
How to raise your Night Fury

In a world filled with dragons, legends, each more epic than the other, are heard daily. However, none of these were proven true or false until the legend of Dovah Audgrim II was born. People would hear about a man, who travels the sky on the back of a dragon, protecting no one, but the worst fearsome enemy of men. While doing so, he made nothing but enemies among men except for a few isolated groups. While facing the world, he discovered the dragon's greatest secret and used it to push forward the world at speed never seen before. Come and listen to the epic story of a man who betrayed humanity to become its greatest benefactor. --------------------- This is an alternate universe of 'How to train your dragon.' I don't own the world of 'How to train your dragon.' I only own the character I created.

Xav232 · Movies
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16 Chs

The terror of Dreadfall

"I see. Then we will beat you up until you give it to us with a smile."

"Yeah!" " Let's get to it!"


Dovah was surprised and never thought that his relationship would go that bad. He never lived something similar in his past life. Each time the bully he faced would give up quickly, but now it's a three vs. one. For someone normal, it would be troubling, but his mind wasn't going in that direction at all.

'They can't beat me! They can't beat me? How do I know that? I know it's going to be fun.'

Jeff didn't believe he would need to do anything, so he was standing back while his goons were already stepping forward. They didn't notice that Dovah had already used one of his fog bombs. They saw it too late, and they can't change anything anymore.

In case of sudden blindness, the first reaction of ordinary people would be panic. How someone panicked varies from person to person, but in this case, the two goons couldn't stop themselves from talking out loud.


"Jeff, we can't see anything! The fog is so thick you could cut it with a knife."

"Don't worry, stay calm, and don't move from your spot. If you see anything moving, hit it without thinking. Dovah will launch a surprise attack from the fog. We have to wait until the fog is gone."

Dovah used this golden opportunity to deal with this dumbass with ease. They stand no chance at all. In a blind environment, if you don't move, people will know where you are, and you become an easy target. These dumbass thoughts they could react to a surprise attack only because they knew it was coming.

So Dovah quickly knocks out the two goons by punching them behind their head, for Jeff Dovah wanted to mess with him before knocking him out. So With a voice that seemed to come from everywhere, he talked to Jeff.


"Dovah! Where are you? I'm going to beat you to a pulp!"

"I'm nowhere."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that I'm only a ghost. Did you think that someone could create a fog bomb?"

Hearing this, Jeff's face started palling while Dovah was struggling not to laugh out loud.

"T-t-then what is this fog?"

"It's my very own body. From here, you can't escape no matter what you do! You will suffer the worst pain a man could suffer."

Jeff was already pissing in his pants by now. He just wanted to run away, but his legs were frozen. During that time, Dovah's belly was hurting from stopping himself from laughing.

"Remember this fear next time you want to mess with THE TERROR OF DREADFALL!"

After saying these last words, Dovah, standing behind Jeff, prepared his leg for the killing blow. Without warning, he struck as hard as he could between Jeff's leg. Jeff let out a silent scream and fainted while standing.

"That was fun. The best prank I made till now!"

Dovah was very happy with the result. He managed to scare Jeff shitless, and it will take him a lot of time before he realizes Dovah isn't some immortal ghost. He also managed to confirm the talent that was given to him. Even without the fog, he was sure he could deal with all three of them with only a few bruises, but to make sure Dovah could make out of a similar situation in the future, Dovah was going to need to train.

The last thing Dovah learned from this fight was that his fog bombs are super helpful. He is going to keep them around just in case from now on. For now, he needs to leave to avoid getting into trouble if someone were to misunderstand the situation.

Later, when a Viking found the three of them unconscious, immediately upon seeing Jeff's condition, he covered his crotch in reflex and quickly went to help him.

*Later on the same day*

Dovah was now at his home when his father went to him and asked him what he thought dreadfall was. Noticing that his son doesn't know, Berg explained that during Dreadfall, the barrier between the world of the living and the world of the dead is the thinnest. Because of that, the dead are rising and walking on earth again.

"And among these living dead, the most feared of all is a dragon that is so feared while it's living that the strength it gained through death is unfathomable."

"Which Dragon?"

Berg let a second pass to build up the suspense and said:

"The Dreadfall Night Fury!"

"*Gasp* That's so cool!"


Berg planned to scare his son by telling him a scary story, but now he is over excited and keeps asking questions about this story to know all the detail. After two hours of relentless questioning, Berg was exhausted, but Dovah was finally satisfied and went to his room to prepare for an expedition to meet that Night Fury. Berg never guessed his son's real intention behind these questions, or he would have locked him up until the holiday was finished.

Dovah prepared various objects that might be useful for his expedition. There was a little bit of food, water, in case he got lost he prepared a sleeping bag, some tools to lit a fire, various medicine that could save his life if he were hurt and finally the only book he found which gave tips on how to survive in the wild.

Dovah wasn't planning to go far, but he was careful. He didn't want to lack something if he got lost. Once done preparing, he took the only weapon he was allowed to carry, a knife, and went outside his house with a single destination in mind the forest to the east of the village. That way, he will always remain close to the sea, and he can manage to find a way back home.

After two hours of walking, he is already in the forest, and from the information, He gathered from his father, he needs to wait around one hour before dawn which is the optimal time for the dead to get to the world of the living. Not willing to wait and do nothing like in a video game, Dovah walked deeper and deeper into the forest.

On his way, he stumbled on some berry bush, which was not poisonous. It's been a long time since he last ate something sweet, and he longed for some sweet taste, but since he didn't have any way to know that it wasn't poisonous, he just looked at the sweet berry with a hungry look before continuing on his way.

After two more hours of walking, Dovah heard a weak roar. He immediately went toward the cry while staying quiet. He doesn't know what he will find and is careful. Ten seconds later, he heard a second roar in a slightly different direction but closer than before.

It took him one minute to find what made the roar, but once he saw it, he was disappointed. A small dragon was walking weakly in a random direction. It was a yellow Terrible Terror. Dovah was hoping for something better than that.

Terrible terror is a species of small stoker class dragon. For information, Stoker Class dragons are hot-headed fire breathers. A notable characteristic of these dragons is their firepower. Some of them are capable of setting themselves or a part of their body on fire.

'*Sigh* Even though Terrible Terror is a stoker class, they are among the weakest dragon in the wild.'


'I will take this chance to find how to train dragons with this harmless dragon.'

After that, Dovah took a closer look and found it was wounded. There is a big gash on its right eye, and its legs are floppy. There is no way this dragon will survive if Dovah doesn't heal it, and he can't get the help of anyone in the village because they will all tell him to let it die.

'I wanted to find if I was a good healer by testing my knowledge on humans, not on a dragon. *Sigh*There is no time to waste.'


(If you spot mistakes tell me I will correct them. Thanks)

It would be best if you remembered he does not know about them anymore, so of course, he is underestimating them. There is a chance there will be another chapter today.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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