

Sometimes wrong trains take you to right stations, sometimes distance can bring you close , sometimes mistakes can create a beautiful story. i had made a lot of mistakes in life , i have been abandoned , i have run away , i have hid my feelings and truths believing what i did was right but it landed me in conflicting with the person i once loved . it brought us on different edges , we were close yet separated by a deep valley . it was just a leap of faith and did i make right decision ,you will never know until you read what i have got for you

MHK · Teen
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6 Chs



Walking in the lobby as my driver James holds the door open for me, I proceed to move, looking straight with a straight posture. I stride my way towards the office

I feel all eyes on me as they see me as a supreme figure, their new boss, The rush of power made me feel good, I knew that things were in my control and I liked being in charge of them since that is the only way people will see you high and not walk over you.

Ascending in the personal elevator, I take a deep breath staring at the door, which suddenly opens bringing in the view the lobby area leading to the ginormous ash wood door

A medium cabin attached adjacent to the room, a large work desk was placed in the center with a series of the cabinet against the wall, it had a huge window giving the picturesque of the busy street

I move toward the door as I bring my hand to knock which I quickly retreat, I push open the door to find it empty, I look around the room and observe it to see how could I modify it according to my taste,

The room was bland and old-style, it had wooden oak furniture and with plain symmetrical design a brown wallpaper, this gave the room a dull effect. I move on to look further as I remodel everything in my mind. Reaching towards the end I see a big full-size mirror, which reflected me with a huge brown patch running down my grey shirt reminding me of the uneventful memory from the morning, I swear if I see that girl again, it's not going to be good

I look around in frustration as I scan for the changing room which is supposed to be in here,

I spot a door at the end of the room camouflaged behind the newspaper stack

I scurry past it, placing my hand on the knob, I turn it when suddenly the voice of opening a door comes, I look past the newspaper stack to see my father or rather I say Mr. Knight standing at the entrance of the door.

We hold each other's gaze for a second when I avert my eyes away from him as I appear in his view, I cough a little and slightly rub the knuckle of my index finger on the bridge of my nose

"What happened?" he asks as he looks intriguingly at me

I try to understand his question as he raises his finger towards my shirt

"Umm- a little accident"

"Go change your shirt or else you will-"



I glance at the door my son went in. A subtle Déjà vu settles in

What is with this little accident? I think to myself

As I recall what happened a moment ago

The door opened as my secretary rushed out. Trudging over the stack

" I am sorry Mrs. Knight, I took quite long, but thank you for helping out, do you want me to repeat any of your schedule?" she says in one go, the expression of worry all over her face

"Settle down Hilton, catch a breath," I say to her

She looks at me and we break into giggles

"I blabbered again"

''You did" I say indicating her to take a seat across me

"I still remember how fierce you were in the interview. I judged you for lack of experience and qualifications "

"Yes sir and I recall how I lashed out blabbering things," she says embarrassingly as she was now sitting across me

"I never understood why you let me have the job after that scenario?"

"well you see I had interviewed numerous candidates and they go by the sense to serve at whatever means, trying to please their superiors, scared to criticize them but you had stood up to me, you didn't try to make excuses or convince me, you laid down the truth, and you stood up when I tried to demean you, which I am very apologetic about. a sense of understanding crosses her face

"You see even in business, sometimes you need someone pointing out your flaws, but since I am the boss , they just abide by most of what I say, but there were you, not even hesitant to call me out on my behavior, " I say as I giggle reminiscing the little word conflict

"I think your individuality, your way of pointing out the flaws, the sense of self-respect made me give you the job and fortunately it had been the best decisions as you were not just a secretary but a partner in work and more like a daughter I never had," I say this with some regrets of my own, some mistakes that I made

Her face displayed a sense of sorrow and gratitude

"Mr. Knight"

"uh -uh call me Rayn," I say interjecting her

"Thank you Rayn, it has been a privilege working with you, under your mentorship, and I hope to see you again. Stay happy and healthy"

' I will, just a word of advice, My son takes over today, he may not be very subtle but I want you to be with him the way you were with me, he may be tough but he means no harm if he crosses a line I know you can put up a fight, stay upright with him. Can you do that for me?"

"sure, I will try my best" she genuinely responds back

I smile at her

Soon she scurried out back to her work, I stepped out myself to catch a fresh breeze

The unbolting of the door brought me back to reality.

Looking in the direction of the noise I see my son step out as he trudges over the stack! Another déjà vu

His grey tuxedo and the clean shirt was perfect for the occasion

He walks over and takes a seat across from me

"So how are you, Flynn?"

"It does not matter, let's talk business" he replies coldly

"It does matter Flynn it does, you are my son after all" I try to justify even though I know I had made some mistakes

"Really, now I am your son" he taunts raising his eyebrow

"Flynn ...it's not like that-"I try to find words but I just couldn't. As if sensing it already he interjected before letting me finish

"save it, you don't even have words to explain So Whatever it was, I don't care at all! Now shall we begin about the meeting today Mr. Knight"

"Fine let's do it" as sorrow takes over me

We discuss all the details about the conference today

About half an hour in , a knock came in interrupting the heavy tensed environment

"Come in"

Hilton walks in with a file in her hand

"Sir the board members have arrived, we should move"

"Yes but before let me introduce you to my son," I say as she looks over to Flynn and so does Flynn

"Flynn this is Zaelix Hilton my PA and now yours"

"Zaelix this is Flynn knight my son"




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