
How To Be A Superstar

Yang Jingshen– first-tier actor and celebrated artist… When he had been convinced that he could finally achieve his dream of becoming a film emperor, he died in an unfortunate accident that happened at the function that was supposed to kickstart his glittering future. And, when he opened his eyes against all odds, Yang Jingshen found himself in the body of Feng Xi; a female cannon fodder character in a trashy web novel he read recently.T_T Pathetic extraordinaire indeed, but then, what was a man to do except grit his teeth while hoping to make the best out of a situation that appeared woefully hopeless? And, Yang Jingshen had been nothing but pragmatic all his life. So, deciding to quietly settle into his new life, he slowly started to assimilate himself into this world. But then, tragedy struck again. Mysterious voice: “You have to take revenge for Feng Xi and help her achieve her dreams.” Yang Jingshen: “...” Mysterious voice: “Or your soul will be obliterated.” (╯^╰) Yang Jingshen: “...” Mysterious voice: “You can buy powerful gadgets at our shop using points you earn to complete this mission!” ^_^ Yang Jingshen: “... Can I just go back?” T T Mysterious voice: “...” But, was everything as simple as it appeared to be? And, what’s with this person, always buzzing around him like a pesky little fly? He only treated him as a good brother, ok? What kind of unfortunate and terrible misunderstanding is this? ##### This book might be a romance genre novel, but it's a slow burn and there would be many other things at play as well. So, if you guys are looking for a quick-paced, romance-only story, this might not be the thing for you.

TravellerSoul · Fantasy
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437 Chs

Good and bad

However, the end result was that the drama's views increased even more, and he also gained a bunch of fans… and of course haters too.

But, after some careful observation, Yang Jingshen also felt that this drama was not too bad, especially for a supposedly third-rate web series. The script was well-written and the lines were not cheesy or giving off an unnatural feel.

In addition to that, the whole series was rather short; only 14 episodes to be precise. It was comparable to a mini-series, and the scriptwriter and the director could be said to have made the best use of the compactability of the drama.

It was packed with a lot of scenes, that were interesting and edited rather well. Most of all, it was not draggy and too boring– if you ignore the cliched plot, that is.

In the end, aided by his unintended publicity stunt with that unfamiliar marketing account, it ended up getting a number of views of more than 50,000 in the end. But that marketing account though– Yang Jingshen just couldn't let go of this feeling that something was wrong.

After all, he just acted in one inconsequential side character in an equally insignificant web series on top of being the sole creator of a huge past scandal– and still managed to draw the attention of a marketing account with a little but clean reputation? Who would believe this?

If he had this type of luck in his last life– he'd have easily become an internationally renowned A-list actor by the time of his death!

"Little Xi… I got a call from our company's managerial section." It was Feng Xue's voice that dragged him out of his rather vindictive fantasies.

But, his cousin looked troubled and happy at the same time, making Yang Jingshen suddenly raise his guard. What now? "What is it?"

"Both good and bad news… What do you wanna he-"

"Tell me the good one first." He interrupted without much thought, making Feng Xue stare at him in silence. Yang Jingshen coughed lightly. He didn't think that he was in the wrong– he was the type of person who believes that one should always learn the good news first. It might lessen the blow that was to come!

In the end, Feng Xue took a deep breath to push down her anger and answered truthfully. "They decided to give you ten more merit points."

"Ten?" Now that was what you would call a pie falling out of the sky. He had of course gotten five points after My forever spring was broadcasted. But an additional ten? Well damn!

"Yep." his cousin looked delighted as she did some calculations. "That would make it 31. If we add my points from this quarter, it'd be 36."

"We can get a really good script right?" Yang Jingshen felt more elated the more he thought. It seems that he'd be able to enact his plans earlier than he thought. "Then, what is the bad news?"

Feng Xue hemmed and hawed for a bit, making him increase the vigilance that he had dropped after listening to what she previously said. What could be so bad that she was hesitating this much?

"They said they'd give you an assistant."

Yang Jingshen: "..." The heck! What's so bad about this?

"Thing is…"


Wang Zhou was… mad. Well, not exactly mad– more like, how to say this? He couldn't find any single word to describe what he was feeling at this moment. It was a mixture of anger, humiliation, and frustration, mixed with a feeling of helplessness. This type of complex feeling– it doesn't have a single name, right?

But this was how he felt at this moment. No– more like, it had been how he had been feeling now for maybe around, five months? Today though… this feeling seemed to intensify and it felt like an old and moldy breath was stuck in his chest. Truly unpleasant!

'That pair of siblings– none better than the other' Wang Zhou gnashed his teeth in hatred as he remembered his past humiliation.

Ever since that woman Feng Xue had kneed his family jewels, he had decided that his hatred with those two ungrateful bitches was irrevocable. For a time back then, he had even feared that he won't be able to use his precious little brother(1) anymore.

Remembering the sensations of agony he felt at that time, Wang Zhou clamped his legs together unconsciously, his face paling. 'That bitch!'

The worst thing was that he couldn't even complain. If he complained about this to the company as physical assault– then what? Won't this pair of sister rat out on him? In the end, he had no choice but to secretly consult a physician– couldn't even tell his family ah! The feeling of grievance manager Wang felt in his heart was insurmountable!

In the end, Wang Zhou had resorted to thoroughly blocking these two ingrates inside and outside the company as his revenge. Needless to say, he had derived great pleasure watching them muddle their way through the bog that was the entertainment circle. It would teach them a valuable lesson to not offend people they shouldn't offend.

Once they realize there was no way out for them, these two sisters would come crawling to his feet. That was what Wang Zhou wanted to see the most. And it wasn't like they could directly point their fingers at him and scold ah! At that time, this daddy would decide what to do with the two of them!

Or so he thought– but what the fuck was this now, eh?

Today, the company managerial section had informed him to send that woman, Feng Xi, an assistant!! And when he had tried to sneakily deny this request citing reasons like her previous scandal and lack of abilities, the executive who had been so agreeable in the past had snubbed him downright, not giving him the slightest face!

Who wouldn't be angry at this?

"Go away! I'm busy!" Wang Zhou angrily threw the paperweight on the table at the closed door of his office room, hearing the incessant knocking sound. It must be one of those agents under him. Don't they know not to disturb him when told not to?

But despite his threat, the door still opened and a person entered before quietly shutting it behind her. "Manager Wang is not even willing to see me?"

"Miss Zhu?"

Every time he saw this person Zhu Jin, Wang Zhou honestly doesn't know what to do or how to behave. After all, this was the sole person to witness his shame-thrashing except that pair of siblings that day. "Ah, I didn't know it was miss Zhu. Pardon me– I had some matters to deal with. Ah, please take a seat."

"Matters that made you this angry?"

"Ehehe…" Wang Zhou laughed awkwardly, but in his head, gears were slowly turning as he looked at the young woman who had a gentle smile on her face. This person– she hates Feng Xue quite a lot too, right? Maybe he could…

Making a decision, manager Wang sighed heavily as the expression on his face turned even more downcast. "Miss Zhu, the matter is this…"

Zhu Jin listened patiently from beginning to end and after he finished hummed in response. Wang zhou watched her anxiously. Could this woman give him a solution to this? From her performance, it was easy to see that she has quite some intelligence and talent as well.

"Quite a dilemma, eh?"

Manager Wabg nodded his head with a constipated look on his face. A dilemma indeed. "If I appoint an assistant, those two would be suspicious because this person was sent by me. If anything happened, they'll directly point me out as the culprit. There is even this chance that the two of them actually might come up with something to directly frame me."

"But, why so cautious? You have already broken the bridges with them… am I right?"

"..." This– this bitch! Wang Zhou felt his face pale from anger and then turn red due to embarrassment. Was she mocking him?

Zhu Jin observed the colorful expression on the older man's face with not just a little amount of delight. It was an expression of wanting to scold but not daring to. She'd admit that she also hold a feeling of disgust towards this type of human pig. But even a pig still has its uses.

"I didn't mean to be offensive. But, manager Wang, you're the superior with more connections… am I right?"

"But the managerial section–"

"Because she performed a little well, they spotted her. But would this interest last if her future work continue to keep flopping? What accusations can they make at that point?"

Wang Zhou stared at the smiling face of the younger woman as an expression of understanding dawned on his face. Then he slowly smiled. "It seems like miss Zhu has a good idea."

This smile looked particularly unpleasant. Zhu Jin kept her expression unchanging with much difficulty as she pushed down the disgust in her heart before slowly replying. "Actually, it's not that hard. You only have to…"



01) Little brother - This is a slang word used by men to refer to their *cough* penis. Probably of Chinese origin. ≥∇≤