
How it all started // Nj boys

How do you know how it all started when you dont know yourself? follow 6 teenagers, who try to figure it out. but it will be quite difficult with all the: love and hate relationships, deceit, betrayal and more.

Jane_Hunzwi · Teen
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7 Chs

Andrèz POV : one

Hey , thanks for reading this chapter.

Please note that some chapters might be longer than others I'm sorry!! .

I could've done something if I really wanted to. I really could. But , at some point you have to stop caring about certain things. Even if it once made you happy. Or even if it kinda still does. 

I've started developing  less sympathy. Not that I  neccesarily hate the people who love me , I just...can't explain , maybe they say it but I don't feel it.

As I said. I could of done something,  anything.

But instead , my heart led me to the other direction,  walking away from the situation and pretend nothing fucking happened. I was kinda good with that.

I suddenly see the boys existing my car and stare at me with concern.

"Dude , you okay? You've been gone since-"

"-Something is up I can see it in your face dude!"

Both , Kyle and Juan say almost simultaneously.

"Nothing happened.  C'mon guys , we got no time for this we have some where to go."

I say walking towards the car , already putting the keys into the ignition.

"Are you boys coming or should I drive without y'all?" I say between breaths , watching them entering the car silently.

I start the car , and I head to the place we were all planning to go , knowing it would be a bad idea.

"Andrèz  , did you hear from Julia ? She hasn't been answering my calls and some shit."  Juan said , expecting a very fast reply.

"Uh no , no I haven't. Is something up? Should I call her?"

I stare at him through the rear glass , now expecting a fast reply but , he only scratches his head  , looking really anxious.

"Dude don't tell me something is up wit you too?" Kyle scoffs,  but eventually softens up by giving Juan the attention he actually needed.

"We had this argument earlier about something and , she hasn't been home since last Sunday.  You know how my mom is-"

"That bitch-" I whisper yell.

"-Dudes , she really considering kicking her out. And I'm worried about her ofcourse,  she's my sister. "

I stop the car near a parking to actually understand the situation Juan Pabs is going through and join the back seat.

"I'll call her alright? She'll have to come back , she's literally causing shit for you-"

"My mom wouldn't care any less about me , not when she thinks I'm the one supplying her with drugs."  Juan says not eyeing any one of us.

"We here for you man. If anything happens you got my moms number."  Kyle says softly,  smiling at Juan hoping he could soothen up.

"Yeah. Thanks man."

As soon as i saw Juan behaving normally again , I went back to the front seat , still having second thoughts to where us three have to go.

But , I don't understand to why people think all of us are these heartless sluts who only wanna fuck and nothing more. We care , but , we know when to stop. 

And we don't just wanna fuck,  unless in my case.

But what can i say? I can't change the version to what people see of me.  I'll just have to accept and go on with this crappy life.


"Oh look , its  the sluts. "  This guy Anthony shouts out. Only cause we  get the girls without trying he fucking salty.

"Cut the bullshit , why are we here? Especially,  here." Juan said , scanning the sketchy warehouse we're in.

Anthony and these guys filled with tattoos step ahead of us , intimidating as they look , I still don't flinch. Never show you're afraid,  not even when you are alittle.

"Now what?" Kyle says confused , keeping his gaze on the guys that's trying to intimidate us really really hard.

I've seen worse.

Myself , when I get angry.

"Look , we might need your help on something. " Anthony says scanning the three of us.

"For what?" I question.

"I want you to step outside for that. But not now  , I wanna talk to you."  He says almost grinning.

Kyle side-glances at me , knowing something is really off at this setting.

"Yeah , Andrèz , kyle and I don't have that much time for chit chat. What's the point so we can get out of the precense of your disturbing men."  Juan boldly states , raising his eye brow , to make more of an impression his serious.

One of those tattooed guys walks towards us. None of us three recoil.

"Fine. If chit chat is not what you want then go , leave. No one really forced you here." The guy walks back to his original position and starts flexing his muscles.

I look at Juan and start trying to communicate with my eyes to him , I knew he'd understand everything.

"Aight. We leaving." Kyle says as he checks for reassurance from us , and we walk with him.

"Something is going to happen I can fucking feeling it." Kyle pants out.

As soon as we stepped our feet out outside,  we knew something was definitely wrong
