
Ch 11 pt 1

Draco was devastated, but in all the rejoicing at the return of the Diadem, not many people noticed the boy's distress. Perhaps he should suggest to Ron that he console the poor boy in his loss. At the very least he could take a few points and maybe assign a detention or two based on how violently Ron exploded at the thought of actually being civil to his hated enemy.

He had struck a mighty blow against the Death Eater organization and Voldewhore, depriving them of both a major funding source and a wily strategist.

Gilderoy visited the Hogsmeade Post-owl Office at Tuesday dinner and sent a brief message to Madam Bones. He suggested she search for a secret room under the Malfoy's drawing room floor. He had over-heard Draco mumbling about it during a detention, worrying that his father might have revealed the secret cache and stolen the galleons he knew were stored there as well as other things of importance.

The fines for the hidden Dark artefacts would severely dent the Malfoy family's remaining financial resources, and their status, and increase Draco's discomfort.

After his brief meeting with the Headmaster, he gave several interviews to international newsparchments. And, incidentally, bragged about his other exploits and repeatedly mentioned how he was mentoring Mr. Harry Potter to follow his example to become a great Wizard.

Yesterday had been Thursday, the week after Gilderoy's revelation of the Ravenclaw Diadem, and Gilderoy had made another presentation at breakfast to the Headmaster.

After attracting everyone's attention just before the house-elves served dessert, he had reached into his robes, pulled out a package, and tapped it with his wand. It had grown to a much larger package. He had smiled broadly, and placed the package in front of the Headmaster's place setting.

"I, Gilderoy Lockhart," he had loudly proclaimed, "Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award, and beloved Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, present to you a set of fresh and mature mandrakes, from South Africa. The provider tells me these are more than suitable for making Mr. Colin Creevey's Mandrake Restorative Potion. There is no need to wait until May to find out what he saw and what petrified him, as you had originally planned, Headmaster."

Bozo had been present, as had Rita. Another perfect photo opportunity for Gilderoy at the expense of the Headmaster. Lockhart's perfect smile gleamed, in contrast to the lack of twinkling in Dumbledore's eyes.

"Professor Snape has assured me it will only take a few days to prepare the potion once the Mandrakes were ready, so with these mandrakes Mr. Creevey will be able to join his classmates no later than Monday!" He had posed beside the package as the room had burst into applause. The headlines that evening had been exquisite, in Gilderoy's opinion. For the Headmaster? Not so much. Why hadn't the Headmaster thought of doing that, the newsparchments had asked. Why hadn't the Headmaster ordered Mandrakes from South Africa instead of Lockhart? Why had he waited? What was he hoping to hide? Was he really suited to be Headmaster?

And now it was Friday. Anything interesting that happened at dinner today would miss the evening newsparchments' deadlines. By Monday, it would be old news. And with his news yesterday, no one would expect anything from Gilderoy until late next week.

The students were talking animatedly about school matters and the latest rumours. Well, mostly rumours, as Professor Lockhart knew.

He slowly strolled past the students as though monitoring them, moving from table to table. Many students smiled as they greeted him and asked him quick questions about things from his classes.

Gilderoy was truly in his element. The girls watched him go by with dreamy expressions. If he happened to catch the eye of a Witch, she invariably blushed and looked away. Finding the lost diadem had upped his standing among the students and staff. Professors Sinistra and McGonagall were actively flirting with him! Gilderoy was thrilled, Harry, not so much.

The Wizards weren't so enamoured of him, but they had developed a grudging respect for him and his classes.

The D.A.D.A. class was quickly becoming as popular as Professor Flitwick's Charms and Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration classes. Potions, of course, remained as the single most hated class in the school. The only person Professor Snape scowled at more than Harry was Professor Lockhart.

Harry/Gilderoy was quite pleased with himself, and he knew it showed. After their spectacular entrance at the Sorting Feast, Harry and Ron had settled down to having a normal year — or, at least, as normal as Harry was ever going to have. Neville had a proper wand and talk of his being a squib was well into the past — a distinct improvement over last year and Harry's future. Gilderoy had managed to prevent Luna from having a miserable Hogwarts' experience — she had had a rough start, but was now flourishing with her new friends. Draco was muzzled — his father's death and the family's sharp decline in fortunes had removed whatever influence in Slytherin he might have had. He had transitioned from a top dog to a bottom. Harry, both of them, hoped he enjoyed his new position.

Harry/Gilderoy anonymously sent him kneepads, mouthwash, and a haemorrhoid potion. To ensure Draco opened the package in the Great Hall Gilderoy wrapped the box in the same paper Draco's mother used to deliver his daily chocolate supply. Draco was puzzled as he unloaded the box, but the older and more experienced students, mostly Witches, quickly burst into gales of laughter.

Gilderoy's return of Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem had greatly increased his standing in the public eye, and book sales had reflected that change. Thanks to Malfoy's arrogance, Gilderoy's vault was packed with galleons, and the new deals for Harry's books, as well as his part of the boy's late-paid royalties, had added even more. His expenditures were miniscule by comparison. His income properties were coming along nicely, and they would give him more galleons than last year's book sales. But from Harry/Gilderoy's point of view, his best acquisition was Dobby.

Harry was getting good press and people had a very positive impression of the young Wizard. The Lilly Potter Foundation was well funded, now, and already had a list of potential candidates to help next year. There would be a substantial increase in new students next year.

Ron was almost apoplectic at all the attention The Daily Prophet lavished on the Boy-Who-Lived. Hearing about how rich Harry was, and that it was increasing, didn't improve his disposition. Gilderoy's constant mentions of the disparity between Ron's low position academically and in Gryffindor for his point loses and Harry's high grades and popularity throughout the school didn't help. He wore an almost permanent scowl.

Unfortunately, though, all of Hagrid's Roosters were dead and next week Tommy-boy was going to let the Basilisk out to play once more. Harry/Gilderoy just couldn't let that happen to Justin again. He needed to nip that flower in the bud. Once more, it was show time! Pity that the audience this time was restricted to just the school.

He strolled casually between the tables, projecting an image of confidence in himself with every step, one hand on his hip sweeping his robes back with a dramatic flair.

Today, his robes were the perfect shade of lavender to show off his blue eyes. His winning smile was on display and his hair carefully coiffed to perfection. The girl's nearly swooned as he passed them by. He would have looked at home at a formal Ball. For the school, he was more than slightly overdressed, but he knew and didn't care. It was all about presentation. If you look important people will think you are important!

He stopped occasionally to provide his audience with an inspiring pose. He acted every inch the brainless peacock, more interested in appearance than substance. It was such fun to hoodwink his opponents.

People were looking at him and watching him for all the right reasons! Harry/Gilderoy felt like hiding, but Gilderoy/Harry thrived on the attention. And Harry was slowly coming around to Gilderoy's point of view.

He noted, happily, that the group of Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Luna were talking animatedly. By Hermione's expression, Harry/Gilderoy knew that Luna was once more befuddling her with mysterious creatures. His example of the duck-billed platypus and okapi, and Hagrid's thestrals, had shut down most of her objections to the other girl's "imaginary" creatures. That and pointing out how all the Muggle books she grew up with denied the magic world she was currently experiencing. Now she just listened, and occasionally asked for more information.

Instead of participating in their discussions, Ron was stuffing his face as if he thought he never would see food again. At least this time he was showing some proper manners and not trying to talk with food in his mouth. And he was actually chewing his food as well!

Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Luna were on one side of the table with the wall to their back and keeping the Slytherin Table in sight, while Neville sat across from them. To Gilderoy's amusement, Susan Bones and her best friend Hannah Abbott had bracketed Neville between them. Gilderoy would do his part to ensure that that romance had a decent chance. He was pleased to note that several other students were sitting with friends from other Houses.

He passed them and headed towards the table's end, where Ginny Weasley sat picking at her food. The other Firsties were nearby, but none appeared to be engaged in conversation with her. If he didn't know better, he would have thought they were shunning the girl. They weren't, she had rebuffed their attempts to include her several times over the last few weeks. He stopped at the end of the table and turned around to look at the Headmaster's table. He stared intently at Professor McGonagall, knowing she would pick up on the 'I'm looking at you' feeling.

Sure enough, less than a minute passed before she looked up at him. He smiled and tilted his head to the side, motioning that he wanted her to join him. She stared back a moment, frowned, and stood. As she headed across the hall, he looked down at Ginny, still smiling his perfect smile. Ginny was already looking at him, wondering why he had stopped beside her and yet said nothing.

"Miss Weasley," he said cheerily, "You look a bit tired. Have you been getting enough sleep?"

Surprised he had noticed the dark marks under her eyes, she said, "Yes, sir. I don't know why I feel so tired this morning."

"Are you eating well?" he asked in concern.

"Yes sir, but I don't have much appetite this morning."

The nearby girls were listening enviously. If only Gilderoy would talk with them! The boys were trying to ignore him.

"Hm. Perhaps you should see Madam Pomfrey today to make sure you aren't coming down with something. If you aren't feeling well, you shan't appreciate my class as much as you could. I would be truly disappointed if you didn't get the full benefit of my wondrous intellect and experiences." He radiated a genuine feeling of wanting to help the girl.

Professor McGonagall was almost to his side.