
How to Make Money in a Fantasy World

Sam is a Guild master, or he was six years ago As civilisation progressed the need for adventure and quests stopped. Guild mates and friends betrayed him leaving him pennyless and with nothing to do, moving to the city he got a job and an apartment ready to live the rest of his life without adventure bitter and alone. but it never ends like that. Given the goal of £100,000,000 and a time frame of 3 months he needs to make money Fast! How far would you go for your Brother? Would you kill?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 13

I crept into the apartment my hands slowly sliding the window as |I crawled through the hatch, my body slinking through the frame. I placed my feet onto the carpet. The ground was soft and covered my feet, consuming them like a field of ants crawling up the side of my boot with every step. I moved forward slowly keeping my body low. My body blending into the darkness, crouching around the small room as I moved. The room was silent. I pulled the hood over my head and lifted my mask over my face, the glaring smile covering my face and hugging my lips.

I pulled over to the door and pressed my ear to the door voices echoing through the wood. Then a roucast array of scrapes as the door is unlocked. A girl pushes through the door and walks into the apartment, her thin hand reaching for the light, her purse clattering the floor as I stabbed her, my knife slitting through her throat. I closed my eyes.

Finally it's done.

No more killing.

I'm free.

The relief flooded my body filling every hole that I'd stabbed, every hollow part of my soul. Bandaging my grief, my dismay and covering my blood ridden hands.

The door slowly opened. My smile turned to shock, the entire feeling shattering my heart. There was a man. He was standing in front of me with a phone to his ear. I could barely comprehend the scenario when the words flew out of his mouth, like daggers to my heart.

"Help! a man in a mask just stabbed my girlfriend! we're at 423 Dragon's tooth grove! Come quick please! He'll kill me!"

My eyes widened as I saw him, he dropped the phone as our eyes locked. T5he world was black and white outside that single blue point, his eyes glistening in contrast to my monochrome world.

"Now why'd you have to go and do that?"

I straightened my body, the dagger falling to my side.

"Stay calm Sam!"

"Just take the body and go." Shaun and Kane were standing behind me, their hands on my shoulders pulling me back.

"It's too fucking late! He's seen my face. I can't let him live."

They removed their hands as I swallowed the girl's body devouring into my chest and then tightening the coat around my chest and pulling the mask back. I turned back to the man, my eyes sparkling.

"Now, the unexpected snack."

"No...no..no please, I won't tell them. I'll say it was a prank, please just don't kill me."


"Oh thank god! Please just let me go? I wo..."

I cut through his throat.

my knife froze his blood as I pierced his flesh

he fell into my coat, his body lying next to the girl's.

"Um, Control this is 56. What the fuck is this thing he just ate a man."


"I mean I have a 419 possible armed assailant, possibly magic wearing a black coat and a weird…."

I launched forward, my feet ripping up the carpet as I flew forward cutting through his throat and devouring him.

"Y'know they always travel in pairs" Mel was standing behind me with Kane and Shaun watching the events unfold.

I stared down the steps, the black banister cold to my touch. There were three more all staring at me.

I'm running out of room.

What should I do?

I can carry maybe four people. But can I run?

Can I jump?

What if there's more?

Dammit what the hell can I do?

What is t6here to do?

"Jack?" I said weakly

Dammit I can't call him.

I need help.

I need…. No!

I can do this

I've been an assassin for nearly three months. I've raised 100 million. I can handle a few police.

I can

I need to.

No, I can't use that excuse anymore

I guess I've been fooling myself, I can't fool myself. I know. I can't keep lying.

I could have left that guy

I should have left that guy.

I want to do this.

There's been less of a thrill but now?

This is plenty exiting

Even if I get caught my Brother will be fine.

This is going to be fun. I've got two days before I'm out of time. Walking down the stairs my knife at my leg swinging as I climbed down the narrow steps.

This is different from fights and duels I've been in before.

If I get hit or a single drop of my blood spills it's over. I'm done for.

This is exhilarating. If I'm going out now. I don't need morality, I don't need a reason. I don't need someone to protect nor to be some kind of hero.


I shouted down at the policemen, their cloaks rusling as they moved back, I held my knife by my face, the blade gently stroking my skin and the cold steel clouding from my breath. the mask wrapping around my mouth. The smile bending and twisting as I breathed in and out my entire body heaving as I stared down at them.

My nerves tingle with anticipation. Excitement.

I ran forward, my blade lagging behind me as I jumped up to the ceiling. The first one shot a bolt of lightning, the flash ewas blinding as it barely missed my face. An emblem was emblazoned across his hand, a magic crest. The sign of a high class mage.

I smiled and sprang forward my blade sinking into his hand and in three concise cuts cutting it to shreds.

He fell to the floor screaming and crying holding the bleeding hand. Blood spurted from it as I dived forward cutting his throat.; blood washed over my body, splattering the walls. I turned my attention to the next one his arms tensed around his sword, the tendons bulged as he swung the sword. I dodged to the side, the blade glinting in front of me. I swung my hand up cracking into his elbow, he dropped the sword and I picked it up with my foot stabbing him in the face.

My entire body and every cell in my body is in awe of the blade. It dripped with blood, trivers peeled down the steel, his face was covered in the beautiful red. I kicked the next one, my foot lashing out into his chest and knocking him from his feet.

"That knife, that power, that speed. No you couldn't be. You can't be him."

"I can't be who?" I said, sticking my face close toi his, the clouds of breath falling from my mask and spreading onto his horrified face. The contempt, the disgust. The hatred and disposal. It was glorious.

"Sam the saviour, the leader of the silver bullet. You were my hero, how did you become this?"

"Because times are changing and this world doesn't allow heroes. And because..."

I stabbed my knife into his chest, twisting the blade into his heart, blood flowing out of the red organ.

I felt his last breath on my cheek and giggled the pain traveling up my spine and enveloping me with joy.

"Killing is what I love. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!"
