
HP: A New Life

[A Harry Potter Fanfiction] Decades after the war Harry Potter has everything in life wealth, fame, power, etc but nothing to live for. Just when Harry thinks that he will lead a lonely existence for the rest of his life, he his approached by an old friend Death. Death offers Harry a chance to go back to live a life he was always meant to, but can he fix the past while Harry himself is a little broken. I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreon. Check it out if you want to support me. https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon

Lucifer101 · Book&Literature
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95 Chs

Chapter 32 Letters

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



1991 (Harry 11)

Leo apparated Harry back to Potter Manor after he was done working out at his muggle boxing gym. Since it is still early in the morning Harry took his time to get ready before heading down.

Due to the effects of enhancement rituals even though Harry is eleven he looks like a sixteen-year-old. After the rituals his body started developing faster the normal magical children. So to get used to his enhanced body and not accidentally hurt others Harry joined a boxing gym to get used to his rapidly growing body.

What better way to control his strength than hitting grown men with padded gloves. After cleaning himself up Harry made his way down to have breakfast.

As Harry reached there he only found his grandparents sitting at the table. His grandfather offered him a welcoming smile as he sat down while grandmother just gave a small nod.

At a glance, Charlus Potter seems like a happy easygoing wizard who loves to spoil his grandchildren and is a little too much into Quidditch. You can't see any indication of the world-class Battle Transfiguration master and the war hero hiding underneath the calm and fun exterior.

It is completely different from his grandmother Dorea Potter who exhibits grace and power through her every action. She commands respect everywhere she goes. Perhaps it's the fact that his grandfather is so lighthearted that make these two work well together.

"I still don't understand why you go to that ridiculous place every day, you can do far better things with your time than beating up some muggles" grandmother started as soon as he started eating.

Thankfully his grandfather stepped in "Harry doesn't beat up muggles he spars with them, the muggles came up with an entire sport of beating each other up, it's called boxing. James and I even went to a few matches it was very exciting. Did you even go there to see for yourself?"

"My grandson goes there every day so of course, I went to take a look. A bunch of sweaty muggles gathered in that small place, hitting things or each other over and over again. How barbaric! and that entire place smells worse than a ghoul's cave."

Grandmother replied with a snort.

Harry smiled at their antics "Grandmother you once told me about how you made a wizard puke his own guts out during the war. How is this more barbaric than that?"

"That was war dear. There is no place for civilized people in a war. Always remember that there is time and place for honour and propriety and a battle is never that place." His grandmother spoke with a sense of weight in her voice.

Harry could only nod at that, as if sensing the tense atmosphere at that moment a snowy white owl flew in and sat on harry's shoulder.

This is Hedwig, Harry performed a very powerful illusion charm on Hedwig with the help of the Elder wand. Due to this charm people who know that Hedwig is Phoenix will see her real phoenix form but to everyone else she would look like her old owl self. Only Voldemort and Dumbledore would be able to see past this illusion so Harry told her to stay out of sight of these two.

Harry took a few pieces of bacon and started feeding the phoenix on his shoulder, seeing this his grandmother shook her head.

"You are spoiling that useless owl" his grandmother sniped to which Hedwig responded with an angry cry and then with one of her wings shot a piece of bread at his grandmother's face.

Grandmother wandlessly stopped the piece of bread and it gently landed on her plate "See this feathered menace doesn't even have any manners. Let this one go I will get you a proper owl."

"Hedwig is the best partner anyone can ask for, grandmother. I don't need anyone else." Harry said while stroking Hedwig's head trying to placate both of them. Thankfully his parents walked in before these two could go on.

As soon his mother saw him she came to him and took his head in her hands, she started to look if he was injured anywhere. This has become a daily thing, she does this every time he returns from the gym now harry has got used to it. Only after she was satisfied that she moved to sit with his father.

Pretty soon the entire potter family is at the table, from the oldest 90 years olds to the youngest 6-year-old. As Harry was done eating three owls suddenly came flying in.

Two of the owls went to Rose and Charlie and one of them tried to come to Harry but Hedwig on his shoulder didn't allow the poor owl to get near him. She can very possessive especially when it comes to getting his mail.

Harry mentally told Hedwig to stop scaring the poor owl, seeing that Hedwig backed off the owl came and dropped his Hogwarts letter in front of him.

Seeing the letters the whole potter family got excited, as soon as Charlie got the letter in his hand, he got up and started running around the table, their crup sniffles also started running behind him. Rose on the other hand quickly opened the letter and started reading it with at most care and concentration.

Seeing this sight Harry couldn't help but smile, his parents were already making plans to get the school supplies from Diagon alley, his twin sisters were looking at the letters with a passion, no doubt just waiting for the moment when their letter comes after two years, little six-year-old Lily doesn't really understand what's going on but is happy seeing all of the excitement.