
How To Be A Superstar

Yang Jingshen– first-tier actor and celebrated artist… When he had been convinced that he could finally achieve his dream of becoming a film emperor, he died in an unfortunate accident that happened at the function that was supposed to kickstart his glittering future. And, when he opened his eyes against all odds, Yang Jingshen found himself in the body of Feng Xi; a female cannon fodder character in a trashy web novel he read recently.T_T Pathetic extraordinaire indeed, but then, what was a man to do except grit his teeth while hoping to make the best out of a situation that appeared woefully hopeless? And, Yang Jingshen had been nothing but pragmatic all his life. So, deciding to quietly settle into his new life, he slowly started to assimilate himself into this world. But then, tragedy struck again. Mysterious voice: “You have to take revenge for Feng Xi and help her achieve her dreams.” Yang Jingshen: “...” Mysterious voice: “Or your soul will be obliterated.” (╯^╰) Yang Jingshen: “...” Mysterious voice: “You can buy powerful gadgets at our shop using points you earn to complete this mission!” ^_^ Yang Jingshen: “... Can I just go back?” T T Mysterious voice: “...” But, was everything as simple as it appeared to be? And, what’s with this person, always buzzing around him like a pesky little fly? He only treated him as a good brother, ok? What kind of unfortunate and terrible misunderstanding is this? ##### This book might be a romance genre novel, but it's a slow burn and there would be many other things at play as well. So, if you guys are looking for a quick-paced, romance-only story, this might not be the thing for you.

TravellerSoul · Fantasy
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437 Chs


<Congragulations!< p>

Your latest publicized work, the unrated web series 'My forever spring', had successfully garnered the audience's attention and earned you a number of new fans. It had been decided to grant you the following rewards for your continuous efforts and superior abilities.

Guardian points x300, Soul coins x5, Minor teleportation scroll x1

Please continue your hard work for more exciting rewards!>

'Well, that makes it 20 soul coins. Not bad.'

'... But, what the heck is this teleportation scroll?' It wasn't among the items available for him in the guardian shop. But, a teleportations scroll– in cultivation novels and games stuff, isn't that something used to move long distances at once?