
How I,Vandal Savage's brother, became a pirate king too early

A One piece fan gets the chance to reincarnate into One Piece World with no extra power or into DC world of his choosing with a few perks. Now what will he choose? MC: "I am a 100% OP fan so there is not even a moment of doubt... I choose option 2." ROB1: HUH?! But you could meet Luffy, Roger and even find the ONE PIECE. Why did you not choose that option. MC: If I don't have any extra power I'm as good as dead with the Yonko, admiral or even if a Celestial Cunt finds me while i'm still weak and there is no guarante that I would become stronger I migth be just a random character" ROB2: "HAHAHAHAHAHA. HE got you there. Well Done mortal as a thanks for showing me the sight of him losing you will have extra perks at his expenses!" All other ROBs: Agreed!! It's my first writing so don't expect some 10th level literature as Oda. I don't own any DC or One Piece or there respective Characters Edit: I added the "Too early" cuz I forgot to put it there

Isekai_enjoyer · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 18: The mortal world

Marcus existence had change the mortal world. When Prometheus was creating humans, Marcus had offered to put the ability to use haki in them as their gift but everyone from Titans to Gods adamently refused. Even though he had told them that he was the only one that could reach divinity in the domain of haki, they still refused as one Marcus was enough they did not need a race that could reach even something near his level.

Marcus still gifted the ability for those that passed his trial. He was thus revered and worshiped by any warrior that knew the existence of haki as most would need to pass his trial. His main followers were divided in three categories. One was of course warriors or adventures, the other were scholars that seeked to learn about the past, as he would not let people know of the future. The last category was couples as they wanted to relieve the passion of their first days again. This one was more aligned with Boa as he taught her a bit of his chronokinesis to help her fulfill the wishes of her followers. They sometimes asked for both their help hence the third category.

Boa usually worked with her sister, Aphrodite, who she had permenatly servered all ties when Aphrodite had challenged her in a duel to charm the most men. Boa had refused as she did not care about that. Ares had seen this and convinced Aphrodite that she could best her sister in a threesome with Boa and to make sure she won he would be the third participant. When Boa heard this, she beat both of them to a pulp which had caused a commotion. When the rest of the Gods saw this, they asked for an explanation and after getting it laughed. Though the God were surprised, the Goddess were not. Boa was Marcus wife, of course he would teach her how to defend herself if he let her come to Olympus on her own with Zeus being here. This beating had cause Ares to be ridiculed which would later drove him into enslaving the amazonian in the mortal world. Aphrodite on the other hand realised that Boa had no desire for being the most beautiful which was enough for her. Since their divinities were aligned, they had to work together which why they develop a profesional relationship. She was never interested in Marcus due to his luck, he did not want any drama. Hephaestus did not care anymore as Marcus had showed him his worth. He would always make Ares pay when he needed weapons for war or when his followers were fighting, their opponents weapons were always better than them. When they either claimed it or stole it, the weapons became normal again. Ares lost a lot of followers because of the rumored "curse of hephaestus". As for Aphrodite, well he did not love her, he still got some action and always delayed her orders. When people tried to ridicule himabout the affair, he always aid that he still go to bed the Goddess of love to which always left everyone speechless. Ares did not dare antagonise his brother further as he might lose every weapons during his wars.

Marcus was poundering what he would do when the justice league or young justice would start. He had multiple plan and was trying to decide which one he should choose. He had asked for the series and TV shows so that he would not have to deal with any truly overpowered being like Perpetua, the Presence or the Hands. They would either notice him when he was getting as strong as them or when he would be fighting perpetua if she came to earth. He also worried about the dead world batman as he saw batman as a broken character. Superman had strengh that was broken but batman had contingency plans that were broken. The worst part was that those batman would put killing him in their plan. Marcus was not sure if the DC world, he would be sent, had a true plot armor in this world but he did not want to take chance.

Marcus finally remembered the existence of Vandal savage. The cause was Darkseid attacking. He fought Darkseid but the battle was interupted by Ares throwing an axe at Dakseid shoulders forcing him to retreat. Darkseid knew he would not be able to conquer this world without help. He had seen a human fighting a part of his army on the other side of the planet and decided to form an aliance under the gise of one day fighting each other army to decide who will rule all. Darkseid would rather deal with Vandal then Marcus. He knew Vandal would try to overthrow the Olympians Gods if- no when they were in his way. At best he would succeed, getting rid of Marcus. At worst he would fail inflicting a heavy wound on the Olympians which Darkseid could use to his advantage. What Darkseid could not predict was that the Olympians would grow bored of the mortal world and limit their interaction with them.

Vandal had heard about the power known as haki. He knew he had to pass a trial but was not a fool to go unprepared. He took a haki user's family hostage to capture him. He torture him until he leraned the details of the trial. The detail of the trial were just to ask for the power of haki and they would be told that their limiter were removed. They would still have to train to acheive the level the desired. The God of Freedom did not care what you would use haki for as you would have eurned it through your effort. Vandal was pleased and killed the user. He was an immortal, he could reach a level no mortal could ever reach. Sadly Vandal made tw-three mistake. The first mistake was that mortal had reached godhood through haki, Vandal could never reach the peak. The second was that he was going to ask a favor to the one he had literaly backstabed. The third and final mistake was to ask for the detail of the trial in such ways. When vandal requested to have the ability known as haki, Marcus had no reason not to say no but that was before he tortured his follower now Marcus could not let him go like that. He already had a plan for revenge but that was for later.


Vandal was furious but later that day he was hunted down as the news of his curse wa spread through the world. Marcus followers did not know what Vandal had done to anger him but considering how layback he was, that even some asked if he really was a god and did not get punished for it, did not think for a second as he must have done something henious.

Vandal thought that he would lay low for a while then recruit haki users. If he could not use it personally he would use it inderectly. What he did not know was the meaning of Marcus words. He had said Vandal's kin not children. Thus anyone loyal or even truly working for Vandal would lose their abilities to use haki if they had them. Marcus had use Haoshoku haki to make sure Vandal never suspect this.

Ares started to like Marcus as his haki users would make the battles during war more entertaining. Athena had asked Marcus to teach her haki. He had accepted but was surprised when she only wanted to learn "Kenbunshoku Haki". She managed to slighty see into the future and with her wisdom she was able to win more wars. The other gods were too proud to ask for haki. Marcus had noticed that Ares follower learned more about "Busoshoku Haki" while Athena's followers learned more about "Kenbunshoku Haki" though only his direct followers were able to use all three as he did not ask his followers anything other then if they ever wanted to fight with him one day. They all accepted as they were influenced by his charisma.

Marcus had created a place with his time and space control power. He called it Valhalla as it was a place where the warriors that had accepted would go and party till they were needed. Marcus had reverted them back to their prime for those that died after it. He remember that one time he had gotten sand in his eye and later the legend of Odin was born. Marcus kept it a secret as it was funny to think that some people thought Zeus was his child.