

Sae entered the house and saw a note sticked into the wall.


I got to help my classmates in the exam. There's food in the frifge. I'll be back before 9.

Takeru <3]

"*sigh* Always leaving me alone." She sighed as she went to eat.

In the underground room of the giant oak tree, Takeru is slumped on a chair as Yasaka is peacefully sleeping in his makeshift bed made of wood and leaves.

"That was close." He muttered as he remembered what happened.


Takeru opened his eyes as he sensed his aunt is just outside the door. He then saw that Yasaka is still sleeping and his room's smelled of something one would smell in a love hotel.

He wyixkly used his new skill, TimeManipulation and stopped the universe except him. He carried Yasaka to the bathroom and cleaned her body. Due to time being stopped, she is frozen in time and won't feel anything.

He clothed her and made a gate heading towards the underground room in the oak tree's roots. He laid her on the bed and went back to the house.

He cooked dinner for his aunt by excempting the ingredients he used in the time stop and cooked dinner as put it in the fridge.

He made a note and put it on the wall and used gate to go to Yasaka. Then, he continued time as if nothing happened.

●●●●●●Flashback End●●●●●●

"Hmm. I could stop time forever though." He muttered as he remembered the feeling of using TimeManipulation to stop time.

"I should now try to explore other universes." Takeru stood up and sensed the spatial coordinates around him.

He opened his eyes and saw that everything was black. From left to right and top to bottom, if there is, is just pure black.

He found a string of white in front of him and he held the string in his hands. It is as thin as a thread and continued forever.

He then felt information flooding his brain. He saw multiple white holes appear around him.

He entered one and just saw himself appear in a white empty street. He looked around and saw people walkimg around. Just like a normal day.

"I travelled universes." Takeru muttered blandly. He then began to walk to whatever he was going to. He didn't forget to stop time in his original universe so he can stay here in an indefinite amount of time.

Takeru then stopped in his place as he felt a flunctuation of mana. He sensed earlier that this world is just a bland one without any mana or anything. Sensing mana right now is impossible.

"Except someone can travel through worlds." Takeru muttered as he used illusion to be invisible. He then made a gate and went from his location towards where he felt the mana is.


Hajime spotted a silver magic circle appear below Kouki's feet. He saw it get bigger until the whole class was inside the circle.

'What's happening?' He panicked as he saw all of his classmates panicking.

"Ho~ What do we have here?" He heard a voice of a young man. He looked behind him and saw a young man with greyish black hair, cyan highlights and black amused eyes staring at the magic circle.

"Hm? Yahallo~" He waved at Hajime as he black out and vanish with a white light.

"A world crossing. I should follow them too. I want some friends. This also semmed interesting." Takeru made a gate after he sensed the spatial gap that appeared connecting this world to the place where the others went.


Takeru watched as the other people that got transported to another world got filled in about getting summomed as heroes and fighting the war againsts a demon army.

The one he also greeted earlier seemed to forget about him. He registered the fact that the guy thought he might only be a hallucination.

Then, the pope said something about god. Ehit was it?

"Where are you.... There." Takeru scanned the world and sensed a huge amount of mana in a different plane than this one. Takeru made a gate and entered.

He reappeared in a plane of pure black where a humalid figure of white is standing alone. As soon as Takeru appeared, the figure dashed towards him in breakneck speed.

Takeru sensed someone coming close to him so he looked behind him. There, he saw a faceless, pure white humanoid dashing towards him.

"!!!" Takeru screamed in shock and accidentally used SoulManipulation to crush the soul of the humanoid whatever it is. He is so shocked that he even used the alien's language.

"Eh?" Takeru stopped when he saw the humanoid figure vanish into nothingness.

"Oh. Sorry." Takeru, even though invincible, can still be scared. He's still a human after all.

"Ooooh! He might be the god or whatever." Takeru then made a gate and went back to the 'heroes'.


During these 3 days, Takeru have been spying on the heroes as they trained. He found out that the one he had greeted from before the summoning is a protagonist material.

Bullied? Check. Worst Job? Check. Timid? Check. Otaku? Check.

That only means that the guy will be an overpoweres edgelord.

"Today, we will be raiding the Orcus Dungeon." The one in-charged with them, Meld, announced.

"Ooooh~ Finally some action." Takeru stretched as he floated above Hajime like a bird. Except the bird can destroy the whole world with a sneeze.

Thus, the heroes began to pack up. Takeru also noticed that one girl, Kaori was it, went to Hajime's room as he hovered above Hajime who is in his bed, still invisible.

"Nagumo-kun, are you still awake? It's me, Shirasaki. Can I bother you for a moment?" Kaori knocked on the door, wearing a snow-white negligee.

'*whistle*Romance.' Takeru said in his mind.

Hajime opened the door and saw Kaori. He froze when he saw her though.

Thus, as a pathetic virgin, Hajime's hormones got stimulated by just looking at a girl. Yeah, a pathetic VIRGIN.

After the scene, both of them went inside and Hajime presented Kaori a cup of fake black tea and sat down near the window. Hajime noticed that the tea was fake and acted like a girl.

"So, what did you want to talk about? Is it about tomorrow?" Hajime asked, embarassed.

Kaori nodded her head and started to brood.

"It's about the trip into the dungeon tomorrow. I want Nagumo-kun to stay here. I will persuade and explain to the instructors and everyone. So, please!" Kaori pleaded.

"Eto, I know I'm a burden...but since I'm already here I don't think I'll be able to just stay put." Hajime scratched his cheek.

"You're wrong. I don't mean you're a burden." Kaori said.

Then, she explained some things, that she dreamed about him and said that Hajime will disappear the next day.

"I see." Hajime said.

Seeing this, Takeru decided to dispell his invisibility. He won't get any fun without interfering in their life like the sadistic motherfucker he is.

"Yahallo, Hajime-kun~" Takeru called out as he waved.

Hajime and Kaori were stunned and quickly looked behind Hajime. There they saw a young man floating lazily with a playful smile on his face waving at them.

Remember, Takeru forgot about his past life. Should I keep Takeru in this world until the end of the canon or just after Orcus?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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