
Part 1 Cover Image

Face it, that's the first thing seen on physical books. I say physical because I tend to look at the name of the book first when searching for a web novel. Now just because I placed it first, it doesn't mean I find it more important. In the case of web novels, I find the image to be of low (not minimal) importance. It's low tho, because I understand that authors are Not necessarily Visual Artists, or artists that make items usually placed on display. It is still important however as it is the main clue in what type of book you are looking at.

Wolf on the cover? It's most likely the MC.

Human wearing a robe? Cultivation or Historical

Neck, chest, and waist with no shirt and male? Steamy romance.

Stick figures? Is that supposed to be a wolf, or a dog? Is this a guy? Uhh, what is this supposed to be?

If you need to resort to stick figures or a blank cover, you might want to check out ai generated images.