
How to (supposedly) survive a zombie apocalypse [Completed]

This is basically a translation made with Google of my original history. I will change some things, but is basically the same. -The image and the histories I make reference don't belong to me (obviously). -I made this history with the purpose to entertain, so don't burn my house if you get offended please. -If I have any mistake or I can improve in something, tell me, I'm here to learn

Grim_Jester · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Special chapter: Lies

If there is something that I will always hate, it is lies and the people who use them to hurt others or themselves.

But it is not only hatred but also fear of lies.

I have said it before, I can know a lot about a person just by looking at them for a few seconds and that is dangerous.

I am aware that I could be a psychopath if I used that ability in a bad way and that terrifies me.

I don't want to harm others in any way, much less manipulate them or make them live a lie, both them and me.

That is why I don't like to lie in any way, in a conversation I don't even think about what I say and I just turn off my brain, unless I have to think analytically.

Psychopaths and sociopaths are my natural enemies and the only kinds of people I would ever hate.

And oddly enough, I feel sorry for pathological liars.

They feel a need to lie, but that doesn't make them bad people, it actually just makes them self-destructive and very difficult to deal with.

In short, the point is that lies are very powerful weapons if used well, to the point of destroying nations.

People always lie to themselves, to others and they can even do so unconsciously.

I never understood the point of fitting into society and having a lot of friends, I mean, I'm supposed to be as perfect as possible, but if I'm too perfect everyone is going to hate me?, That doesn't make sense.

So they are there lying mostly to fit in and people like them.

There are some who even lie to not fit in, and be unique and different or stupid things like that.

Me?, I always acted how I really felt and well, I ended up alone, so what difference does it make.

I have no idea where the real person begins in each human being and where the line is between the real person and the one trying to fit.

This is why I never knew how to act like a normal person.

Also, why should I act well and try so hard to fit in with human beings who think the earth is flat?

What do I know?, I only do what makes me happy and fortunately it has nothing to do with seeking approval.

But hey, who cares, everyone does what they want and if that makes them happy, pat on the back and thumbs up.

There are worse people, who impose their ideas by force and if you do not accept it there will be a legion outside your house the next day.

I like to call this 'The Dallas Effect'.

And it does what it says, a guy with nothing better to do says something ridiculous and idiots unite to take over the world.

It's even surprising how they come together with such ease and determination, if they will use that in a good way, maybe it would help.

Well, that's how human beings slowly and ridiculously go extinct.

If God exists, he must be laughing out loud right now, I know it because I would do it if I were in his place.

Who cares, do what you want, in the end I never cared about the survival of my race.

Another funny thing is people who seek attention and find it, becoming famous, and then hate so much attention and say that fame is a curse.

It's incredible how human beings can be so simple and at the same time so complicated, it's something very interesting actually.

I will follow my path with sincerity with myself at all times and with nothing to regret when I die.

Or at least, I will have nothing to regret when Halley is happy without me.

Until then, it will be entertaining to see what the world has in store for me.

Human beings are not made to be completely prosperous and cooperative, nature always has some way of stopping the expansion of some species and in the case of the human being it is himself.

Also, what objective would they have after fixing all the problems?, to find the truth where we come from?, And then what?

Perhaps, they give themselves trouble to prolong their existence and not find the end of their path as a species.

Perhaps, they wage wars in a futile attempt to show that their existence is not insignificant in the universe and to show that they are different.

But meh, a lot of complicated thoughts and I'm lazy to keep thinking about these things.

The point is that lies are the beginning of everything explained above and that at the same time they are a fundamental element in every human being.

Do not misinterpret, the world will never be perfect, because if it were, it would be the end of the human path.

But do not worry about that, just be happy with or without lies, don't hurt anyone, and don't worry about things like our origin or purpose, just be happy in this moment that is the only one that you really know that exists.

Or at least, that's what I think hehe.