
How I,Vandal Savage's brother, became a pirate king too early

A One piece fan gets the chance to reincarnate into One Piece World with no extra power or into DC world of his choosing with a few perks. Now what will he choose? MC: "I am a 100% OP fan so there is not even a moment of doubt... I choose option 2." ROB1: HUH?! But you could meet Luffy, Roger and even find the ONE PIECE. Why did you not choose that option. MC: If I don't have any extra power I'm as good as dead with the Yonko, admiral or even if a Celestial Cunt finds me while i'm still weak and there is no guarante that I would become stronger I migth be just a random character" ROB2: "HAHAHAHAHAHA. HE got you there. Well Done mortal as a thanks for showing me the sight of him losing you will have extra perks at his expenses!" All other ROBs: Agreed!! It's my first writing so don't expect some 10th level literature as Oda. I don't own any DC or One Piece or there respective Characters Edit: I added the "Too early" cuz I forgot to put it there

Isekai_enjoyer · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 20: The name of the company

Marcus was roaming mount Olympus when he heard Zeus and Hera bickering.

Hera: You still protect her.

Zeus: She is guarding Ares while his serving his sentence.

Hera: And your daughter!

Zeus: Do no forget who she is betrothed to.

Marcus jumped into the conversation.

Marcus: Yeah, by the way next time you impregante a friend/follower of your wife don't tell said friend/follower to give her children to me as a bride.

Marcus and Hera had been pissed when they heard of Zeus infidelity. It was bad enough with some random woman but a friend/follower of Hera was a new low for Zeus. Marcus was not pleased that he was dragged into this mess. Hera had been furious and wanted to kill Hippolyta as well as her daughter, Diana. Normally, Marcus would have let her vent her rage as it was a bigger betrayal from Hippolyta then Zeus. He had have half a mind to do it himself as he did not like being used as a way to shield Zeus booty call from Hera. He usually did it out of his own will. Seeing that it was Diana in question made Marcus accept her as his betrothed and calmed Hera by making Zeus E.D permanent unless she chose otherwise. Zeus had known that his E.D problem had something to do with Hera and he would usually ask or beg for forgiveness before it went away but this time Marcus had made it permanent and with only Hera having control over it.

As a punishment to Hippolyta for dragging him into this mess, Marcus took await the Amazon ability to use haki that he had granted them when they were rebelling against Ares enslavement. Everyone knew that it was just for show. Marcus did take back the ability but if he really wanted to punish Hippolyta, he would have put a curse on her. Every haki user knew of the legend. A man grew arrogant, wanted to reach to top but did not want to suffer unforseen fate. He played dirty and trick a haki user then killed him as well as his family after learning the context of the trial. The God cursed him to never be able to use haki and every haki user chased him till the ends of the world as he had insulted everyones effort. The amazonian were already strong on their own, Hippolyta was thankful if this was the price to pay to avoid Hera's rage. It also meant that if Ares were to escape, they now had no means to capture him again. Some amazonian were not pleased by this but when they remembered that it was Marcus that took away this ability. they felt relieved as it was known that Diana had been betrothed and thus held some hope that when she did marry him, he would grant them the ability for a second time.

Hera knew that Marcus was going easy on them but she did not care about the girl anymore, her main focus was Hippolyta. She cursed the lose their eternal youth when leaving their island and if Diana were to ever leave this island she would never be able to return. Most amazonian did not disagreed with this punishement as they themselves did not want to return to the world of man.

Years went by and as Diana grew, she wanted to leave this island to see the outside world. Little did she know, her wish was about to be granted but at a bloody price. A blond amazonian with one eye missing had freed Ares and he rampage as he was leaving the island. He fought Diana and was about to kill her when she realise who she was.

Ares: Count yourself lucky amazonian! I do not want to bring his attention on me....for now.

Diana: *huff**huff* Who?

Ares: Who?! HAHAHAHA! You did not realise you were already someone's bride. I have been locked here for centuries yet I was able to figure it out but you remain ignorant. I almost feel pity for you existence.

Ares left, leaving Diana searching for answer. When she asked Hippolyta about this, her mother had no choice but to tell her the truth. She was a child of Zeus and to protect her from other Gods, she was to marry the King of Titans, the "Undefeated Champion", Marcus. Diana was not happy of hearing she was to be wed to someone she did not even know and had no control over her life. She stormed out of the room and went to the shores of the island. When she was crying a amazonian came to her. Diana was shocked as she was supposed to be dead and thought she was just seeing things. When the amazonian asked her what had happened, Diana answered. Hippolyta had saw this and knew it was Marcus in disguise but she did not join as she knew Marcus just wanted to talk to Diana.

Diana: I do not want to be someone's bride much less the King of Titans. I know this is probably a strategical wedding to insure peace among Titans and Gods but still-

Marcus: So what do you want?

Diana:....I want to go outside this island and see the outside world. That's been my dream for a while but since I am to be wed I have to stay here.

Marcus: BAHAHAHAHA! No you don't... I....read thats's it...yeah I read in a book something a wise man once said.

Diana: Man? Wise?

Marcus hopped on a boulder, spread his arm, T posing.


Diana was confused as to why this dead amazonian seemed different but her words struck to her.

Diana:...Dreams never dies...huh.

Later that day, Diana had a meal with her mother. It was a goodbye meal but what she did not know was that hippolyta knew this and hugged her at the ends wish her safe travel. Diana freed the man that had landed on there island the other day, Steve Trevor. They went to world of men in search for Ares. Eventually, they found him but he managed to escape into the underworld.

Ares was shocked when he saw Marcus at the throne room instead of hades. Marcus had accepted to govern the underworld as he owed a favor to Hades but he chose the time he had to do it thus he went into the past.

Marcus: Look, I'm going to save everyone time by doing this. *snap* Now your powers are back but if you get your ass handed to you again you have to go back to Olympus pronto.

Ares: Why are you helping me?

Marcus: Cuz Aphrodite has been lonely, hephaestus is busy making condoms for every god that wants to cheat while also not being caught like Zeus and she wants to have a threesome with me and Boa....

Ares nodded and left not hearing Marcus last words.

Marcus:...again. Oh right be carefull of Diana she can use haki, she was just too confused when fighting you last tim- He already left, well not my problem.

Diana fought Ares and his army. She manage to win after the Amazonian came to help her. Diana knew what they had sacrificed to come here. She was about to plead when she heard a voice behind her.

Marcus: You really are bold.

She looked back and saw Marcus, who was wearing his Shogeking mask. Diana was confused until she saw hippolyta walking to her and greeting Marcus.

Hippolyta: You still wear this mask.

Marcus: Seriously why do you, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Hades not like this mask? Hestia is the only one who has fashion sense.

Hippolyta: It's because she's too nice to say bad things and before you say anything about the others, they're too scared of you to say bad things about you.

Marcus: Hey! Everyone knows that I'm a chill guy.

Hippolyta: Not after what you did to Priapus.

Marcus: He tried to rape Hestia.

Hippolyta: Thanks to that Hestia will never be bothered again.

Diana: Mother who is he?

Hippolyta was about to answer when Marcus interjected after he saw the future.

Marcus: God of Freedom! Well I know what you want to ask and don't worry since I'm going to ressurect Ares, the amazonian can return to their island....Oh right don't worry about Ares doing it again he's going to be busy hide from everyone's ridicule to think about the mortal world. BAHAHAHAHA! I can't wait to see his face. *Snap*

Marcus left after snapping his fingers.

Diana: He seemed different then what I pictured Gods to be. He also seems familiar.

Hippolyta: Oh it's good that you like your future husband. He seems familia as you talked to him on the shores.


It was at this point that hippolyta realised her mistake. She had forgotten to tell Diana about Marcus full story.

Hippolyta: hahaha! I see I forgot to tell you something.

Diana: What?

Hippolyta: Althought he is called the king of Titan, he never refer to himself as such as after challenging Kronos and defeating him in a duel he quickly abolished the Titan's hierarchy. He was once a mortal that created his own power, he trained it till it reached Godhood and granted it to everyone that passed his trail. The reason everyone call him the King of Titan is because every Titan decided to follow him of their own free will. They had fought him during the war and knew of his strenght. He is pretty much a layback type of God and it is really hard to truly anger him but when you do nothing can save you.

Diana was impressed by this. Her whole image of the situation was wrong. She was not a bargaining chip.

Diana: What was the power?

Hippolyta: It's the power you're using during your fight with Ares.

Diana: HAKI?!!

Hippolyta: Yes, we amazonian once used it to free ourselves from Ares enslavement but after using him as a shield without his accord, we lost the ability.

Diana: Mother...

Hippolyta: Do not worry, it was nothing. If he truly was angry he would have put a curse for us to never be able to use it again. Which reminds me of a story I have to tell you. If you are still worried about not falling in love of your own free will do not fret. He does not really mind if you cancel the engagement.

People thought that it was a meta human attack thus Marcus did not need to change their minds. Even if the people in higher place knew the truth it was not like they were going to tell the public.

Seeing Diana had left the island made Marcus check on the other members of the Justice league.

Marcus: It seems like my time to shine has return. ZEHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Boa: Honey could you please laugh outside we're trying to sleep.

Aphrodite: Seriously, if it wasn't because you're random laughter I would have already tried to steal you away from her.

Marcus went outside and got ready to start his plan as well as his revenge.

*A few years later*

Darkseid had attack once more at the request of Vandal Savage to unite the hero into a single spot. Darkseid accepted as he wanted to make sure if Marcus was still here. After faking his defeat and returning to his world he was over the moon. The only danger was a kryptonian and a young viltrumite, the rest could be delt by his army.

*In metropolis*

Lois Lane was at a press conference. She was in front of the CEO of this rising company that was backing the new and youngest hero.

Lois: Do you have no problem with letting this kid calling himself "Invincible" roaming around trying to be a hero?

Clark Kent was behind her thinking the same thing. They were both looking towards a darkskinned man, that looked really young and black hair. It was Marcus.

Marcus: I assure you that this company goal is to support heroes as such many individuals with quite the range of...abilities have gather into this company. Invincible is but the first one to appear in the public eyes. Our goal is to train and support future hero such as paying for the cost of a battle or informing them of the latest problem. I do not ask for you to trust us but to look at our action and judge for yourself. That will be the way for us to earn you trust....in Vought.

Now it's going to be DC

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