
HP: A New Life

[A Harry Potter Fanfiction] Decades after the war Harry Potter has everything in life wealth, fame, power, etc but nothing to live for. Just when Harry thinks that he will lead a lonely existence for the rest of his life, he his approached by an old friend Death. Death offers Harry a chance to go back to live a life he was always meant to, but can he fix the past while Harry himself is a little broken. I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreon. Check it out if you want to support me. https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon

Lucifer101 · Book&Literature
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95 Chs

Chapter 24 Elder

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



Harry should have predicted this. As soon as Harry got his holly wand back he should have known that the Elder wand would also come back. The Elder wand is very possessive of him, the wand was content to just sit in Headmaster's office as long as Harry didn't use any other wand but now the elder wand is on him and refuses to go back.

Usually the Elder wand is the most fickle wand you can find, it is as unfaithful as it is powerful. The wand will literally turn its back on you the moment you show the slightest sign of weakness, it might also change its allegiance even if you don't show any signs of weakness or defeat if it finds your opponent to be more powerful.

However, if the Elder wand finds you worthy of being its master then the situation completely changes, it becomes your most faithful companion, so much so that you can't get rid of it no matter what.

Keep in mind that it took powerful wizards like Grindelwald, Dumbledore and Voldemort to obtain even a limited form of allegiance from the Elder wand. So to say that the Elder wand has high standard is a gross understatement.

Wands are the most intricate and complex magical focus you can find, they are so complex that every wand develops sentience in a very limited sense of the word. It would be more accurate to say that wands live through their masters, while the wizards learn magic through their wands the wand learns from its wizard.

The Elder wand being a wand made by Death itself it is far beyond any ordinary wand. While Harry uses his holly wand their connection is so strong he feels like the wand is an extension of himself. That's why his holly wand rarely acts on its own and the times it does act by itself it is always to protect Harry.

The bond between Harry and his holly wand is so strong that in the hands of someone else it is little more than a stick, other than Harry no matter how much magic someone pours in this wand it won't even produce a spark.

The Elder wand on the other hand has a personality of its own, it is very proud so it always wants Harry to show off his magical powers or it throws temper tantrums. The Elder wand only tolerates Harry's use of the holly wand because his holly wand is an exceptionally powerful wand even amongst powerful wands.

Harry also has a very strong connection with the elder wand but the wand is also its own thing, it has its own expectations from harry and if he fails to meet those expectations that it causes all kinds of trouble for him.

Seeing that the Elder wand refuses to go back Harry left the wand alone for now and took out his holly wand. He held the holly wand in his right hand for a while getting used to the feeling of having his wand again, then suddenly with a swish of his wand the entire basilisk chamber is set on fire.

The flames covered the entire chamber but didn't burn anything, then Harry started waving his wand but instead of the standard wand movements, his movements were like a conductor guiding an orchestra.

The flames started to twist and turn along with his wand and pretty soon a seventy feet long basilisk made out of a blazing inferno stood in front of Harry. This is the difference a wand makes to a wizard's magic, while before he could only make and control a snake sized fire basilisk, with his wand harry can form an actual basilisk with his fire.

While Hedwig started flying along the fire basilisk taking a good look Harry felt the Elder wand sting him for ignoring it in favour of the holly wand. Harry sighed, this is why he didn't want to call the elder wand even though it would have been much easier than getting his holly wand.

Since the wand is here he might as well use it, "Hedwig take me to St Mungo's" Harry said as the fire basilisk disappeared with a puff of smoke.

Hedwig was little disappointed because the giant fire snake suddenly disappeared but still flashed him to the hospital. This time she didn't stay on his shoulder but flashed away to where ever she goes when she is not with Harry.

Harry made his way to the Janus Thickey ward under the disillusionment charm. Since it is so late into the night the only people inside the ward are the sleeping patients. Harry casts a few powerful concealment and privacy spells on the entrance to not be disturbed before he dropped his disillusionment charm.

Harry went to the longbottoms and with a wave of his wand gently woke them from sleep and sat them on their bed. Even awake the couple were no different than being asleep, both of them just sat there looking at him in a dazed state.

Even now after seven years Harry can still feel the bits of dark magic clinging to their bodies. He started hissing at the couple in parseltongue while waving his holly wand, slowly bits of a dark mist like substance is forcefully ripped from the couple's bodies until a snitch sized ball of dark mist forms in front of Harry.

This is all of the dark magic that was left in the longbottoms due to the curses performed on them that night. Harry was able to rip it out of them by using parselmagic, with the highest level of understanding of parseltongue a wizard can create perfect counter curses against any curse they come across, this is also one of the reasons why Voldemort was able to dive deeper into the depths dark arts than any other dark wizard.

A snake made of fire appeared on Harry's left hand before opening its maw and devouring the ball of dark magic in front of him. After eating the entire thing the snake gave a content hiss and disappeared with a wisp of smoke.

Now that their bodies are clear of any dark magic Harry can now focus on mending the minds of Neville's parents.