

"Who are you?" Hajime asked as he positioned himself in front of Kaori.

"Mah mah~ Don't be too on guard. I'm just a normal guy watching you since you came in this world." Takeru answered as he laid in the air.

"That made tou more suspicious!" Hajime said and Kaori nodded at that.

"*sigh* I just want to have some fun~"

'And gather every magic books in this world.' Takeru thought.

"You...You're that guy I saw before being summoned to this world!" Hajime pointed at him.

"Ding! Since you remembered, you won an overpowered guardian that will protect you!" Takeru said.

"What do you mean?" Kaori asked, still behind Hajime.

"Let's have a deal." Takeru changed into a serious demeanor and sat on a chair.

"I will protect you and that girl but you need to give me magic books with powerful magics." He offered as crossed his arms.

Hajime and Kaori also seemed to calm down and carefully took a seat opposite of Takeru. They thought that the whole kingdom will hunt Takeru if he tried to hurt them. Little did they know that Takeru can destroy this world with a flick.

"Do you agree?" Takeru asked as he stared straight at Hajime's eyes.

"But...why me?" He asked with his usual timid face.

"Oh. Nothing. You're just the first guy to interest me." Takeru answered.

'I feel that we have something similar.' Takeru thought.

"You should agree, Nagumo-kun." Kaori said as she held Hajime's hand, making him red.

"She's right, Hajimechi~" Takeru took on his playful persona and winked at him.

"E-eto...I still don't know your name?" He asked.

Takeru chuckled and smiled lightly.

"You can call me Takeru, your own personal guardian. If you keep your end of the trade of course."

"Hm! I agree." Hajime answered, determined.


Next day...

"Takeru-san, you will protect me right?" Hajime whispered as he sat in front of a bonfire.

"You will walk your path. I will just prevent any happenings that will surely take your life." Takeru answered as he hovered around him.

The heroes are currently inside the Orcus Labrynth. Hajime and Kaori are the only people that knew his existence. They promised not to expose him.

Although Takeru can just straighforward declare himself as Hajime's guardian, he will need to take care of Hajime's classmates' jealousy. It may cause a fight with all of the heroes pitting Hajime and in some case, Kaori too. He can just kill them for that but it will be a bad experience for Hajime's mentality.

Thus, he just became invisible with Hajime and Kaori being the only one able to see him.

"Be sure to keep your promise, Takeru-san." Hajime whispered again.

"Hai hai~" Takeru patted Hajime's head.

"Takeru-san!" Hajime complained. He just kept being bullied by him.

"Hajime!" Meld called him.

"Hai!" Hajime immediately turned around and saw that the rest are leaving.

"Let's go." Meld then followed the others.

Hajime nodded and followed. Takeru as always just kept havering above him.

The party met quite a lot of monsters which got easily defeated. Hajime, being a support class can only do some miscellanious tasks. The party got so much confident of clearing the dungeon which irked Takeru a bit.

"Should I create an earthquake to make them see just how weak they are?" He muttered which Hajime heard.

"Takeru-san! Don't!" Hajime looked at his classmates with concern. Though he didn't see Takeru in action yet, he can feel that he is strong.

"Don't worry~ Just a joke~" Takeru chuckled.

'Or is it?' Takeru thought.


The group continued their hunt. They fought some kind of monsters throwing boulders which they defeated with some difficulty. After that they took a small break.

During the break, Hajime and Kaori glanced at each other every now and then, which one of Kaori's friends, Shizuki Yaegashi noticed.

"Kaori, why are you two constantly looking at each other? You can't be considering a romantic comedy in the Dungeon, no time for that." She said with a small voice while having a wry smile.

"Mou, Shizuku-chan. Don't say strange things. I was just wondering if Nagumo-kun was alright. That's it." Kaori blushed and refuted angrily.

Shizuku shut her mouth but her eyes can't hide the fact that she is laughing. Seeing that, Kaori just sulked.

Meanwhile, with Hajime and Takeru...

Hajime felt a gaze full of unpleasant and negative emotions directed at him. He kwpt feeling it since earlier but ignored it due to it being gone when he turned to look.

Takeru though is now planning on how to torture the guy, Hiyama if thet mofo even tried to destroy his fun time with Hajime and Kaori. He is just waiting for the right time to strike since Hajime will probably hate him if he did it now. He don't want his first friend in another world to hate him now.

Takeru shook his head and returned to his playful persona and teased Hajime.

"Ne ne~ Did you hear that? Romantic comedy in a dungeon." Takeru poked Hajime's cheek.

"Takeru-san, stop teasing me. Find a girl you like already and tease her, not me." Hajime whispered.

"Oh no! Hajimechi hates me now. You broke my fragile heart." Takeru held his chest, as if in pain. Little did he know that his heart can survive the Big Bang without a scratch.

"Check out Yaegashi-san. She is beautiful and strong too. You will definitely like her." Hajime pointed at Shizuku secretly.

"Hmm. I probably won't be liked by her." Takeru took a glace at her and commented.

He will leave this world after making some friends and having learned a bunch of magic to be versatile in the war. He probably won't find a girl he likes in here. PROBABLY.

Thus, the group continued. Some justice guy name Kouki saw some girls scream and fought a monster using a skill that may collapse the place. He got smacked by Meld though.

Then, the wall did collapse. A mineral of whatever is it made of appeared stuck into the wall which enchanted many girls.

"What's that?" Kaori pointed to it.

"Oh, that? It's a Grantz Crystal. One of this big size is rare." Meld answered

"Lovely..." Kaori blushed, enchanted.

"If that's the case, I'll retrieve it." Then, some mofo with a brain problem just fucking went up to grab it.

Takeru face palmed at that and planned to make this guy suffer the 9 circles of hell.

Thus, after some dilly-dally, they all got transported into the middle of bridge above an endless abyss. Both ends of the bridge have stairs leading up.

"Go! Run!" Meld yelled.

Sadly for them, magic circles appeared on both side which monsters appeared. On one side, a bunch of armored skeletons while on the other is a 4-legged giant monster.

Meld stared at it in shock and muttered.


"Is that an elephant?" Takeru poked Hajime's shoulders.


One quarter of the bones in your body is in your feet.

I need powerstones. Give meh~

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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