
How to improve your novel planning and writing in 10 easy steps.

In this small book you will learn, 10 easy steps in creating a novel. If this book helps you then make sure to review and share. For more help: https://discord.gg/hPxUv9tnGW

Cosmic_SpiritKing · Fantasy
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Step 4

Write a synopsis

A synopsis is a fairly extended retelling of the story, but it's still a retelling.

To create one, you have to go back to step two. You already have a brief description of the story in five or six sentences.

This retelling should describe the beginning, the development, the climax, and the denouement. Now you need to elaborate. Each sentence should be described in sufficient detail.

For example, if the example states that Jane Eyre was an orphan, then we need to point out this fact of her biography, mentioning that her parents died and that she herself was the child of an unrecognized mésalliance. She had first lived with the widow of her uncle, who hated the girl and at the first opportunity sent her to a strict boarding school.

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