
How To Summon A Human

2,400 years ago a war raged on between the Human and Demon race with neither side ever gaining any ground on the other. The war ended with the sacrifice of the Demon King of Slaughter and the Extinction of the Human race. 2,400 years later Demon kind knew peace and prosperity, however tensions were high with the Demon Kings Throne empty since the Great War, Demon Territories similar to Human nations fought over who should claim the throne. In one of the Thirteen Territories, a young female Demon known as Ardere was in her first year at one of the most prestigious schools in the Demon realm. The Demon school Inferis was a school famous for the quality of Demons they produced by the end of their learning period. Arderes dream was to one day boost her family rank, however she was always a weaker Demon having little mana and weak magic. Ardere had worked hard to get into Inferis and would soon discover what it takes to surpass those who held the ranks above her. Everything was supposed to change when she Summoned her Magic Beast. A companion composed of the very Mana she was surrounded by who she would form a Pact with and would assist her in her time at school. Ardere had info from a reliable source that she was going to summon something great, but when it came her turn to call forth the mana to summon a Magic Beast instead by the end of the ritual a person laid in its place.

KJ1415 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

The Summon

One moment Ardere was in her home and the next she was in a marble room standing on top of a large slab with a Magic Circle on it. The moment she appeared in the room several Demons gathered the luggage and another person walked up to Ardere.

"Name please" The Demon asked.

"Ardere Daemonium."

"Here are the directions to your room. You are expected to attend the entrance ceremony so make sure you stop there first." The man handed Ardere a piece of paper with a magic circle on it and her name written in the middle of it in a gold ink. Ardere poured mana into the piece of paper making the circle glow then it vanished and now Ardere knew exactly where her room and where the ceremony would take place.

looking around the massive room were several Marble slabs with magic circles on them and each time the circle glowed a new student would appear with their belongings, then the servants would clear the slab and another student would appear. Each student that appeared would be given a piece of paper with a magic circle on it and then proceed out of the room.

Ardere followed her head as it instinctively guided her out of the massive room and to a hallways packed with students all walking the same direction like a river. following the other students Ardere walked down the hall through twists and turns of the academy halls and found herself in an even bigger room than before with several windows and light orbs to light the massive room. once students stoped flooding the room a man with red hair and a full goatee that went up the sides of his jawline until it stopped below his ears stood in front of the everyone.

The man snapped his fingers and a purple orb appeared in front of his mouth and he began to speak.

"Welcome first years to Inferis Academy. I am Albeon Inferis the eighth, the head of this fine academy. You have all worked hard to get accepted into this wonderful school and those uniforms you wear prove that. while you are attending this school you will learn the basics of mathematics, magic circle translation, along with the History of our land."

Before the man could continue the students began to chatter amongst themselves, some were worried and others were confused, but all of them were on the subject of "What about Magic class." The man heard these worried whispers and quickly put the students mind at ease.

"It should be obvious that Magical studies will be one of your classes, however you will also have a secondary class which will focus on the magical attribute of the Magical Beast you all summon."

The students in the room including Ardere grew excited. Magical Beasts would often differ from person to person depending on their personality and their strengths. In other words the Mana forms a perfect Beast that can enhance your strengths and cover for your weaknesses.

"Classes will begin tomorrow, as for today you will have to complete your schedule since you can't have a secondary class revolving around your Magical Beast if you have no Magical Beast."

The crowd of students erupted into cheer and excitement. Ardere was ecstatic as she had expected to get her magic beast soon, but not on the first day of entry. 'If i can summon something with a large pool of mana I can finally get over my weakness.' she thought as the curtains on the windows closed and the light orbs that flew over head turned blue and particles fell onto the students. When one of the particles hit Ardere she was transported to a large field where other students began appearing alongside her.

when the small crowd turned into a massive mob of around 200 students, the Head of the Academy appeared and with him was a female teacher. She was slim and had an all black loose fitting suit on and a clipboard with her. The woman had long black hair tied up and had caramel skin.

"This is Ms. Black she will be evaluating your Summons attribute and will also be grading you depending on how rare it is."

'She will be grading all of us?' Ardere thought as she looked around. 'Won't that take too much time.'

As the woman walked forward she spoke some incoherent words and just like she was reading Ardere's mind nineteen other exact versions of her appeared and began dividing the students. From the looks of it Ardere would be one of the last to summon a Magical Beast, but she enjoyed watching the other students call the mana and watch as it took form of several different beasts. Some repeated such as salamanders, wolves and birds of prey while others were unique such as one student who summoned a large boar with four tusks and a black Hide while another student summoned something that looked like a salamander only it was green instead of red and had armored scales and menacing talons along with spikes along the ridge of its back.

The line of students moved along quickly and soon it came time for Ardere to summon. Ardere was so caught up in what the other students summons that the didn't have time to mentally prepare for when her turn came.

There were several Magical Beasts that could make up for her lack of Mana. The Anima which is said to be a Beast that could transform into any Beast imaginable in order to adapt to the situation it was in. The Dragon which was at the pinnacle of the Magical Beasts and had the largest Mana Pool imaginable. Then there's the Leviathan a Beast with power comparable to the dragon and another one is the Rock Drake, a serpent like Beast with four limbs that claws its way through the ground using the earth itself to power its abilities. Ardere spent a long time researching Magical Beasts in hopes one day she could summon one of legend.

Walking up to Ms. Black or one of Ms. Blacks Magic clones she began instructing her what to do. "You are Ardere Daemonium correct?" she said. Ardere just nodded nervous of the upcoming ritual. "I want you to close your eyes and call to the Mana inside your body and pull it out, hold it there until the natural Mana begins fueling it and then I want you to concentrate when you feel there is enough mana let it take form."

Ardere did as she was told and closed her eyes. She imagined a light in her hands as big as a ping pong ball and then forced it into existence. when she pulled the mana from her body she felt weak and opened her eyes, as she pushed the little ball of light a few feet away from her she heard whispers among the other students.

"That's all she could pull even I managed one bugger than that."

"How did she make it in this school."

"She must be one of the common to only be able to pull that much out."

The gossip among the other students almost made her loose her concentration but her resolve was too strong and she stopped listening. soon enough like the teacher had said the natural mana in the air began to feed into her own making the small ping pong ball bigger until it was the size of a fist and then a ball. Then the light stopped growing, but Ardere could still feel Mana feeding into it so she held it, she held it for a minute and then her body began to give with the lack of Mana feeding into her body she felt sick and almost couldn't stand, but she didn't want to give up. 'I need to hold it longer! I need something with more mana than I would ever know what to do with! I can't give up!' She thought.

Just then the light grew massive, to the size of a person making everyone even the teacher step back. Just then Ardere couldn't take it anymore and fell to her knees unable to hold it any longer she felt she needed to throw up, but kept her breakfast down, as she looked up she saw the white light and ut began to shrink until it was the size of a ping pong ball again.

"Unfortunate." The teacher said helping Ardere up. "It's rare, but sometimes the Mana will leak from the orb you summon all you can do is hope it completely disappears so you can try again another day."

Ardere couldn't believe it she had pulled so much mana and it had leaked from her orb and not only that the orb stopped shrinking so now her Magic Beast would take form and there was no do over. Ardere looked to the ground and gritted her teeth, she was so close and just had the worst luck. She fought back tears as she looked up to see the orb slowly descend to the ground; something it hadn't done with the other students. Then the white light turned blue and dug itself into the ground and a magic circle appeared sending a burst of energy that sent powerful winds and pushed back the students and made the Teacher and the Head of the Academy block out the blinding light that was emitting from the circle.

As the circle formed runes began to scribe themselves into the circle runes that Ardere had never seen before, then the energy began to die down until just the circle remained with a dull blue glow. Finally the circle lifted and when it past into the air a boy stood there.