
Chapter 1:

How did we start?

Like a paradise that full of memories that's how we started?

We started in a simple conversation turns into a lover's?

Are they still end in a Happy Ending? Or a sad ending?

I was only in grade 7 when I started having a serious relationship. I admit that I was young then. The age gap between us has been huge. I am only 12 years old and he is 4 years apart. Oh, right the age gap distance?

But they say "Age doesn't matter. When you love, you love and when you are hit you are hit"

Yes, I probably don't care what people say.

They will judge edi go, they will judge just for me I love him and that's the truth.

No matter what they do, nothing can stop me because that's the reality. It's hard to control how someone feels.

And that was my first time having a boyfriend. Everything has not been easy for me either. Yes, my boyfriend is far away from me. I am in the province he is in Manila. LDR (long-distance relationship) is difficult, I admit. But in that LDR you will learn a lot. Like even if you're far away from each other and you have to trust because that's all you can handle.

"Trust is very important for every relationship because when you don't trust each other, you are also told that your relationship has no destination."

I'm at our house today. I was taking a break from school because my mom and I looked at it. If I got into the school I took the exam. Two should be the school I will attack the exam. One public and one private. I'm thinking about whether I'm going to attack that private school. In a day's I decided to take it in public because it's difficult in private. They are all rich I am just poor. We eat three times a day but I prefer in public so that my parents don't have to suffer. (Isn't that my smart kid)

A few months

Ooooh, I sigh loudly.

Baby just relax. Remember this is your first day of school. Don't be shy when you're there be friendly ok? said, mom

But mah, I'm scared. I don't know anyone there. - I said to mama in tears

That's normal. It's better that you don't have close friends there, right? You can meet new people. So go on. I'm leaving when you get inside your classroom.

All right mama bye (same kiss on the cheeks)

When I come to school, of course, first introduce yourself to everyone as usual. Discuss the rules and regulations in each subject. Of course, I'm just listening.

When I got home, of course, my routine was what I did. Then open the notes if there are assignments? Then, I went to Facebook.

While scrolling, someone chatted with me. Of course, I first looked at who suddenly chatted with me.

And there his name is Andrew.

(unknown) Hi

(me) Hello

(unknown) Where are you from?

(me) I'm in the province why?

(unknown) Nothing. Hmm, can we be friends?

(me) Why? Are we close? You're a stranger and I don't know you so it's a no.

I declined him and he didn't stop chatting with me even though I didn't reply he was so naughty to the point that you would be annoyed.

As time went on because he never stopped chatting I decided to talk to him and allow us to be friends. It's just a friend so there's nothing wrong with that so I'll just go. Also, he introduced himself to me properly.

Even though I don't know him very well, I guess he's kind but I just don't trust him right away. While I was lying down, suddenly someone made a video call, so what I did was pick up my phone and look at who was calling at dawn, and what I saw was that Andrew was my friend and soon I answered his call.

Me: What is an Andrew? It's too early to call foam don't you know you're disturbed and a lot of sleep at these times?

Andrew: I know I'm sorry if I suddenly call without you knowing and without permission from you. I have something important to say to you because I can't stop feeling for you. I know you're a child and you can't love right away and I know you'll think it's just puppy love but for me, it's not. I'm serious about you --------

Me: Wait, what are you saying? I do not understand you? I don't understand your point and where you're saying that.

I froze in thought when I heard what he said and I felt ice-cold because of what I heard.

ME: What? Are you serious?


ME: What did you like about me?

ANDREW: Of course because you're kind, beautiful, smart.

ME: But why me?

ANDREW: I love you. Is that love in question? Maybe you can't suddenly feel that one day you'll just wake up smiling because, with him/her, your day isn't complete if you can't see him/her. I will ask you now, do you love me?

ME: Love right away? Can't you just be confused? Maybe that's just infatuation. That will also pass that you feel for me so while it's still early stop that nonsense.

ANDREW: But I'm serious. Let me be your suitor Ashley Perez. I'll prove to you I'm serious with you and I'm not kidding.

I ended the call immediately because I was surprised as long as all the shock on my face was already there. What is he saying seriously, I'm not happy, and because I only met him on the internet what is it? Internet love? No fucking way !!!! What the hell is he saying? Is he drunk or what? My goodness!!! I don't know how to entertain that kind of situation because I'm very new to this, I didn't love someone seriously before. I guess for now I will just think before I decide because that's the better and right thing to do right now.