
How it all started // Nj boys

How do you know how it all started when you dont know yourself? follow 6 teenagers, who try to figure it out. but it will be quite difficult with all the: love and hate relationships, deceit, betrayal and more.

Jane_Hunzwi · Teen
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7 Chs

Sofia pov: one

Its almost midnight,  and I still haven't got  no sign of Cleopatra anywhere.

To be honest,  I don't even know why I'm at this party? The people in here are already forgetting the reason behind it , it's like they just came to either  get drunk , high  or get laid.

Yeah. I was alone. I didn't need that much company , not when Cleo wasn't here.

Why do I keep mentioning her you might ask ?

She's just my toxic friend I just can't get enough of.

She'd literally treat me like I'm last option but I'd still show her she's my first.

It's always been like that since , elementary school. But let me not go there.

I walk upstairs to wish the birthday boy who is basically my one of my closest relatives. 

It didn't make sense to me why he was not present at his own party , but I didn't judge.

I knocked on his door , waiting for a response but nothing.

"Hey , you okay? Its Sofia!" I manage to shout through all the different types of noises.

After what felt like a minute,  he opens his door and let's me in and closes it.

I scan him as I noticed he wasn't dressed at all and it basically looked like he was about to sleep.

"U sleeping? After all this preparation for the party you  been wanting to happen,  you're about to sleep?" I say in disbelief , knowing him , there wasn't going to be an answer.

I sat beside him , on the bed hoping he'd talk to me.

I don't really know how his feeling,  he barely shows off his emotions.  Cause when he actually does , he always gets hurt or misunderstood. 

"Why are you so quiet and...why do I smell Cleopatra's favorite perfume on this side of the bed?" I continue sniffing,  while I still kept my gaze on him.

"Dude! Can you please just talk to me? Really,  this silence is bothering me." I whisper to him , forcing him to face me.

"Sofia , I- I just wanna be alone and , sleep this all off." He said , his voice cracked with every word.

Was he crying ?

"No , what the fuck happened to you? You don't like sleeping this early! Never this early! Was it-" I take the pillow that smelt exactly like Cleo.

"Was it her who did this ? Was she here ?!"  I exclaim.

"It would be the best if you could leave right now. I'm tired,  I'm in need of space and that pillow so I thank you for trying but right now you need to go." He calmly says , which I could sense was forced.

"Okay." I say understanding and walk out of his room without looking back.

Leaving him in that condition wasn't easy. But If he doesn't want help I can't force him , that's not how it really works.

Tammy was the first person I saw on the stair case walking towards my direction.  I tried my level best to ignore her , but she immediately smiles at me the moment she noticed me.

"Sofia Jayne! Didn't notice you were still here. Thought you left like at 22:00."

"That sounds more like me but luckily , I'll be leaving right now." I say , trying to escape this conversation.

"Oh Cleo was looking for you by the way. She was wondering if you'd come over right now." 

I turn around to face her , checking if she was really serious.

"For what exactly?" I say honestly confused.

"Don't act like you don't wanna go Sof , just go , and learn to stop asking too many questions.  It's a turn off."

Tammy says , continuing her way upstairs.

And my reaction to that , was a big  eye roll.

Leaving the party wasn't easy after speaking to him  , but I had to eventually.

My car was parked far from his house so I had to walk ,  it was really dark , and along the walk some street lights were not really working.

But something took my mind off of thought. Yelling.

A girl yelling .

I knew it would be  stupid of me to check who it was. So I walked faster towards my car , but only led me closer to where the woman now man was yelling.

My heart  starts pounding as I run to my car , expecting the worst to happen.

There as I witness , a girl running towards me with tears in her eyes , pleading and screaming "Help!" As she tries to catch on to me.

I reached  to my car and so did she , staring at me big eyed as she notices who I am.

I take her hand and see her condition. It was bad.

Witnessing all these bruises and marks even I  started to feel scared. But my fear reached its peak as she reacts to the guy who I think has done this to her.

Wow. Him?

He runs away as soon as he recognizes me.

I place her in my car , hoping she'd be fine until I drop her. Luckily I knew her address. 

We might not neccesarily be friends but we used to be before she moved to New Jersey.

It was a 30 minute drive filled with silence.

What could I have said ? Nothing , but help her home.

She got out of the car , and so as I

"You okay?" Concern evident in my voice.

"Sofia..I-I don't even k-know how to thank you for this. I could of been in so much shit if you were not there." She croaks out.

"What happened,  why did he hurt you? I could help you more than this." I say  , making sure I keep eye contact with hers.

"Its not the first time his done this. That's all." She says , her head bent down , her body shaking.

"You need to talk to the police about this.  It has  to stop , his hurting you!" I yell , hoping she'd take heed to my words.

"I can't or else he'll know Sofia."

I stare at her confused.

"Who are you talking about ?"

"My boyfriend.  He'll know everything!"


this is my last chapter one. I hope you enjoyed so far , love lots!

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