
HP: A New Life

[A Harry Potter Fanfiction] Decades after the war Harry Potter has everything in life wealth, fame, power, etc but nothing to live for. Just when Harry thinks that he will lead a lonely existence for the rest of his life, he his approached by an old friend Death. Death offers Harry a chance to go back to live a life he was always meant to, but can he fix the past while Harry himself is a little broken. I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreon. Check it out if you want to support me. https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon

Lucifer101 · Book&Literature
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95 Chs

Chapter 72 Arianna

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



A few days later.

Dumbledore stands in his office as he looks at the resurrection stone just lying in his hand. It's been a few days since he got the stone from that stranger but still haven't used it. The stranger's warning is still fresh in his mind, every time he thinks about using the stone the stranger's words echo inside his head.

Albus took a deep breath before he finally used the stone. For a moment nothing happened but suddenly he could see his sister standing in front of him. She still looks the same, so radiant and beautiful. His eyes begin to water on their own as he finally sees his sister after so long.

"Arianna!" Albus sobs "I am sorry" he couldn't help but apologise as soon as he saw her.

Arianna came to him and tried to wipe his tears but even though Albus can see her he can't feel her. His tears flow even though he can see Arianna's hands trying to wipe them off his face.

This once again makes it clear to him that his sister is still dead even though she is standing in front of him.

"I am so sorry Ari!" Albus couldn't help but apologise once again but he knows that no amount of apologies can ever be enough for what he has done.

He was her big brother, he was supposed to protect her and look after her. But Albus was too lost in his own ambitions and was never there for his family when they need him the most. But worst than that instead of protecting his sister like he should have Albus caused her death.

"Albus stop! What happened to me was not your fault." Arianna yelled at him breaking him out of his endless cycle of guilt and despair.

Hearing his sister say those words Albus is stunned into silence. Even though some part of him desperately wants to believe those words but deep down he knows that is not the truth.

As if sensing his doubts Arianna spoke "Arrogance has always been your one weakness brother. The world doesn't revolve around you Albus, it never has. It is not your responsibility to save everyone else. Not everything is your fault no matter how much you believe otherwise."

"It doesn't matter who casted the spell that killed me. It never really mattered. While what happened to me was unfortunate it still doesn't change the fact that it was just an accident. I have watched you torment yourself for all this time but please Albus you need to stop." Arianna continued.

"Arianna, please tell me, I need to know!" Albus pleaded.

Arianna shook her head "no matter what I say it will only lead to pain and anguish. Albus, you know full well that some questions are better left unanswered. Please let brother let it go, if not for your sake then at least do it for me" She sobbed.

Seeing his sister cry even in her death made Albus feel like someone is twisting his still-beating heart. Even though he can feel the shame and guilt crushing him like a mountain he also got a painful clarity at that moment.

What Albus is doing is only causing Arianna pain and discomfort, so he nodded and accepted the fact that he will never know who killed his sister.

Seeing him finally accept Arianna smiled "Albus come on. We are meeting each other after so long, let's not talk out such needless things. We should be happy, not sad."

Albus wiped his tears and smiled at his sister before nodding "what do want to talk about Ari?"

"How about the fact that you are still alone at your age. When are you going to find someone and finally settle down?" She asked.

"I am afraid it is a bit too late for me, sister. I am no longer the handsome young man I used to be." Albus answered with a chuckle.

"Don't be ridiculous Albus you are still young. You just need to get rid of that Merlin damned beard and those bloody glasses. Under all of that you are still my handsome brother but don't tell Abe that"