
How to be a God in the Game-multiverse. (starting in Dark souls)

A very..."interesting" kid is offered a journey to become a God. what's the catch? well, he needs to save a couple of worlds in order to gain the worship of people that he needs to ascend.

some_random_dude1 · Video Games
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Heir of the world?

"So… you got all that?" I asked solaire who was standing on a blue platform of energy that I planned to lower into undead burg.

I saw his bucket helmet-covered head nod. 

"One locked in a house and another one trapped in the depths that lead to the sewers, but we need to get the key from a goat demon nearby."  The warrior of sunlight said as he summarized what I told him about Griggs and Laurentius. "And to make sure to grab the ember guarded by a cannibal." He added, making me nod and start to lower him down to the undead burg.

As I was doing so, I saw that Oscar was done with his rest and started moving unsurely toward the direction of the Capra demon. Seeing that I started lowering Solaire faster.

"Make sure to get the sorcerer before fighting the demon! He will be of help against him!" Hoping that Solaire heard me, I slowly but surely lowered him to the ground and saw as he went running in the direction where Oscar went.

They will be fine…probably.

Anyway, time to cut off the drake tail and get Oscar a new sword! But I will also need to go and give it to Andre. Those drake bones need to be forged into a sword after all.

Or at least I think they need to.

Severing the tail wasn't hard, All I needed to do is make a giant hand saw out of energy and cut it off just like one would cut a branch from a tree. The difference being the bleeding and fleshy sounds.

After that, I made three rings around the tail and made them follow after me. What? did you think I was gonna drag that? Hell no!

And I got to say, my journey to Andre was…underwhelming…

Lightning is just too OP.

Especially when your enemies are wearing armor that is an excellent conductor for electricity.

Sure, my lightning is weak considering the fact that im using the "small divine spell" to create it, but I can literally create an infinite amount of it! If the enemy can tank my lightning I can just continue creating an endless stream of it until I fry him into a crisp!

Hollow? Dead.

Armored hollow? Dead.

Berenike knight guarding the firekeeper souls inside the church? Dead after a somewhat long moment of constant lightning. Around 10 seconds or so.

The Seath channeler was somewhat immune, so instead of lightning, I made a bunch of hard energy swords that absolutely decimated the poor fucker.

OP AF, pls don't nerf! 

But I'm still in the early game area so I shouldnt get too cocky. After all, who knows how lightning will work on other enemies? So far I only faced mindless hollows, and killing them it's not exactly an achievement.


I reached Andre, I heard him hammer away as I went down the set of stairs leading to sen's fortress and darkroot garden.

"Well, you must be a new arrival. I'm Andre of Astora. If you require smithing, speak to me." He said once I walked down to the floor he chose to make his smithy in.

"I don't require steel to fight, Andre of Astora" I notified him and made the Drake tail levitate down the stairs. "But I have a friend who wouldn't scoff at some good dragon bone weapon…or in this case a Drake bone weapon." I swear, his eyes nearly popped out of his skull when he saw the tail.

"By Gwyn's beard!" He said in a voice of wonder and shock. "That's not the tail of ordinary Drake! The beast must have been in it's prime, an adult to be sure!" 

I raised an eyebrow at that. Does that mean that the Drakes in the Valley of Drakes are children? Bah, questions for later.

"Can you forge a sword out of it?" Andre looked almost insulted by my question.

"I may have never worked with drake bone before, but I ain't a master weaponsmith for nothing!" He took a one-handed Axe and a sword from his pile of weapons and approached the tail. "Now let's skin those bones from the flesh, I can't wait to get my hands on this material." He said excitedly and started to examine the tail to see where he should start cutting.

"What do we do with the meat? Do we eat it?"

"You don't know a lot about drakes and dragons, do you?" Andre asked and gave me a look. "Dragon and drake blood changes you into demons, makes you lose your sanity too" He informed me, making me pause as he started cutting the flesh away.

It does? I don't remember that from the game…

[That is predictable. Mortals are simply unable to consume the blood and flesh of the Old one without going insane or mutating beyond recognition of humanity, no matter how diluted its blood may be.]

I blinked.

I think I'm missing something.

What "Old one"? I don't remember anything about someone with such a title!

[You are the heir of this world, all questions will be answered in due time.]


—Solaire Pov—

Catching up to the sorcerer companion wasn't hard, the man was going slow, carefully watching his steps and sending nervous glances toward the closed doors of the houses all around him.

I decided to make my presence known.

"Hello there!" The man flinched and turned around with his sword & shield raised and ready to battle.

'His reaction time and speed are decent.' I thought as I saw his reaction.

"I could recognize that armor anywhere." An elite knight armor from my homeland…Gods, how many years has it been? "A fellow knight from Astora eh? Well meet, im Solaire-"


I paused.

His voice…that voice! 

"Oscar!?" By the sun, that son of a bitch is still alive!! "You Rascal, how have you been!" I asked and spread my arms wide as I approached one of my favorite trainees.

He immediately understood the gesture and dropped his weapon. We both hugged each other for a while before separating.

I took off my helmet, a gesture that Oscar mimicked.

His wild blonde hair, blue eyes, and grinning mouth now visible to me.

A man.

This is no longer the teenage boy that I taught swordsmanship, He is now a man! And one that managed to become an elite knight if the armor he wore is anything to go by!

I felt a single tear trying to escape my eye.

There is truly nothing better than seeing your pupil succeed in life. The fact that he was granted the privilege to wear this armor is enough proof that his accomplishments were something to be proud of.

"How many years has it been Oscar? How much time has passed?" 

"Nine. Nine years captain"

"By the lords…you're 25 now." I said and once again marveled at the man that Oscar had become.

He chuckled lightly "21 actually. That's the age I was when I got the undead curse." 

"Bah, who cares! Knowledge and wisdom don't stop coming just because you stopped aging due to some curse." 

"I suppose that's correct…" Oscar sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes. "A-Anyway, what are you doing here captain?" 

"If you are asking what am I doing in Lordran then the answer is, that im trying to find my sun." I almost chuckled at Oscar's confused expression. "But if you are asking what I am doing in undead burg…well, let's just say that me and the sorcerer saw you battle with the demon, and he lowered me to this area with his magic in order to help you rescue two people." I explained as simply as I could. 

"Lord Lucas?"

That made me raise my eyebrow.

"Lord? Is the sorcerer you're traveling with a noble?" I watched him struggle with his answer. Whatever he was trying to say wasn't something he was sure he could tell, that much was clear. 

But just as I was about to tell him that he doesn't need to answer, I heard something that made me chuckle

"GOD Lucas"

Only after seeing his lack of laughter and serious expression did I realize that he was not joking.

"...really?" Oscar merely nodded at my shocked question. "T-that..!" Have I spoken to a God? 

He claimed to know about the sorcerer and pyromancer through Clayvorance, which is without a doubt a skill worthy of a God. At the time he told me this I just assumed that he was a skilled sorcerer, but now that I think about it, I have never heard of any sorcerer with such ability! Not even the stories of Big Hat Logan feature him with such ability!

"Are you sure?" 

"He spoke to me when I was dead…well when I was dead and waiting to rise from the dead like any undead." He began as his face frowned slightly. "But he did manage to…wake my conscience while in the clutches of death and speak to me. He even managed to wake me up into the living world faster than usual." I inhaled sharply.

"Then the possibility of him being a God is big then. No mortal can manipulate life and death in such ways from what I know of." To think I spoke with a God not so long ago…I hope he didn't find my behavior rude.

"What about necromancers?" I shook my head at his question and equipped my helmet. 

"A necromancer can manipulate only a corpse without a soul in it, undead borne from the curse is something they cant manipulate. I know this from experience since I helped kill one when I was traveling to Lordran." I gestured for Oscar to put on his helmet. 

"I see…" he states simply and picked up his sword from the ground. "You mentioned something about two people in need of rescue?" I nodded.

"We need to go back in order to rescue a sorcerer. He is locked behind a door near the stairs leading to the upper undead burg from what Lord Lucas told me." I stopped for a second for Oscar to absorb the information "If we will not be able to force open the doors, Lord Lucas mentioned a hollow merchant with his sanity mostly intact that has the key to the residence the sorcerer is locked in."

Oscar nodded. "And the other one?" He asked.

"Locked in the area leading to the sewage system. Captured by cannibals and waiting for a gruesome death, but the door is locked and the key is in the possession of a Capra demon that you were going towards." 

"From one demon to another." Oscar cursed.

I laughed and started to walk toward the sorcerer's location.


Knowing the power of the internet people (especially fans of specific series) I won't be surprised if the identity of the "Old One" will be figured out immediately.

If someone manages to figure it out I will not respond to the comment, but I will make sure to give an honorable mention to the first reader who figured it out when the time to reveal who the Old One is will come