
How I,Vandal Savage's brother, became a pirate king too early

A One piece fan gets the chance to reincarnate into One Piece World with no extra power or into DC world of his choosing with a few perks. Now what will he choose? MC: "I am a 100% OP fan so there is not even a moment of doubt... I choose option 2." ROB1: HUH?! But you could meet Luffy, Roger and even find the ONE PIECE. Why did you not choose that option. MC: If I don't have any extra power I'm as good as dead with the Yonko, admiral or even if a Celestial Cunt finds me while i'm still weak and there is no guarante that I would become stronger I migth be just a random character" ROB2: "HAHAHAHAHAHA. HE got you there. Well Done mortal as a thanks for showing me the sight of him losing you will have extra perks at his expenses!" All other ROBs: Agreed!! It's my first writing so don't expect some 10th level literature as Oda. I don't own any DC or One Piece or there respective Characters Edit: I added the "Too early" cuz I forgot to put it there

Isekai_enjoyer · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 15: The worse curse you can put on a man

Boa had a body similar to her counter part, the only difference was that her face was a mix of both Boa and Shirahoshi. Long story short, she was not an eye candy but an eye buffet. All the males wanted to curse at Marcus for snatching her right under there eyes. Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Hermes and Apollo were even more furius with theirselves as their had missed one important detail. Boa was Aphrodite's sister, she was of course going to be a beauty. They knew that Marcus could see through the future and obviously checked it then went for the grab.

Aphrotide did not thing much as she did not know who Marcus was. She had stayed at Mount Olympus for less than a year. It was not as if people spoke his deed everyday as they mostly remember him for his parties or his pranks.

The rest of the Goddess were not as easily duped as everyone else. They knew the true reason why Marcus had done this. If he really wanted her for his own, he would not have shown her beauty to everyone else at this moments. The real reason for his act was to protect her.

Hera was the first to smile as she knew what he was protecting Boa from. One of them was sitting right next to her. Over the years, she had seen that in some case, Zeus had ****d the woman without a single word. Marcus being Boa's Husband was one of the few things that could stop Zeus lust. She had at one point asked Marcus to marry every every other female to which he responded.

Marcus: BAHAHAHA! I might not value mariage as high as you but I still value it none the less plus do you really think he won't mate with an extra curvy piece of wood cuz I do. BAHAHAHA

At that question, Hera still could not defend her husband without lying.

Seeing this, Demeter remembered her conversation with Marcus two days ago.

------------------------------*Two days ago*-------------------------------------------------------------- Hades had asked for Persephone's hand and Zeus had accepted. She was furious of this and did not even want to listen to her daughter. Marcus had asked Zeus to bring Hades and Persephone as he was one of the very few people that could talk to Hades calmly. Zeus refused at first but when Marcus asked if he wanted to persuade Demeter instead, he was gone as fast as he could.


Marcus: Personally I think the underworld is safer for her then here.


Marcus: Here there is a drunk Zeus! now which is better an underworld with HADES protecting her or here with Zeus that can get a little too drunk.

Everyone noded as he was right.

Demeter: BU-....Hm....Yeah I think the underworld would be a nice way for her to develop her personality.

Demeter could not help but agreed still she was sad not to be able to spend time with her daughter.

Marcus: If you want to spend time with your daughter you can always come sightseeing Jaya. You can also ask to spend time with your daughter half the year.

When Zeus returned, Demeter had her conditions which were accepted. Hades knew Demeter could not visit or to be precise stay in the underworld for too long and he was thankfull to Marcus as half the year was better then nothing. *effect of the skill misunderstanding*

----------------------------------*end of flashback-------------------------------------------------------- Artemis took sometime to figure it out as she remembered that even after she grew up, Marcus still saw her as a niece. She knew that as she could feel the change in the man's eye when she became a woman even her brother was the same.

Athena with her wisdom was pleased that this innocent girl would not be the prey of the other males. Even though she did not know Marcus as much as the others, she did not feel the lust she felt from the other man here in Marcus.

After a while the man calmed down. Zeus, Poseidon and Ares had not given up. Zeus and Poseidon knew Marcus well. Unlike them he would not force his way on Boa. He valued freedom above all. They had even given him the role/title of the God of freedom. They both, without knowing, had the same plan. Wait for the opportunity, woo Boa with their charm and bed her a few time in secret. They might not have given up be they did not want to incur Marcus wrath. The brother would soon thank Ares for what he was about to do.

Unlike his father and uncle, Ares did not have a wife yet. Sure he could bed Aphrodite but he could not do it when he wanted it. Now that her sister was revealed to be more beautiful then her, he felt it was unfair for her to be stolen right in front of him. He protested.


Marcus looked at Ares.

Marcus: You refuse what?

Ares: Your Mariage! I challenge you for her.

Marcus could fee-no he knew what Ares wanted to do with Boa. he was angry but knew what to do. Marcus was indeed lucky as he was in need of a test subject for a little experiment he wanted to do. Ares was stu-GENEROUS enough to volunteer, Marcus was almost moved to tear by this act.

Marcus: ZEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU CHALLENGE...ME!!! ZEHAHAHAHAHAHA!!... I accept and as a little show of....gratitude for making me laugh you get the first punch.

Ares did not wait and swung the sword he had materialised but it broke before it could Marcus. Marcus had never said that he would take the hit just that Ares could attack him first.

After this Marcus raised his right hand and snaped his fingers.

Marcus: And we're done.

Ares: What did you do? Huh must be a bluff!

Marcus: What I just did was put a little time curse on your privates. Everytime you're about to unload your seed it will be rewinded just before that point....everytime...You will still be able to feel everything but the release. It will last till I decided when it is enough. I have to thank you I was preparing this curse to help....someone....but I was worried it would not work turns out it does work and better then I thought.

Every man pityed Ares right now. Zeus and Poseidon had officially given up and looked at Ares as if he was a fallen camarade that dove on a land mine to protect them. The woman were quite happy about this but none was happier then Hera as she knew she had finally a way to get her revenge on Zeus.

Ares and Aphrodite thought it was just a bluff.

Ares: Nice try but your bluff won't work on me.

Marcus: Bluff huh?


Ares was knock down to Hermes, Artemis, Apollo, Athena, Hephaestus and Aphrodite's surprise.

After this, the meeting was finished and Marcus brought Boa to Jaya. She was scarred at first and would gling onto Marcus but after seeing that the Titans respected her and were nice to her she got used to it. The Titans were not stupid, unlike the rest they still remembered what Marcus was like as the Battle Beast. They treated Boa like an empress. Hera had asked Marcus if he could put the curse on Zeus next time he cheated on her but Marcus gave her a better one. He told her that he could put a curse on Zeus which would make him erectile dysfunction (ED) by rewinding time everytime he got excited. Hera was over the moon after hearing this suggestion.

A few decades passed, Marcus taught Boa how to fight for herself. He also learned that Boa was the Goddess of Passion and Python. Boa had changed during those decades, she was more confindent and did not hide her beauty. She was almost as confident as her One Piece counterpart but she did treat everyone nicely. Marcus had given her the choice to love him or not as he had warned her that he might have more then one woman. She was already in love with him since he had given her a hand when even her own sister rejected her plus it was just a possibility if her plan succeed she would have him for herself. She was confident in her own appeal to not mind that possibility as, unlike Hera, she did not value mariage as important. As long as she could spend time with the man she loved, she was happy.