
I hope the informations are correct

"Ok Eli first question in which country are we" i ask. Lets begin with a simple quastion i think to my self. Eli looks at me a little bit confused but on the same time happy for the simple quastion. "This is the kingdome Tobarka" Eli answers. Ok let me try a more difficult quastion. "How big is Tobarka and how long do i need to reach another country" i ask. "I don't understand there is only Tobarka" Eli says. Probably was he never in a differend city so he has no idea how big this country is. I try something else. "What is the most dangerous think out of town" i ask. "Dragons are the most dangerous creatures but i have never seen one. I also have never met someone who has seen one." Eli answers. Ok wrong quastion. Dragons could exist but it could also be a myth. I must ask a concrete quastion. "What is the most dangrous think outside this town" i ask. "The most dangerous think is the ruin inside the forest. It has a lot of strong creatures living inside" Eli says. This infomation is probably true. "Is there someone fighting this creatures" i ask. "Yes Knights from the mercenary guild or from town guard" Eli says. "Are there no magicians" i ask. "This town has no magicians who can fight" Eli answers. "Than is here a magician with non combat spells in this town" i ask. As i ask this Eli looks puzzled at me. "Sir every one can use mana and know one non combat spell at birth" Eli says. "If every one can use mana why is there so few combat magician" i ask. "Most people can only use there one spell. To learn more spells you need a lot of money and someone who is teaching you" Eli answers. This is probably something like only nobels can get combat magicians. "Can you show me your spell" i ask. "Sir it is not good to show your spell" he says. "I give you some extra bronze coins if you show me your spell" i say. Eli looks right and left before he concentrates and says something i don't understand. He shows me his hand as one finger catches on fire with a tiny flame. "Can you increase the flame" i ask. "Sorry i can't make the flame bigger" Eli says. "It's ok you can stop" i say. Without Eli doing something visible the flame expire and he takes his hand down. "Ok one last quastion. How can you became a Knight" i ask. "If you fight and win you can get experiance points and with enough experiance points you get new level. And with every level you get stronger" Eli says. Interesting i'm not the only one who can level. "Thank you for your help Eli" as i say this i give him one silver coin and five bronze coins. He grabs the coins and runs smiling a way. I Think my next stop is the mercenary guild.