
How To Summon A Human

2,400 years ago a war raged on between the Human and Demon race with neither side ever gaining any ground on the other. The war ended with the sacrifice of the Demon King of Slaughter and the Extinction of the Human race. 2,400 years later Demon kind knew peace and prosperity, however tensions were high with the Demon Kings Throne empty since the Great War, Demon Territories similar to Human nations fought over who should claim the throne. In one of the Thirteen Territories, a young female Demon known as Ardere was in her first year at one of the most prestigious schools in the Demon realm. The Demon school Inferis was a school famous for the quality of Demons they produced by the end of their learning period. Arderes dream was to one day boost her family rank, however she was always a weaker Demon having little mana and weak magic. Ardere had worked hard to get into Inferis and would soon discover what it takes to surpass those who held the ranks above her. Everything was supposed to change when she Summoned her Magic Beast. A companion composed of the very Mana she was surrounded by who she would form a Pact with and would assist her in her time at school. Ardere had info from a reliable source that she was going to summon something great, but when it came her turn to call forth the mana to summon a Magic Beast instead by the end of the ritual a person laid in its place.

KJ1415 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Alpha's Gambit Part 2

As Kenji stood up, an unsettling sensation lingered in the air. Kenji's surroundings blurred into a disconcerting swirl, like trying to navigate through a thick fog. The once-clear distinctions between objects became hazy, leaving him with a sense of unsteadiness as if the ground beneath him had turned unpredictable.

Kenji's eyes scanned his own body, a perplexed expression forming on his face. Experimenting cautiously, he moved each limb as if rediscovering the capabilities of his own physicality. The movements, though controlled, seemed foreign, as if he were navigating this body for the first time.

"This was not anticipated," he mumbled, his words carrying a hunt of bewilderment. The revelation of his own body's unfamiliarity left him questioning the nature of this unexpected experience.

"I meant to simply pass through the boy, not posses him," Kenji muttered, his voice holding an uncharacteristic not of confusion.

"Demons can't just be possessed by human soul; the essence of mana is too distinct, unless... This lad is a human," Kenji's voice echoed with bewilderment. "Possession should be out of my reach; I am a mere spirit, not even a lich. My mama is practically nonexistent—only the essence of my soul lingers."

Kenji continued to explore the capabilities of his newfound physical form. He flexed his fingers, marveling at the dexterity of the human hand. The sensation of muscles contracting and relaxing was a novel experience, and he couldn't help but be amazed. Cautious steps turned into purposeful strides as he tested the agility if the limbs at his disposal.

"This vessel is quite extraordinary," he murmured to himself, his words a mixture of wonder and curiosity. The way the body responded to his commands, the range of motion, and the sensory input—it was a par cry from the incorporeal existence he had known for so long. Each movement brought a fresh realization of the tangible world around him, and Kenji found himself caught between fascination and an inexplicable sense of displacement.

Kenji observed his area, noticing the gathered plants with curiosity. "What werr you doing collecting these? Have they found a purpose since my passing?" He knelt down and continued to gather them, his movements deliberate and measured.


The Direfamfs had fallen, defeated by the Earth ound warriors, leaving only the imposing alpha standing. In the aftermath of the battle, Sandra bore the burnt if the alpha's power, her stone-armored forearm fractured but holding, a testiment to the durefang alpha's formidable strength. Meanwhile,.Emberlash and Melodi, though resilient, faced challenges in subduing the ferocious wolves.

As the alpha stood defiant, Sandra,.berladh, and Melodi took stock of the situation. Sandra's injuries were evident, her arm in pain from the alpha's relentless assault. The stone armor that had shielded ber now bore the scars of the battle, weakened but not broken.

Ardere, as the leader of the Earthbound warriors, felt a pang of remorse as she surveyed Sandra's injuries. The factured stone armor and the pain etched on Sandra's face weighed heavily on her. In that moment, Ardere bore the weight of responsibility, the burden of leading her companions into a perilous confrontation.

Ardere recalled Kenji's words just before the battle, a stark reminder in the midst of the chaos. "Pain is temporary, death is forever." He had said. As long as no one died, she shouldn't hesitate to feel guilty about her actions as leader.

In those words, Ardere found both solace and a weighty responsibility. The battle had brought pain, especially for Sandra with her injuries, but they were still alive. She pondered Kenji's perspective — the idea that dismemberment could be a step before death, possibly even worse.

However, Ardere shook off the lingering thoughts and determination replaced remorse as Ardere steeled herself for the final push. The Direfang alpha loomed before them, a formidable adversary that needed to be vanquished for the safety of the group.

Sandra whistled sharply, summoning Emberlash to her side. The Vishup immediately rubbed against her leg, it's magical essence stiffened up Sandra's forearm, acting as a splint while fixing her damaged armor. The gesture brought a sense of relief to Sandra as she prepared for the final push against the Direfa g alpha.

Ardere gave the order to advance, and the group moved forward with purpose. Melodi, in sync with Luna, empowered Sandra, boosting her strength and resilience for the impending clash. Sandra, now braced, met the alpha head-on.

The direfang alpha, sensing it's opportunity, lunged forward with ferocity, jaws snapping at the new staff Sandra had hardly crafted. The enhanced power coursing through Sandra, a result of Luna, prevented an immediate break, but not without consequence. The staff, resilient as it was, cracked under the tremendous pressure, the struggle evident in the audible strain as the alpha attempted to crush the formidable weapon.

Melodi, positioned strategically, unleashed wind slashes that sliced through the air, aiming for the alpha. Ardere, hoping not to endanger Sandra once more with an explosive fireball, focused on condensing her mana into sharp spikes of fire, directing them with precision to strike the alpha without endangering Sandra

The magical attacks decended on their target, wind slashes cut through the air, and sharp spikes of fire descended with precision, finding their mark on the massive beast. The alpha, momentarily staggered by the attacks, continued it's relentless advance.

Even under the barrage, the alpha was not one to yield. It clamped down harder on Sandra's staff, determined to break the weapon. The cracks on the staff widened as the alpha's powerful jaws applied immense pressure, shattering the weapon in its relentless bite.

The alpha lunges for Sandra once more as she staggered from her staff breaking once more. The alpha opened its powerful jaws, aiming to crush Sandra's shoulder.

Emberlash, ever loyal, lunged at the alpha, aiming for its neck as it went to clamp down in Sandra's shoulder. Although the Vishup's bite didn't pierce the alpha's thick hide, it served as a crucial distraction. In retaliation, the alpha clawed at Emberlash, tearing chunks off it's armour.

Undeterred, Sandra swung the remnants of her stone staff, aiming for the alphas ribs with a powerful strike her empowered attack struck true. The impact was forceful, fracturing the bones and weakening the alpha.

The alpha direfang, yelping in pain, recoiled from the combined assault of the earthbound warriors. Emberlash released it's grip, retreating strategically. Sandra, with a surge of power, summoned earth spikes that erupted from the ground, impaling the alpha and causing cuts on its tough hide. However, the spikes broke, indicating that more power was needed.

Melodi swiftly followed, launching a condensed balm of wind that struck the alpha like a cannonball, breaking the already fractured bones in its body. The creature staggered, weakened but not yet defeated. Ardere, fueled by the empowering energy of Luna's ability, took charge. With a concentrated burst of mana, she created a massive fireball that exploded upon impact, enveloping the alpha direfang in an intense heat.

The alpha, now overwhelmed and fatally wounded, succumbed to the relentless assault. It's once ferocious demeanor gave way to weakness as it collapsed, marking the end of a grueling battle. The Earthbound Warriors, exhausted but victorious, stood admits the aftermath of the fierce encounter.

As the echoes of the battle subsided, the Earthbound Warriors found themselves huffing and puffing, visibly exhausted and drained of mana. In the aftermath of their victory, the forest's silence was broken by the faint yelping of Direfang pups. Startled, the girls turned their attention towards the source, revealing six small, frightened pups that had been hiding behind the rock where the alpha once stood.

Melodi, ever compassionate, observed the pups and remarked, "We must not have noticed them admidst all the chaos. What should we do with them?" Just then, the injured adolescent Direfang that had been hit by Ardere's explosive fireball before stirred and rushed protectively toward the vulnerable pups. Despite it's injuries, it displayed a fierce determination to shield the young ones as it put itself between the girls and the puppies.

The girls, though exhausted from their recent battle, faced a difficult decision. The injured Direfang, having recovered somewhat, stood as the last remaining threat, guarding the pups with a mix of defiance and desperation. The Earthbound Warriors, fatigued but compassionate, contemplated their next steps in this unexpected aftermath.

Emberlash, the ever faithful Vishuo, bore the scars of battle with dignity. It's stone armor, once pristine, now showcased deep claw marks etched into the hardened plates. Blood oozed between the gaps in the armor, staining the ground beneath the wounded creature. Despite the visible injuries, Emberlash stood firm, ready to defend its master and continue the fight against the last remaining Direfang.

Sandra, still catching her breathand holding her splinted arm, spoke with a compassionate determination, "It's possible we may still have enough fight in us to finish this if we have to, but do we have to?" Her words hung in the air, reflecting a consideration for the Direfang pups and the injured guardian. The group, worn but compassionate, faced a dilemma, torn between the remnants of their strength and the empathy that resonated within them.

As the group pondered the fate of the Direfang pups, a voice resonated, "Let them be free!" Stepping out from the forest, Kenji approached, "The pups shall grow, and amongst them, one shall rise to assume the mantle of Alpha, commencing the eternal cycle once more." With a subtle shooing gesture towards the remaining Direfangs, he uttered, "Alright, off you go, little ones." The injured Direfang, taking the hint, limped away, the pups following closely, vanishing into the depths of the forest.

With the Direfang threat finally subsiding, the group of girls slumped to the ground, the weight of tension lifting from their soulders. Relief washed over them, not just from the end of the arduous battle but, more significantly, from the knowledge that they hadn't been force to compromise their morals. The forest, once echoing with the clash of spells and the growls of Direfangs, now settled into a serene calm, allowing the exhausted warriors to catch their breaths and savor the peace they had fought so hard to preserve.

As the girls rested, taking solace in their brief respite, Kenji allowed the girls to bask in their victory. Luna snuggled up to Melodi and Emberlash did the same to Sandra, the bond of magical being and their masters offering a source of comfort in the aftermath of the battle.

After a short period of rest, the girls, regaining some strength, began the task of collecting the valuable magic cores from the fallen Direfangs. The forest, once a battlefield, was now a site of meticulous extraction. Each crystal representing the essence of a magical beast, was carefully gathered.

The final count tallies the accumulation of these magical treasures:

9 Novice-tier Direfang crystals: the combined contribution of the adolescents and adults, recognizing their equal standing in magical potency.

3 Novice-tier Razorclaw Crystals

1 Apprentice-tier Direfang crystal: A unique find amongst the remains of the alpha.

With these crystals in their possession, the group has not only triumphed over a formidable for but also reaped the rewards of their hard-fought victory.

As the crystals were carefully stowed away in the groups supplies, Kenji requested an empty sack, casting a curious gaze towards the plants he had gathered earlier. Leading the girls to the collection, he instructed Ardere to burn a piece of wood. With the charred end, he traced the intricate lines of a magic circle on the sack.

Kenji filled the sack with the gathered plants, and then, with a touch of anticipation, he reached towards the magic circle. To his surprise, nothing happened. A perplexed look crossed his face, promoting him to examine his hand as if questioning its ability.

"Would you come here" Kenji called to Melodi, his eyes gleaming with a spark of realization, "Can you imbie this with a bit of mana?"

Responding to the request, Melodi directed a stream of mana towards the magic circle. Suddenly, the dormant symbols ignited, casting a soft glow in response to the infusion of magical energy. The sack, now enchanted, began to emanate a coolness.

Ardere, observing this newfound skill, remarked, "That's a low-level frost charm. When did you learn that?" Kenji, sporting a mysterious smile, chose to remain silent, simply picking up the sack as an enigmatic air surrounded him.


Fun fact, I actually write some of my chapters drunk, though the aftermath is a bit hell. Don't forget to vote with your power stones (I realize I have been saying leave a like these past few chapters.) And also leave a comment. I always love to hear what you might like or dislike about these chapters.