
How to be O.P.


Nakirii_ · Others
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20 Chs

CH 13 - Apocalypse

The day starts normal. No fighting in the streets. Just peaceful that many people thinks that this day will be so beautiful yet it's the opposite. No one but me knows what will happen today. Zombie invasion, apocalypse, dead coming back to life or whatever. I call it 'zombies' or 'them'. Who knows what they are. No one knew where they come from or how did 'them' created. At least we survived, that's the best of all. It's just a zombie no big deal yet they're strong. Strong than normal people, they don't feel pain and the worst of all, strong senses and instincts. Even if you stab them anywhere than head, they won't even be killed. Why would you need to stab it's brain that you could even stab their hearts yet their brains are the only weakness. How could brain work when there's no heart and their blood changes? It wouldn't function as the heart pumps the oxygen and blood distributes it in the brain but how could the brain work? It's a mystery. Maybe they could walk even they become bones. Their senses is heighten. They go blind yet they have superior senses than a predator animal. They can know where we are like bats. They could smell blood even when their brains rot. They could hear the surroundings even when they become bones. They can feel heat with others. They could distinguish which one is the zombie or not. It destroys my common sense. Even in walking dead that I watched back then, zombies are all the same. The other differences in movies is that they run fast while others not. Luckily they can't think. That would be disastrous if they could.

What would you feel when zombies could run faster than you yet their feet is twisted. It's hell right? Well if you're weak that's what you would get.

Well at least I'm different. I'm very lucky and happy for it.

------------------------[Kyoko POV]------------------------

New day starts as the surroundings look calm and good. 'It's peaceful today' I thought as I smile when I remember the past months of happiness with Dell.

I'm really lucky to be saved by him. I got to spend many days with him in delight.

I walk with the other teachers in the gate as we hear something loud banging. When we got there, we could see a person banging it's head on the gate as he looks like drunk. We approached him as he gets his hands on the gate and look at us in a blood rush state. He speaks in an incomprehensible words as his teeth grinds making a clattering sounds. We approach him as we talk. I shouted at him to not cause trouble yet he did not listen. I could see Teshima rolls his sleeves as he approach the man, probably to impress me but I only need Dell so no.

He holds the man's neck and bring him up. We panicked as we can see him trying to kill the man yet the man did something that makes us surprise and confuse. He bites Teshima's arm as the skin stretch and we could see the flesh of his arms. We got scared as we check Teshima to see him starts to shake as bubbles starts forming at the side of his mouth. We thought he died but he stands up and look at us in afrenzy state as he rush on the other teacher and bites his neck. It repeats with another teacher as the three look at me. They rush at me as I fight them. Luckily, I learn martial arts with Dell so I kick Teshima in the head as I knee the other teacher and punch the face of the other one. I run to Dell as I go throughout the hallway.

Dell's room is on the other side so It takes long before I reach him but suddenly I could see my students Rei, Takashi and Hisashi runs outside. Then the school intercom sounds. I run to see Dell looks at me and he nods as if he knew what I'm talking about. Then all students rushed outside as we got to each other with Saya, Yuuki, Taniuchi and Kawamoto as Kohta approaches us. I explained what happen outside. Dell becomes our leader naturally. He explained to us what is the plan as we listen to him.

------------------------[POV End]------------------------

Back to our mc

I'm waiting for Kyoko to come here. They should be at the gates now. In the original, Kyoko got bitten in the gates of the school but I know that right now she won't suffer the same fate. I teach her martial arts so I knew she could find her way out of there.

I wait as I could see Takashi rush inside. He holds Rei's arms as he pull her outside. Rei hesitates to stand up as she looks at me but Takashi slaps her and pulls her. Hisashi got outside as he follows them. I just look at them but I want to punch Takashi in the face. Look how dense he is that he doesn't even give a shit about how Rei feels yet he slap her. I could punch him not now but later. I see Kyoko outside the room and I nod at her as the school intercom sounds in the whole school. The students panicked as they run trampling each other. I got in the side of the room with Kyoko, Saya, Yuuki, Taniuchi and Kawamoto as Kohta also comes with us. Kyoko told us what happened outside as others got scared. I explained my plan with them as we get ready to leave the room. We come outside as we can see below that students bite each other. It's pandemonium. Students run as other students grab each other while others are pushing anything that comes their way. We started to run in the infirmary to get Shizuka and Saeko as some zombies started to get in our way. I fight them barehanded as I break their necks and skulls. I don't have sharp weapon right now and I don't want to bring it out as it would get troublesome to explain. I just use my raw strength to fight them. They got amazed at me cracking skulls easily as it is hard just to break a bone but I'm way past a normal human. I'm 17 times more stronger and my strength just keep increasing with limitless body. We make way to the infirmary as we encountered Saeko with Shizuka. After that Rei and Takashi came but Hisashi is nowhere to be seen. I laugh inwardly as I thought 'Man, you we're a black belter in karate yet you got beaten by a zombie.'

We walk to faculty room as we fight zombies in our way. We stayed there for a few minutes as Shizuka gets the car keys for the school bus. We immediately got outside as we go to the bus parking near the gates. While we walk I could see Misuzu Ichijou and Toshimi Niki walks scared as they look around holding both of their hands. Then zombies dash at them but before the zombies bite them, I dash and punch the head as they could hear the cracks. I finished killing the dead as Misuzu and Toshimi looks at me in daze. I pat their heads while saying,

"Good job staying alive. Now your with me, you'll be protected. " They just nods their heads as they cry in my arms while blushing after. I caught Shizuka pouting which made her look really cute. I console them as we walk straight into the bus. We kill the zombies in our way as we let the noncombatants get into the bus first. We started the bus as soon as we clean the zombies near us. We close the door as some zombies run to us when the engine make sounds. Then we could hear a shout from outside as Takashi opens the door to let them in. They look inside as they see the girls and they look at them lustfully. They see this bus as if this is their own. I just stared at them and suddenly remember my plans with them.

Let's start the fun.