

Sometimes wrong trains take you to right stations, sometimes distance can bring you close , sometimes mistakes can create a beautiful story. i had made a lot of mistakes in life , i have been abandoned , i have run away , i have hid my feelings and truths believing what i did was right but it landed me in conflicting with the person i once loved . it brought us on different edges , we were close yet separated by a deep valley . it was just a leap of faith and did i make right decision ,you will never know until you read what i have got for you

MHK · Teen
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6 Chs


Flynn Knight's POV

"I don't think he should take over," said the board member in his late forties

I knew this wouldn't be easy, but I am not the one to quit

I smirk as I sigh, all heads turn toward me

"Mr. Carlson I am not taking over because of some relation I have with the CEO, I am taking over because I have bought this company when it almost failed and saved all of your asses with 55% share in my possession, now if you want I can withdraw and so will I withdraw my holdings from Carl's industry"

A horror spreads across the man's face as he aghastly looks at me, his eyes bulging on the verge of falling

His expressions completely satisfying me

"So shall we vote now?"

I walk out of the room with a smirk on my face as I acknowledge my win.

People should know who they are messing with

With every chance, I had proved their incapability without my presence

Soon I find my way back to the office, I sat across my father's empty chair, leaning back I stretched my body a little, relaxing my eye socket

A knock on the door brought me out of my reverie

"Come in," I said clearing my throat

A very familiar woman with brown hair, a lean body frame, her hair arranged unkemptly in a clip. Walked in as her bracelet dangled in her hands carrying files. Her white sneakers stood out the most in her attire of black pants and the blue shirt

"Mr. Knight your signature is required on these documents of the board transfer statement "the secretary spoke as she leaned on the table opening the file glancing at me with the pen in her hand.

I hold the pen from her grasp and divert into the documents as I read them

She holds the files as soon as I sign it

"There will be a farewell party in regards to your father at 7 in Magnum hall, your presence will be anticipated sir"

"I won't be attending"

"Sir it will be a good opportunity to know –"

"That's none of your business"

"Actually that is my business, making sure you are present at the right place at right time"

Did she just reply back to me?

Does she think she has control over me

Her confident posture ticked me

"I will take your leave then, the party is in Magnum hall 7 sharp"

Nodding a little bye she turned on her heels

"Wait," I declare, I had something up my sleeve too, a grin spreads across my face as it was my turn to show who is the boss, she stopped in midway and turning back she was now looking at me with her big light brown eyes "why are you wearing my shirt?" I had noticed it when she was getting my signature. The cursive F on the edge of the breast pocket was a custom design on my every shirt

"Oh right," she said as she unbuttoned two buttons

A rush of blood formed in my face as I was confused and shocked since this was not the response I expected, instantly her face turned a tomato when she realized what she was doing, quickly she buttoned up

"I am sorry I will return it, just not now" her voice quivered slightly as she tried hard to compose herself

"Why are you wearing it in the first place?" I sternly imply

Her eyes looking at me as she regain her composure

"I had a little accident"

"Does that little accident involve spilling your drink at somebody" I throw the statement, her eyes got as big as a saucepan as she calculated the whole situation, she tried hard to calm down which was quite evident as her fist clenched and unclenched slightly and now I was enjoying this

"I-I think it was your fault," she says frustrated and embarrassed

"my fault" I exclaim as I sigh


That was quite a close catch. Thank god Mr., Ryan reached at the perfect moment to talk to his narcissistic son

Also thanks to him I wouldn't have to see his son for now, as I will be heading out to the hall for preparations, so I am going to use this opportunity to avoid Mr. That's none of your business since unfortunately, I will have to look at him from now on, ughhhhhh I sigh taking in a deep breathe,

I take a short trip to Starbucks first

Entering the door I reminisce the great fall

How could I be so stupid?

I had impulsively blurted that it was his fault, wasn't it me who was walking with her head somewhere else

Talk about first impressions, gawwwwwwwd I am so dumb

I think as I hit my head with my fist

"yo Lexi you alright, what did you do now?" traveled a voice breaking my trance

I look to see the source of the familiar voice, belonging to the athletic boy with black hair and blue gem eyes

"hi Jace"

Jace was a university senior working part-time at Starbucks, he played soccer and loved sports, he and I had been good friends

"Sit down," he says as he points down to the table, he sits across me and carefully studies my face

"One strawberry macchiato with two pumps of sugar and extra cream for Lexi, James," he says to the man at the counter

"How did you know? " I ask as I was surprised since this drink was exactly what I was going to ask

"oh Lexi you are so predictable, your drinks match your mood and this is your sad drink, chocolate frappe for when you are in hurry, tea coffee latte for when you are serious and thinking, café mocha is your happy drink, and strong bitter café latte when you are angry, so why are you sad now ?"

My eyes almost bulging out since everything he said was true, that's how I go for my drinks

"You are amazing Jace"

"That I am"

"Narcissistic much"

"Pretty decent much"

And we burst into giggles

"So now what happened?"

I sigh and dictate him the bumping accident, he listened with whole interest as I sipped my drink and spoke

"What a douchebag!" he exclaimed

"Well technically it was my fault, I wasn't watching where I go"

"But he should have checked too"

"I don't know that but turns out he is the new boss"

"Woah that's one twisted fate"

"Twisted yeah," I say sulking my head to the table