
HP - The Metamorphmagus

Siamese Twins. The Brother, a natural Clairvoyant and Occlumense with no magic. The sister, a natural Metamorphmagus and the one to contain magic. What occurs when these four qualities are in one body for two separate entities? Time will tell us first.

Daoistk8PSYl · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Onwards with the School Year!

The twins kept going through the days with no problem whatsoever, except when they made Snape stop taking shots at Harry in one class. They walked into class, and Snape started with an introduction, something about bottling fame, they really didn't pay attention. It wasn't until he continuously asked Harry questions that they cut in. "[Professor, Harry obviously doesn't know,] {and asking more questions like a twit won't help.}"

The entire Slytherin class on the other side of the room gasped. They held their breath as they watched Snape seemingly inflate with a rage. Snape was about to yell at the twins, only to see their eyes change to what he saw in the Headmaster's office. He instantly deflated and looked away, much to the surprise of the Slytherin class.

"Very well then," He continued, "For your information, a bezoar is found in the stomach of a goat, powdered asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful that it is called the 'Draught of Living Death', and Monkshood and wolfbane are the exact same plant and also goes by the name Aconite-." He drawled the last bit out.

He then paused and looked around at the class, before saying with more vigor, "Why aren't you taking notes?" After that the entire class started pulling out inkpots and quills and rolls of parchment, rushing to write down the words before they forgot them.

After they finished writing, he told them to pull out their cauldrons and he gave them some ingredients so they can start making a potion that cures boils. Everyone started to make the potion and much to the Gryffindor's ire, wouldn't stop scolding them for simple things. The twins were at the back and were constantly switching between adjusting their potion and watching and mentally insulting Snape. They were watching him until John noticed that Neville's cauldron was slowly boiling over.

John whispered to Axel and told him to go drop three porcupine quills into his cauldron. Snape, the supreme edgelord himself, noticed the bat fly around and dropped them in Neville's cauldron, much to both of their surprise as the mixture they finally noticed started to calm down. Neville and Snape followed the bat's direction as it landed on John's finger.

Neville waved at John, who looked and saw him mouth 'Thank You'. John just nodded his head in return. Snape, walked to the twins and attempted to smack John on the back of his head, only for John to coincidentally nod his head once more at the now silently panicking Neville. Neville froze and Snape paused, before he returned to walking. The rest of the class was somewhat peaceful, with Snape being less snide.

The last interesting class they had, was their first flight lessons with Madam Hooch. They were all brought out to the courtyard in front of the castle with old brooms lined up in two opposite rows. As if it was tradition, the Slytherins and Gryffindors stood in groups away from each other and the twins just shrugged their shoulders and stood in between the two of them, not picking sides.

Madam Hooch arrived, and looked at them, her hair was a stormy grey, with yellow eyes as hard as diamond and as yellow as topaz. Everyone stared at her, as she scrutinized them, her eyes lingering a little longer on the twins, before she barked out, "Well, what are you waiting for? Mother's invitation? Everyone next to a broom, hop to it!" Everyone scurried like roaches under a light to get to their brooms quickly, while the twins stayed in their places, not moving and looking at the brooms skeptically.

"Mr. Eumann, Mrs. Amaryllis, why aren't you next to a broom?" Madam Hooch asked, noticing how the twins did not move from their position. John looked at her, and just said calmly, "Madam, I'm more afraid of us breaking the brooms, as our weight might cause it to snap."

A few people nodded at that statement, thinking back to Hagrid and the boats at the beginning of the year. "{I'm still wondering on whether or not those three are going to be okay.}" Oriana added, pointing at the Malfoy trio. "{One looks like he will be taken to space while the other two are seemingly going to have their butts dragging across the ground.}"

A few Gryffindors couldn't withhold their laughter while Crabbe and Goyle looked at the rickety brooms with new eyes. Malfoy just turned red due to the cackling, while Madam Hooch's eyes slightly crinkled, trying not to show her laughter. "Either way, I'm going to need you to try."

"{And if we break the broom? How much would it cost?}" Oriana asked.

Madam Hooch paused, before contemplating. She then looked up and said, "20 Galleons, that's the price of the cheapest brooms still in production."

Oriana seemingly paused, and looked around, counting the brooms. She then pulled out the money bag from her bag, and said, "400 Galleons, 4 stacks." and the bag then produced the coins into four neat stacks on the grass. "My brother is more worried about someone getting hurt using these brooms to fly, so use this to replace the training brooms."

Everyone looked at the pile of gold coins in the grass with astonishment, even Malfoy, who usually had an annoying smirk on his face, lost his composure at the sheer willingness to just give the money away. Madam Hooch looked up from the pile with soft eyes, and John looked away, blushing slightly. "Thank you." The Madam said, and pulled the pile into her pockets, before firming up once more.

"Well then let's see you try, stick out your dominant hand over the broom, and say 'UP', with meaning!" John and Oriana easily got theirs up, while some of the others were having performance issues. Harry had his go into his hand easily, the Granger girl's only twitched, as if pouting at the annoyed voice. Neville's didn't move a twig.

After all of them had successfully managed to pick up their brooms, She showed them how to mount their brooms, and she then went down the rows to check that they were in the right posture. The twins could hear Ron and Harry giggle as Malfoy got scolded for having the hand posture wrong the entire time.

"Now then, I want you to kick off as hard as you can and hover for a few seconds before coming down by leaning forward. Mr. Eumann, Mrs. Amaryllis, if you will do so first." she said nodding toward the twins, who were connected by a bloom on their backs.

John and Oriana kicked as hard as they can, going a full foot or two in the air, before coming back down with two respective cracks as the pieces fell to the ground next to them. The first years, who had all seen the boat break underneath them weren't all that surprised. Madam Hooch on the other hand, looked shocked at the fact that a broom just snapped underneath them.

"How?" She breathed, not believing what she saw. John turned red and Oriana was nonplussed at the fact.

"{To put things simply we're heavier than others.}" Oriana stated simply.

"[Don't worry miss, we can still fly.]" John said apologetically, as the twins shifted into their 'Shiva' form. Madam Hooch watched them as they became the four-armed Giant that the school saw. John's eyes held a certain glint to them as a series of high pitched chirps resounded from his throat. Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked around expectantly as one of his hands went in the air and caught a small white blur that appeared somewhere coming from the castle.

As the trio expected, he held the hand out and Axel was hanging off of his hand. A rapid exchange of chirps were passed between the two before the bat was set in the palm of his hand and slowly melted into it. As it happened, the group watched as the twins' figure became taller and slimmer, and their armaments fused into their bodies as runic tattoos.

Their forearms became longer, as did their fingers, and a thin film started manifesting between each digit and extended from their supposed pinkies to their torso and was connected to their arms, which was now a third of the length of the forearm. Their thumbs grew a small amount as they grew slightly hooked with the nail covering the digit. Their ears moved to the top of their head and grew pointed and foxlike, with a small white tuft growing out from it. The fur coming from their ears sprouted onto the rest of the ears before following down the four arms and the films. creating a short, downy white fluff that would would be mistaken for skin had it not been for the texture.

Their face was the last thing to change as their face slightly elongated, growing a small muzzle with a slightly upturned yellow nose and a similarly colored, small leaf-like frill over it. The white fur soon followed as it covered their skin. Everyone was watching with wonder, as it was the first time they had ever seen such a 'magical' transformation. Their clothes fell, and they stepped out of their shoes as their feet lost the flesh in between the metatarsals, with their nails slowly growing slightly clawed at the ends.

Madam Hooch watched the transformation in awed silence, her face impassive to it all, yet her eyes betrayed her, glittering with unrestrained wonder. The twins' eyes never opened again but they then 'looked' at her as their, well, wings, wrapped around themselves, giving the impression of a cloak.

She slowly walked to them and strained her neck to see their face as she stopped in front of them. She silently thought to herself, 'Hagrid is tall, but I never would've gotten a cramp from looking up at him.' She was startled when they looked down toward her, without opening their eyes. They suddenly started to crouch to where they were eye level and asked, "Would you like to touch?", before they bowed their head to her.

She nodded, and reached out a hand to touch their ears, which slightly flinched at her approach. She paused for a second before continuing, and touched their ears. The rest of the class had been watching with bated breath, until they heard her exclaim to herself, "It's so soft!"

John flicked their ears in order to tell her to stop petting them, and then stood up as she composed herself. "Would you want a demonstration on how we're able to fly?" She nodded, before stepping back a little bit.

"Ahem. Very well then, you say you can fly, but we have yet to see you do so. Let's see it." she said, rubbing her hands together energetically. The twins lightly smiled at her energy before moving back and unfurling their wings.

{While you fly I'm going to take a nap.}

[Alright, just make sure to wake up so I can rest.]

{Got it.}

John took full control of the body, and then crouched as he spread his wings around him. He then jumped and flapped once, to let him lift off the ground, releasing a small gale that caused everyone to shield their eyes from the dust and pollen lifted up. When they looked around, they saw John flying, no, soaring in the clouds.

----------------------------------------------Harry's POV--------------------------------------------------

Harry watched, and could quickly identify the slight feeling that he had rising in his veins, Jealousy. It was one he had harbored all throughout the life he lived in the Dursley home of #4, Privet Drive. He never had the ability to feel what it was to be like what the twins looked like right now, free. He longed for the freedom that they showed, dancing through the clouds and around the castle's turrets.

He noted how they flew, with the lower, slightly smaller arms flapping down a half second before the upper, larger ones, before aligning straight underneath their body only to be pulled back up simultaneously at the 'elbows', and then back out, with each of them forming the respective bottom and top of an 'X', only to repeat.

He noticed the limbs would adjust as they were pulled up each time, to perform minor corrections in the twins' flight path. Extreme corrections usually involved the twins being parallel to the surface they were avoiding, with the lower wings doing the brunt of the work as they would beat twice as fast to slow their momentum as the bigger ones would beat stronger to change course or stop them entirely, just to let them fall and pick up speed before going up once again.

They started to dive towards their original position before slowing down as they landed in a small crouch, before straightening and rewrapping themselves in the wings. The bottom left wrapped around and the thumb hooked itself on what seemed like loose skin, as the right followed suit with the upper wings following the same pattern, only to hook around their neck.

They then turned around and faced the group with a small smile on their face. "Satisfied?" Everyone just slightly nodded, with Harry dropping his broom entirely and going up to them to ask, "Can I touch your wings?"

One set of eyes opened in surprise, with the secondary pupil that Harry recognized as John making an appearance. "U-um, sure." The wings didn't unfurl, but they seemed to puff out from the body, forming something akin to a slightly opened umbrella. He touched their wings, and it was so soft, it was like the warm marshmallow that Dudley had once left alone, complaining for something he had no mind to care for.

Harry slowly followed the curve to where it separated from one wing to another, and walked in. It was like a dark cave, he slowly curved around until he felt the opening to go further in, and continued until he came across the twins' torso. A small, echoed gasp was heard as he touched it, and with it came a steady beat.

Ba-thump-thump. Ba-thump-thump. A light came in through an opening above him, where he saw the twins' head pop in. "You okay?" he heard them ask.

"Yes." He responded, "Why do I hear a second beat? It sounds like the start of a waltz."

"Well, when we're like this, we share a heart, and hearts usually consist of four parts. Two parts take in blood from the body, parts A and B, and sends it to the lungs, where after dropping off carbon dioxide and picking up oxygen, it goes back to the other two parts, parts C and D. Parts C and D send it back to the body where it delivers oxygen it got from the lungs, and picks up carbon dioxide, where it goes back to A and B, which sends it back to the lungs to restart the cycle.

"It's called a four-chambered heart, whereas we, my sister and I, can share an seven-chambered heart. We have parts A, A1, B, C, C1, D, and D1. The A's draw blood from the body, and B sends it to the lungs. The C's then draw the blood from the lungs, while D sends it to our brains and heart, which also needs oxygen. D1 sends the blood to the rest of the body, and the cycle continues."

Harry blinked at the information, not expecting that. "So you're telling me that you just have a stronger heart?"

John's head tilted somewhat as an ear tilted down in the opposite direction. "Yeah, my sister could give a better explanation, but she's currently sleeping."

Madam Hooch suddenly yelled to them, "Mr. Eumann!" John looked up, with his ears alert. "Tell Mr. Potter that if he doesn't rush his rear onto a broomstick right now, he can kiss both it and the sky goodbye!"

John looked back down at Harry, "You heard her, unless you want to stay here?" he asked, yet Harry's mind was on what he was told. 'His sister's asleep? How? There are two brains? How would my heart compare to his?' Questions kept running through his head until he felt pressure around him, trapping him to the warm body.

He wiggled until his face was pointed up towards John, who chuckled and said, "I needed a way to get your attention. Madam Hooch is threatening your flying lessons if you don't get to your broom."

Harry slightly gasped in indignation at the thought before trying to free himself from the wings as he didn't want to lose his chance at slight freedom. "We'll continue this conversation later, but first, I want to get to that broom!"

He heard a deep chuckle and felt their vibrations before he heard John say "Don't worry, I've got you." Harry looked up at him in confusion before feeling the pressure become slightly tighter and saw the big wings unhook themselves from John's neck. His legs were now currently immobile as he felt John flap once, twice, with the wings before a slight jolt let him know they were on the ground again.

The lower wings were unraveled once more and let him out right behind the broom he was going to use. He blushed slightly as he noticed everyone's gaze directed at him. He mounted the broom once more, before looking back at John, who gave him four thumbs up in encouragement before he turned his head back to the instructor.

Madam Hooch walked in between the two rows of brooms before saying, "I want you all to kick off and keep your brooms steady as you rise to about head level, then come down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle-"

"Madam." Everyone looked to John as he held a hand up, the wings slightly spread due to the phalanges positioning.

She about-faced, slightly annoyed at the interruption, yet seemingly because it was the twins, she held her temper before responding. "Yes?"

"Would it be a problem if I fly again?" John asked.

Harry looked back at Hooch, as did the rest of the class, as she blinked, and said, "Of course not."

John took off, and everyone's attention was brought back to Hooch when she blew her whistle. "Once more, on my whistle, take off, lift up, hover, come down. Got it?" she asked, and everyone nodded. Harry looked around for John, and spotted him hovering around some clouds.

"Three-" He then looked to his left and right, and noticed Neville looking as pale as one of the ghosts, with his hands gripping the broom so hard that his knuckles weren't even white, they were purple. He wanted to stop and speak to Hooch, but she continued before he could stop her.

"Two-" Neville shot into the air like a rocket, stopping Madam Hooch before she could even say one.

"Mr. Longbottom come back down this instant!" She yelled. Harry walked up to her and tugged on her sleeve. When she acknowledged his presence, without looking away from Neville, who was now reaching the height of the castle wall, he said, "I was going to stop you Miss, I noticed Neville was nervous, but he lifted off before I could stop you."

"That's nice of you Mr. Potter but it doesn't help the fact that he's now in the air." she replied.

Neville had now risen above the lowest turret of the castle, before his broom seemed to start shaking as he rose. The rest of class was muttering amongst themselves, and Harry then noticed John gliding toward Neville, the class then noticed and gasped when they saw him start flying around him.

Harry couldn't figure out what was going on from their distance, and it seemed that John had calmed Neville enough to where the broom wasn't shaking. They were still rising though, and that was still worrisome.

He didn't know why Neville was so scared, and was lost in thought on trying to figure out why until the entire class gasped. He refocused on the situation, and noticed that Neville was screaming for his life as he fell from the broom, which took a second to fall. John, he noticed started to dive for the boy.

John was diving away from him, yet kept the same altitude, to intercept him near the ground Harry presumed. Harry soon realized that John was diving too fast, and wouldn't be able to stop in time. "He's not going to make it." He said, and looked at Madam Hooch, who was looking at him.

"He's not going to make it." he repeated, and looked back just in time to see John wrap all four of his wings around the two of them, and the tattoos, which all had forgotten about, start to glow before creating a dome-like sleigh of a shield underneath them.

They crashed into the ground with a quake, that set the grounds oscillating and the classes' hearts to palpitate. Everyone then ran to the small crater caused by their landing, with Harry arriving first. He jumped into the small crater, and saw the shield that was put up as the dust around started to clear up.

He touched the shield, and a small pulse of energy went through it, before it cracked like an eggshell and slowly dissipated, releasing a soft, mushy, light pink substance that spilled out akin to the egg whites that he cooks for the Dursley's breakfast. At the center of it all was John's wings. He ran through the mush and touched the wings, which slowly unwrapped to reveal a disheveled Neville.

A groan sounded from the white-furred humanoid, which caused the two of them to step back as it slowly stood up. "Everything okay down there!?" Madam Hooch's voice sounded through the remaining dust.

Neville let out a slight whimper of distress as he looked towards Harry, who looked at him as he seemingly cradled his wrist. "I think my wrist is broken, and I heard a crunching sound coming from my chest."

"Yeah." They heard John's voice sound through the crater. "Everything is fine, Miss. Neville however has a broken wrist and about four fractured ribs, so I recommend seeing him to the infirmary immediately."

John sat up, and a brown snake appeared from lord knows where. "This," John started, "Is Juju. She will inject you with a weak paralysis poison and sedative made from the other reptiles, before wrapping around you to make sure you do not get jostled as you are moved." Neville backed away as the snake slithered towards him.

"Don't be scared, Juju is our first spirit, and is pretty understanding." John continued. "Come here so I can see your arm." Neville was flanked by Juju, and pushed towards John. Harry walked forward as Neville was caught in John's arms.

"What are you going to do John?" Harry asked, curious at what the boy was going to do. The dust was fully cleared by the time he walked over, and he motioned to Madam Hooch to come down, as the rest of the class watched from the edge.

"I'm going to have Juju bite his other arm before I set the wrist, as he won't feel much." Neville let out a squeak as the large Boa approached. John pulled Neville's good arm out and set it in front of it.

The snake, Harry saw, was slowly approaching Neville's arm, before opening its mouth and bearing its fangs. It slowly rested their fangs on top of the inside of the wrist, and applied slight pressure with the bottom jaw, allowing the fangs to pierce the arm about a centimeter in.

A few seconds passed as Neville slowly stopped moving and Juju removed their fangs. Madam Hooch had arrived near the trio, and both she and Harry watched silently as John slowly moved the wrist into a position that was held in place by two hands. The other two went to work transfiguring some dirt and grass into a splint that held his wrist in that position.

Dirt then formed itself into an EMS backboard as Juju then wrapped around Neville and strapped his body to the board, much to the protest of Madam Hooch. "I can't bring him to the infirmary like that! Poppy would kill me." She muttered the last bit to herself.

"It'll be fine, it's what's done in a hospital, and she will most likely realize that. Just levitate him there with you, tell her the situation, and you'll be fine." John said.

The Madam nodded and did as told but not before issuing a warning to the rest of the class, "None of you are to fly while I take Longbottom to the infirmary. I see a single twig move and you'll be on the train home before you can say 'Quidditch'." She then swept out with Neville on the board, his eyes being the only thing that could currently move.

-------------------------------------------3rd Person POV-------------------------------------------------

John then let out a long groan as she left. "I'll be darned it hurts."

Harry looked over and asked, "Are you okay? You never said if you were ever hurt."

"Aside from two broken wings, a few broken ribs and a cracked spine," John let out a self-deprecating, pained laugh as he stood up, "I'll be fine. Just need to clean this up, and I need you to step out of me."

Harry paled, as he looked towards his feet. "This is...?"

"Most of the subcutaneous fat stored within my body. An energy storage of sorts, in case of events like these," he paused, motioning to the collateral area damage he caused, "Happen. So I can use that energy to heal myself. Help me get out of this pit."

Harry quickly stepped towards him and helped him walk out as he slowly changed back to his Shiva form and a large curtain of the fat covered the two of them. He developed a slight limp, and put most of his weight on Harry, which currently was the average weight of a 14-year-old. His shields also made an appearance, and started excavating the body matter out of the hole and moving it to a pile, which he quickly sank into.

"Now for my last trick. I shall make it seem like nothing ever happened!" John said, with a slight giggle. His arms, two of them broken, waved around, and the shields started to rove around the area, with the displaced matter being attracted to them before going back in its place as it passed near it, the kids running from the shields. "Now then Harry, I'm going to take a nap, try not to kill anyone, okay?"

Harry nodded, and watched as John's body seemed to split open, as if being dissected, and the body matter started to move the exposed bones into position before his body was covered by the shields, which had finished their job. An annoying laugh sounded, and Harry looked to see Malfoy holding up a small clear glass orb.

He remembered the Orb from this morning's breakfast, Neville had gotten it from his Grandmother and said it was a Remembrall. Harry looked at Malfoy and said, "Give it Draco, you know it's Neville's"

"And? Why should I? You should've seen the lug's face when he realized he had broken bones. It was priceless!" He and a few other Slytherins started cackling madly. Harry was enraged at the disregard they had towards the events that just transpired.

"MALFOY! NOW!" A growl so loud ripped itself from Harry's throat, making the Slytherins pale and a few of his friends look at him in shock.

Malfoy hesitated before mounting his broom and flying up near the branches of a nearby Oak. "Well, if you want it come get it, Potter."

Hermione tried to tell Harry to not get on the broom, but one look from him told her otherwise. He summoned his broom with a simple, "Here." and it flew out of the ranks of brooms off to the sides into his waiting hand, where he mounted it with ease before shooting off and becoming eye level with Draco.

Draco was stunned, he'd been told of people with such ease of flying that their broom would come to them easily, but never thought he'd ever witness it from Potter. He both hated and loved Potter at the same time. He loved the fact that he got rid of Voldemort, as although he acted the fool, he knew his history, and realized the man, no, monster, was a parasite. Leeching off of the wizarding world and slowly killing it.

Potter was just as easily hated by him as well, as it caused his family to fall into chaos. The fact that he was celebrated as a hero just as easily pissed him off to no ends, as he was a baby. What could he have done to get a rid of a magical powerhouse at the level of Dumbledore? Shit on him?

He heard Potter's tone earlier, and it was such a primal and domineering voice, to where he nearly wanted to bow to him. But for some reason, he wanted to see what buttons he had to push in order to get it out.

"Give it Draco, or so help me I'll send you to the infirmary myself."

Potter's voice snapped him out of his reverie. He looked up and saw his eyes, they were a glittering emerald, and it put Goblin-smithed jewelry to shame. "There's no Crabbe and Goyle up here to help you either, so give it." He looked down and saw the two meatheads he called friends sitting on the ground, still contemplating their existence.

He realized that if he wanted to push those buttons, he needed at least a shield, so he came to a decision. "If you want it so badly, then fetch!" He spun hard and threw the damned thing to the stone path next to the school wall. It soared in a perfect upturned arc, and Potter just as easily followed.

He slowly descended as he watched Harry dive after the ball, slowly catching up to it. Just as he dismounted the broom Harry managed to catch it two feet before hitting the ground, and ascended in a tiny cyclone, before making his way towards the rest of the group and dismounting as well. He couldn't help but have this small flare of admiration for the sheer skill in being able to do such a thing, before squashing it down vehemently.


Dread wormed its way into Harry's heart as he heard Professor McGonagall's voice from across the yard. He looked toward her, and saw nothing but disappointment, with a flicker of something else hidden deep within.

"Follow me." She said as she reached him, and said nothing else as she walked back to the castle as he followed her.

Madam Hooch soon walked out, and looked around, her cheeks a slight shade of pink. "Class dismissed."

Ron looked over at the shields that were flashing as the pink mush slowly disappeared into them. "What about the twins'?" Madam Hooch followed his line of sight and sighed.

"We'll leave them alone. If the few things I've heard of them are true, it should be better to just leave them there." She said, before sweeping out of the courtyard.

---------------------------------------------3 Hours Later--------------------------------------------------

Oriana woke up with the sun setting while laying underneath an Oak. 'What did he do now?' She started sifting through the memories he left for her as she started getting up. 'So he decided to save someone, huh? It was Longbottom that fell off, a good kid. Glad John got him, but now it's time to get dressed and go to dinner.'

Oriana quickly summoned her armaments and put some clothes on, before retracting John's shields and heading to the dining hall. She quickly grabbed some food and was about to head out until Harry stopped her. She looked through the memories once more before telling him, "He's still asleep, we'll come visit later."

Harry just nodded and left her alone. She then proceeded to walk up to their room, eat, and crash.


I LIVE!!! And I come back with the 5k chapter I told you about. I have recently read through the comments in the past 3-4 months and I see a lot, and I mean, A LOT of speculations surrounding the twins. Now while a majority of this will be explained in an Auxiliary Chapter suggested to me by lovely 'TheHyper' *Points him out*, adding too much to it will cause a lot of spoilers, so Chapter 20 will release with it.

I will do my best to Answer any and all questions that will Not spoil the story. I ask that you please leave your questions at the end of this Paragraph and if not, this chapter. I also ask that all readers look through the other reader's questions, leave them a like if they asked the same question, and If you want it specified or you want clarification on a single part of that question, reply to them the specific part you wanna ask, as It will make my job easier and also allow me to get to each and every one of your questions without forgetting a question or two.