
How to be a God in the Game-multiverse. (starting in Dark souls)

A very..."interesting" kid is offered a journey to become a God. what's the catch? well, he needs to save a couple of worlds in order to gain the worship of people that he needs to ascend.

some_random_dude1 · Video Games
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Lucas almost dies and starts acting like a lil' bitch about it.

Nothing worked! Absolutely nothing worked! 

I acknowledged the fact that my current abilities will not be enough to deal with the entirety of Lordran, that I'll sooner or later will be in an area where my "small divine spells" will not be enough.

But I didn't know it will be so soon!

The titanite demon wasn't fazed by ANYTHING I threw at him!

Fire? It splashed harmlessly against his body.

Lightning? He wasn't affected by it at all! Which makes sense since he is made of pure titanite and able to channel his own lightning magic.

Ice? All it did was cover him in frost, I merely gave him a new cool look.

But what about the lumps of physical energy that I could create? I thought of that already! I made a bunch of big hammers, as big as a small divine spell allowed me to make! I would have had higher chances trying to punch a brick wall down then kill the titanite demon with them.

All that was left for me to do was dodge its attacks and lightning bullets.

I'm completely and utterly fucked!

"Fuck, fuck, fucking fuck." I whisper yelled as I panicked more with each passing second. "What do I do? What do I do??!?" Do I run past him into the darkroot garden? My only purpose for coming here was to grab the demon titanite in hopes of using it later, or making Andre integrate it into the Drake sword! 

The demon jumped. My eyes widened as it did so.

I could see its trajectory…soon I would become a smudge of modern art on the floor.

My hands shot up, my instinct took over as my mind blanked. It told me to try and catch the object falling at me.

A stupid idea, but it was an idea that was born in a moment of panic that shut off any rational thoughts I had.

And just as I was about to die, just as I was about to be flaten by this monster…my mind had only one thought. A thought born from the desire to live.

'I don't want to die!'

And then…white.

Pure white and insufferable heat.

I felt my body smashing into the ground. Soft, and agonizingly burning hot ground that made me let out a cry of pain followed by a couple of muffled screams as I tried to endure it.

I stood up, burning my hands as I used them to push myself off the floor.

I was now standing, but that didn't help me…I had no idea where to go. Everywhere I looked was pure black! 

D-Did I blind myself!?

[Yes. But you have us, so no need to worry.]

Despite my apparent blindness, I could see the pop-up scream clear as day. 

My eyes began to sting, it felt like someone was putting needles in them, very uncomfortable to say the least.

But it worked.

Light slowly returned to my vision, I saw a lot of smudges but after a while, my vision became more detailed, and after a minute I could see things just like before I blinded myself…actually…I think I see even better now…

The first thing I noticed? A gray world.

And that could mean only one thing.

"What is its system?" I asked the empty space. A second later I found a pop-up screen in front of me.

[Divine magic reacts to its owner wants and needs. Your desire to defeat the demon and survive forced your divinity to use a Medium divine spell to activate even though the cooldown didn't end yet.]

"And since you are telling me this then it's something bad, right?"

[Yeah, your divine spark shattered.]

My body tensed, my mind once again going into full panic mode.

[Relax. A God's divinity can be damaged but it will always repair itself. You will be powerless for 5 hours.]

Once I read the pop-up I released a sigh of relief. The idea of me permanently crippling my own divinity was not a nice thought since it's the only thing that gives me a fighting chance in this world.

"Alright, so all I need to do is have a 5-hour break. No biggie."

[Yes, but try and avoid situations like these in the future. Need I say what would have happened if there were multiple titanite demons instead of one?]

"I would have probably died to the second one after the first one death" I said and cringed. "One more question. What was the attack that I used to kill the titanite demon?"

[Pure plasma. Just a wave of plasma that exploded at the demon and burned him into nothingness. Think of it like a Kamehameha.]

"H-How am I not burned beyond recognition? Because I subconsciously focused the blast into one direction only?" I looked down. The stone floor melted, it was lava. Which explains the pain from earlier.

[A God's body comes with its pros.]

"B-B-But…!" What is my life?

[Here, you incinerated the one you wanted but you still defeated the demon, so I guess you can have this.]

The space in front of me rippled with a loud CRACK and a Demon titanite materialized in its place.

It kinda looked like the teleportation spell from Harry Potter.

"Thanks" I said and noticed that the world gained its colors again once I grabbed it.

"FEAR NOT BRAVE SORCERER, I SIEGMEYER OF CATARINA SHALL ASSIST YOU IN YOUR- wow…" The second-best boy of dark souls, Onion Knight, yelled as he charged through the entrance to the room/arena I was in, only to abruptly stop his battle cry once he saw the destruction my attack caused to it.

Not that I could blame him, I literally melted most of the roof and part of the floor.


Okay, okay, calm down! Act casual, what you did here is normal, don't get out of your character.

"I'm afraid you're a little late, but I appreciate the trouble you were willing to put yourself through to help me." I told him and gave him a nod of appreciation. "I'm afraid we are not acquainted yet. My name is Lucas. You are Siegmeyer if I heard correctly?"

Shaking himself off his shocked state, Siegmeyer put his Zweihander behind his back and introduced himself. This time more calmly.

"Indeed, you heard correctly! I'm Siegmeyer of Catarina, the land of alcohol!" So the dark souls equivalent to Russia then. "I am currently traveling around lordran in search of adventure and planned to enter the fortress above us, but the gates were closed. After I found no way to open them I decided to find another path and found the Blacksmith who notified me of you going down to fight the titanite demon despite his warning." 

He once again looked around at the damage caused by me. 

"Seems like my worry was not needed though…" aw~ now I feel bad! The fact that in the game he goes hollow after the player proves to be a better adventurer than him made me feel even worse!

Like hell I will let that scenario happen!

"If you seek the entrance to the fortress then you must first ring two bells. One atop the church near here and the other deep below in blighttown." I began walking toward the room where Andre was. "Me and my companions are planning to do it, you are welcome to join us if you want. After all, what's the use of adventuring if you don't have jolly companionship, eh?" Please say yes.

"Truer words couldn't be spoken! Consider myself a part of your group if they would have me." FUCK YEAH, ONION BRO JOINS THE PARTY!

"How did you know I was a sorcerer?" I asked as we both went up the stairs to Andre.

"The blacksmith mentioned it." He replied simply.

Ah, made sense, Andre did saw me transporting the tail of the drake with magic. Or what he considers to be magic.

"Hey, Andre!" I yelled to grab his attention from peeling the flesh out of the Drake tail bones. "Can you use this to make the drake sword stronger?" His eyes shined as I held up the demon titanite.

"I'll be damned, you got it." 

"He didn't even need help! He was already done with the beast before I stepped into the battle!" Siegmeyer said in the most happy-go-lucky tone I had ever heard and slapped me on the back.


An armored hand smacking you on the back does not feel good, not at all.

Andre's face suddenly lost its excitement.

"Can't work on it without a large ember." Well, ain't that a coincidence? It just so happens that I told Solaire and Oscar to grab it while they save Laurentius! "The very large one, the one used to make legendary equipment."

Of Course…of course, it couldn't be that easy…

"Well, in that case, hold onto it until we will bring you that ember" I said, not allowing my disappointment to bleed into my voice as I placed the slab of demon titanite on his anvil. "I'll be sitting near the bonfire upstairs."

Before I left I heard the bewildered voice of Andre asking Siegmeyer a simple question.

"Did he gave me legendary titanite like it's fooking common gold?"

Yup! I sure did!


Idk, because I'm an idiot? Because I just almost died? Because I'm defenseless for a couple of hours? BECAUSE I AM FUCKING DONE WITH EVERYTHING ABOUT MY CURRENT SITUATION??


Look at me. Relatively OP powers, a world full of adventure with the possibility of making myself a harem, and im on the brink of a fucking mental breakdown.


Nothing better than learning that you almost died for nothing! 

Nobody can blame me, right? A near encounter with death is traumatizing, especially when death would have been delivered by a giant statue made out of God metal!

But isn't this also my fault? I got cocky and entered that fight without thinking…

"Careful" I whispered. "I need to be more careful in the future." Yes, indeed. I need to be careful so I can survive.

Omnipotent my ass. I'm not a God, in just a sorry excuse of one.



a new chapter has been published.

see y'all in half a year.