
Ch 10 pt 2

Harry had his week of headlines and things had once more tapered down to normal at The Daily Prophet, and at Hogwarts. After a rather dull week, Gilderoy decided it was time to stir the cauldron once more.

Tomorrow would make it four weeks after Halloween and Gilderoy paced the seventh floor corridor opposite a certain tapestry just after breakfast. This time he was thinking he needed the Room of Lost Things. A frustrating four hours later, he triumphantly came out of the room with the Diadem secured in an Acromantula Silk bag.

Barely able to contain his excitement, he hurried into the Horcrux Room and followed the instructions. Harry/Gilderoy could hear a roaring noise beginning, which cut off as the inner door closed. Such was the closeness of the fit of the door to its frame he could hear nothing. So he sat on the floor, his back to the wall beside the door. He almost sat against the door, but realized he might disturb its seal, and who knew what would happen then.

To be safe, he waited an extra ten minutes.

He cautiously opened the door and looked around the room. Black scorch marks covered the wall and the cold stone floor was now warm. The diadem, in the middle of the circle looked unharmed. In fact, it looked clean and polished — so clean and polished that it almost seemed to glow.

He slowly approached the circlet and cast a Dark detection spell on it. Nothing. He moved closer and hovered his hand just a fraction of an inch from it. In the Room of Lost Things, he could feel the evil emanating from the Diadem. In here, right now, nothing. He reverently picked it up. He turned it round and round and examined it closely. It looked perfect, not a single blemish anywhere he could see. He was tempted to try it on, to see just what it could do for him. But he resisted.

"Wit Beyond Measure is Man's Greatest Treasure," he read, staring at it. "But she still screwed up, didn't she? Ignored her poor daughter until the disregarded girl stole the Diadem, determined to get her mother's attention at last. Thus, she could pretend her mother was searching for her and not the Diadem. And not long after her daughter stole it, Rowena died. Did she become too dependent on it, I wonder?

"And didn't her daughter put it on? For if she had, surely the Diadem would have allowed her to see that her actions would not yield the results she desired. So, the Diadem fails in its mission a second time.

"And finally, Tom Riddle. You travelled all the way to Romania and discovered the hidden Diadem. Did you not once try it on, Tom? If you had, wearing the Diadem should have revealed the folly of your chosen course. That it did not means the Diadem has failed again. Three times, it has failed, severely, failed to reveal the fatal flaws in all their plots. Three times! Perhaps her spell-work wasn't as magnificent as she expected.

"With that record, I fear I shall not attempt to analyse my plans with its help."

He pulled the silk bag out of his pocket and dropped the Diadem in it. Almost six hours total. He sighed. That was far better than the weeks and weeks he and Hermione had wasted searching for the bloody tiara the last time. And the horcrux's destruction had been so much easier this time.

Tomorrow, Monday morning, the last Monday in November, at breakfast, he would present the Lost Diadem to Professor Flitwick.

He left the room, not noticing as the door very slowly disappeared behind him. He headed for the owlery. He wanted to give Rita a heads up on what was going to happen that tomorrow.


"Ah, Rita, as punctual as ever," Gilderoy welcomed the reporter and her photographer expansively. He made sure his best profile was always facing the photographer. He had told her to meet him at the Hogwarts' Front Gates at seven.

"Okay, Gilderoy, what's the big secret? Another interview with Potter?"

"Oh, no, my dear, something even better. I, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award, and Hogwarts' beloved Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, guarantee you front-page headlines both tonight and tomorrow!"

He could see that the headline hungry Witch almost started salivating at the prospect. "Oh?" she replied coolly.

"It's about something," he half-whispered, "that's been missing since Hogwarts was first founded. I have accomplished what Headmasters and others have failed to do for almost a thousand years!" He rubbed his hands together gleefully. "I have found the lost Ravenclaw Diadem." He halted as the reporter stopped dead and stared at him.

He grinned broadly, "Yes, that's right, I, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award, and beloved Hogwarts' Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, have recovered the famed diadem created by Rowena Ravenclaw." He paused, relishing the moment, and then added, "And you get the scoop!"

He watched as the Witch stared at him wide-eyed, then she closed her eyes and shuddered. Gilderoy/Harry almost fell over in surprise, had she just had an orgasm? He shook his head to throw out that image.

He reached inside his robes and pulled out the silk bag. Reverently, he reached inside and lifted the diadem out to show Rita.

Her mouth formed an "O" of surprise and she lifted a hand, gently touching the relic. The photographer, Bozo, swooped in for a close-up or four.

After letting her run her fingers over the inscription, he dropped it back in the bag. "At breakfast today I plan to present it to Professor Flitwick. Just follow my lead."

He led the two into the Great Hall and seated them at the head of the Ravenclaw table, explaining to the nearby students, "They are my guests this morning. We'll be doing an interview after breakfast." He looked over at Bozo, "Be ready to get some great shots of amazed Professors, especially the Headmaster."

He told the other Professors as they approached the Headmaster's Table that Rita and her photographer were his guests. The Headmaster gave him a sharp look and leaned close to say, "Next time tell me ahead of time when you brings guests into the Great Hall." The twinkle was noticeably absent. Then the old Wizard continued to his throne. The old goat apparently didn't like Rita, only Merlin knew why. Lockhart found the Witch to be delightful.

When the Hall was as filled as it was going to get, Gilderoy stood and tapped his goblet with his knife. It was show time. The sharp ting, ting, ting, echoed through the room. After a few moments, everyone had stopped talking to listen.

"I have an important announcement to make." The Headmaster did not look pleased, the last time Gilderoy had played to an audience, it had been the Aurors and Dumbledore still felt the backlash from that.

"As you all know, I, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award, and your beloved Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts," there were a few snickers at that, "have been combing Hogwarts from the deepest of its dungeons to the top of its lofty spires searching for clues to the location of the hidden Chamber of Secrets."

Rita gave him an incredulous look. Apparently, this was the first time anyone had mentioned the Chamber in her hearing. He gave her a knowing smile.

"In my thorough meanderings I have come across various clues regarding many lost items, such as Slytherin's Locket, Hufflepuff's Cup, and Gryffindor's Sword, to name just a few.

"Professor Flitwick, if you would come with me." He motioned the other to follow him as he walked to the front of the Headmaster's Table. He quickly conjured a series of steps on the platform and motioned Flitwick to step up on them, putting them both at eyelevel to each other as Gilderoy stood on the floor. They were standing parallel to the Headmaster's table to give the students and staff the best possible view.

He gave a quick hand-signal to Bozo and the Wizard quickly positioned himself for the coming photos. The students and professors were watching carefully, whispering to each other and wondering what he was about to reveal.

Lockhart carefully reached into his pocket and took out the bag. He conjured a royal blue coloured pillow and placed the bag on it, then lifted and held the pillow between them. "Professor Flitwick, you are the Head of Ravenclaw House," he said loudly enough for his voice to carry to the entire hall. "It gives me, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award, and Hogwarts' beloved Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor great pleasure to restore to your House, and Hogwarts, this!"

He reached for the bag and as he touched it, the bag vanished, revealing the gleaming Diadem. He had performed a wandless finite, but planned to tell them he had previously placed a word-sensitive finite on the conjured bag.

"Lady Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem," Gilderoy concluded loudly.

Pandemonium broke out as the photographer's flash went off like a series of exploding Christmas lights as Bozo frantically took pictures.

The noise continued as Gilderoy smiled and posed dramatically, beaming happily at everyone. Flitwick stared wonderingly at the diadem on the pillow. Other cameras appeared, and even more pictures taken until finally the Headmaster set off a loud blast.

He stared at Gilderoy, then at the Diadem. "Is that really?" he asked, his eyes twinkling like mad.

Gilderoy, delighted to be the centre of attention of hundreds of watchers, said, "Well, there is one way to prove it. You do know who the Grey Lady is, don't you?" The entire school knew of the Grey Lady, the haughty and always silent Ravenclaw ghost. The Headmaster's eyes widened and he nodded.

"Perhaps if you call her," Gilderoy prompted.

Moments later, the stately retiring ghost glided into the Great Hall. Her gaze locked on the Diadem immediately and she rushed over to stare at it. Lockhart looked over at her. "I think you know what this is, Lady Helena Ravenclaw," he said quietly.

The Ravenclaws closest to them gasped and quickly spread the word that their ghost was none other than Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter. How could they not have known?

She turned her stare to him. "You cleansed it, the evil taint is gone," she half-whispered. "It is exactly as I remember it from long ago. I can feel my mother's magic in it." The Headmaster looked sharply at the ghost. He would be questioning her later about that taint.

The blonde-haired Wizard was so happy he wanted to dance. "Yes, Madam Helena Ravenclaw, it is as it was when you originally hid it away," He said loudly. The entire hall gasped at the realization as to the true identity of the Ravenclaw ghost.

Her eyes were shining and if he had thought it possible, he would have said she was crying in joy.

He turned back to Professor Flitwick. "And so, Professor, I give to you the authenticated Lady RowenaRavenclaw's Diadem." He placed the pillow in the diminutive professor's hands and stepped back.

He turned and loudly proclaimed to the room, "At last, the lost Diadem of Ravenclaw is returned to its home." He pointed his arm at the pillow as Professor Flitwick proudly faced the Great Hall and held it up high for everyone to see.

The Headmaster was the first to start clapping, and in moments, the entire hall filled with thunderous applause. Whatever his failings might be, Gilderoy Lockhart had ensured his place in Hogwarts' history as the one who had found the famous priceless Ravenclaw Diadem. None could ever gainsay that accomplishment!

When the applause died down, Harry/Gilderoy said, "I propose that a special display cabinet be placed in the Entry Way to the Great Hall, so that all can see and admire this great Founder's treasure. Perhaps with a plaque describing its history and that I, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award, and Hogwarts' beloved Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor found and returned the Diadem to its rightful place."

There was another round of thunderous applause.

Monday evening's The Daily Prophet was everything Gilderoy could have hoped for and wanted. No fewer than six different articles referenced him, including one that was a biography all about his achievements. Never had he had such exposure in the newsparchment. And tomorrow the other magical newsparchments would pick up the stories and spread them across the world. He had quite probably doubled the number of people who knew his name. And increased book sales would quickly follow.

As Gilderoy/Harry folded the newsparchment so that his headline was prominent and placed it face-up beside his plate, the Headmaster leaned over. "Excuse me, Gilderoy, would you please come to my office after tea tonight?"

"Certainly, Albus! I'd be happy to do that for you. Just let me ask the lovely Minerva, here, to tell Ron his detention tonight has been changed to Mr. Filch." He turned to the Witch in question and made his request, concluding with a sigh, "It's too bad Mr. Malfoy won't be in detention with him. I heard that Mr. Filch's thumbscrews need oiling, the two students could have cleaned and tested their action."

She gave him an appalled look.

He grinned mischievously, "You know, making sure the heads are nice and firm, that the clamps are good and tight, that the screws go in and out smoothly, that the knobs are properly polished?" He arched an eyebrow inquisitively.

She stared at him an additional moment, startled at the innuendo, before suddenly smiling back, "Of course, I don't mind, Gilderoy. I'm finished anyway, so I'll tell him now." There seemed to be an odd twinkle in her eye. She stood and walked around the table, her hips swaying a bit more than he usually noticed when she walked in the corridors.

In the back of his head Harry could hear Gilderoy giggling, 'oh, she's ready, she is.' Harry/Gilderoy closed his eyes momentarily trying to drive out the thought that his former Transfigurations Professor was flirting with him.

That evening, after tea, he followed the old bearded bastard back to the Wizard's office.

After offering Gilderoy a lemon drop, which he declined, the Headmaster said, "I had an interesting discussion with the Grey Lady this afternoon."

Gilderoy smiled, "Yes, she's quite a lovely lady, isn't she. Doesn't say much though. It's a pity because I believe the students could learn a lot from her, especially what the Founders were really like instead of what generations of historians have made up. Perhaps you could talk her into giving us a lecture in the Great Hall one evening on the founding of Hogwarts?" The Headmaster nodded and smiled at the suggestion, half-whispering, "Perhaps."

They both sat silent. Gilderoy knew this game. Albus loved this passive/aggressive crap. Say something vague and leading, and wait for his victim to get nervous and say something they hadn't intended. Gilderoy just kept a silly vacant smile on his face. If the Headmaster let too much time pass, then Gilderoy planned to start talking about his next book, tentatively entitled, "Hanging Out at Hogwarts."

Fortunately, Albus caved in first. "She tells me you only spoke a few words to her, and never about the Diadem."

"That's true. I knew she was Helena Ravenclaw the first time I saw her. It's rather obvious, don't you know, she looks almost exactly like her mother's painting in 'Hogwarts, A History' and her bust in the Ravenclaw Common Room. And if she hadn't revealed any clues about the Diadem in the last thousand years, she wasn't about to start with me. I mean, I know I'm personable, I know I'm persuasive, I know people, especially women, tend to adore me — and why shouldn't they? I'm a five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award! But, in spite of that, I decided it would be better to just observe her." He stopped. "Meanwhile, I carefully combed the Castle looking for clues, trying to . . . to feel . . . the magic of the Diadem. And then I found it."

The Headmaster's eyes had widened abrupt explanation. "And where did you find it?" he finally asked.

"Ah! To find the answer to that question, you'll need to buy my next book, 'Hanging Out at Hogwarts'. It will be quite an enthralling tale with much advice on how to maintain your composure and good looks while under tribulations!"

The Headmaster's eyes were not twinkling as much as they were a moment before. "I see," was all he said.

"There is one thing that bothers me about the Diadem, though." Gilderoy paused and watched the old Headmaster, waiting.

He could see the Dumbledore's glasses tilt slightly at he raised an eyebrow in silent enquiry. "Well, the Diadem had a quite Dark Curse on it. So powerful a curse, I could feel it while still a step away. And I had the oddest compulsion to put it on." He shifted in his chair, as if uncomfortable. "Naturally, my extensive experience in the Dark Arts allowed me to ignore the compulsion. Many Wizards would, I'm sure, have succumbed, but Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award, and Hogwarts' beloved Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor is made of sterner stuff!" he declared, straightening in the chair, casting a beaming smile at the old Wizard. "Thinking quickly I conjured a silk bag and a long pole. I picked up the Diadem with the pole and dropped it directly into the bag. Then I cast a powerful containment enchantment on the bag to protect myself."

He leaned forward towards the other Wizard. "Do you know what a Horcrux is, Albus?" The Headmaster froze still, only his eyes moving as he watched and listened.

Gilderoy nodded. "That's what it was, Albus." He leaned back "Fortunately, using my vast knowledge of runes and experience with magic circles, I created a way to destroy the Horcrux without destroying the Diadem."

The Headmaster frowned, "Are you sure it was a Horcrux?"

"Absolutely. I found a book in Egypt several years or so ago that described them in great detail, as well as describing how difficult they were to eliminate. And any Curse-breaker in Gringotts can tell you all about them. They run into them frequently in Egyptian tombs." He sighed and leaned forward again.

"And the worst thing is, Albus, now that I have first-hand experience with the vile things, I know I've felt the same evil taint wandering the corridors of this school." He nodded sagely at the Headmaster's dumbfounded expression. "Yes, wandering the corridors. Someone in this school is carrying a Horcrux around as if it were a common book, ring, or locket."

The Headmaster appeared to refuse to believe him, but he knew he had shaken the Wizard to his core. He left not much later after some small talk about the Weasley boys.


There was one thing that gave him even more pleasure than all the mentions in The Daily Prophet. Buried in the back of Tuesday morning's edition was a story of an attack. Unknown assailants had murdered Mr. Malfoy in his own home Monday afternoon while his wife was out visiting a friend. The Aurors believed it had to be a known associate of the man or he would never have allowed his attacker inside the protective enchantments on his home.

Gilderoy grinned happily at that. The Aurors' questioning was bound to bring up details the Death Eaters would have preferred remained hidden.