
How to improve your novel planning and writing in 10 easy steps.

In this small book you will learn, 10 easy steps in creating a novel. If this book helps you then make sure to review and share. For more help: https://discord.gg/hPxUv9tnGW

Cosmic_SpiritKing · Fantasy
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Step 2

Now expand the idea to a paragraph

Describe the plot, conflict, and denouement of the novel. That's about five or six sentences.

Decide on the number of conflicts, since the structure of "premise - conflict development - climax - denouement" should be established at this level of drafting.

If you're a first-time author and working with the method, it's best to limit yourself to one conflict. At the end of step two, you should have a paragraph that briefly explains the essence of the story.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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