your master you should do whatever I ask of you even if you don't like it I am not a hero and not a good person I just want to live as I want destiny brought us together and your species may be the only one I can trust in this world," I said

Then I lifted my wand and said, "I swear on my magic and my life that I, Henry Pearce Axy, and the house-elves I will be attached to from now on, will value and care for them as much as I if they keep my secrets and follow my orders." I said, and the tip of my staff gleamed.

Axy was shocked, most likely he had never heard or seen a wizard swear on him life and magic for any house-elves before.

"As you can see, I am sincere in my words, here is the list of what I want from you, examine them and follow them, and my first command to you is to fix your clothes and take care of your health and eating habits," I said

With tears of joy, Axy took the paper from my hand and read it.

[Instructions for my house-elves]

1- Hygiene, health, appearance, education, and speech will be checked in a daily routine.

2- House elves will work on mental security.

3- House elves will always be hidden from wizards, muggles, and magical creatures other than the lord.

4- Daily magic, concealment, killing (assassination), and servant training will be done.

5- The house-elves will be treated like a servant to the lord, except during the lord's resting times.

6- The most talented house-elf in assassination and being watched will always be with the Lord and protect him from other wizards and house-elves (the house-elf on duty should talk to the lord about the matter)

7- The servant house-elves chosen by the lord will report the status of house-elves daily.

Axy looked up from the list and said, "Axy will follow your orders, my lord." said Axy.

"As you can see, I plan to connect with more than one house-elf and commit acts against the morals of society. Destiny has connected us. You are my first friend and second comrade in this world. We will come through everything together," said Henry.

After talking a little more about the plans, Henry got information from Axy about the magic he can do and the rest of the house-elves.

After the house-elves's plan came true, all that was left was to get on the magical train of Hogwarts and enter the magical world fully.