
How I Becomes the Strongest King

How a powerless boy become the strongest king of all nations.

Raj_3465 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7:Moving Forward

After Gary's death I bury him under the tree because he always loves this tree and he always come here and sit under the tree...some times after my work i used to sit with him and he told me many kind of stories and i used to enjoy that....that's why i want him to stay here and wait for me i will avenge him and then i will come here and i will tell him my story.....

"You are a great man Gary...I wish you are with me in person and see me and guide me...I really gonna miss you i tell with tears....and one thing I promise I will become the man as you wished and i will save this nation from the mad king after that i will come to you"...That's a promise...

After telling that I pack my things and I left Gary's place and started my journey "How I becomes the Strongest King"...I know my journey is very tough and very challenging but with Gary's power in me and his trust I will over come all challenges and I will become the Strongest King"..... 

The journey begins....

Now first of all I have to think how I can go to the other nation....I am thinking this while walking...

Gary told go meet Jon...But how can i find this guy name Jon.....first of all I have to find the way to go other nation....I can't even know the nation's name....I have to ask someone....

But there are no man for an hour....After one hour of walk i came to a village...I thought I think i'll find something here how to go in the other nation.....But when I entered the Village I see the horrible seen man's are lying down the ground they are crying for food and some of the man's are dead....I can't belive what i see through my eyes...What's happening here why they are so helpless...

Suddenly a old man sneak up on me and says you seems a new guy....I said yes but what is going on here why people are so helpless in this village...he says they are like this for 4 months at first the village is so good they are in piece and they are very happy but after the King Octavious killed the village leader they are helpless....

After hearing the name I becomes so angry and said why the King killed the village leader....He said because the leader did't obey the order's of the king....and i say what order's...The man say The King wants the village girls for his soldiers and for his slaves.....and our leader din't obey the command so he kills the leader...

After hearing that I am triggered and In rage my eyes are filled with tears and I say what kind of a King does that....He said the evil one because he have no fear....I say he does't fear God...The man laughs and said The man serves the Evil that's why he does't fear god...I said don't worry someday there will be justice....and I clear my tears with hand and said I have some food for the villagers I mean I does't have enough but I think this will help.....

The man filled with tears and said thank you...what is your name boy?....I said my name is Mike remember that...The man said why....

I said when i becomes the king I will save everyone here....The man laughs and said my name is Leo nice to meet u future King....I blushed what did u say future King don't say like that....Secretly i was smiling ...

I asked him about how i go to the other nation he said walk here straight then after 10 miles you find a border when u cross the border you find the way....I say Thank uu Leo...And i also asked Leo what is the name of the nation....He says Magnolia....

But he warned me that the Kings knights are there too they don't let anyone go to the other side of the border without King's permission....

I said okay I will remember that...Then i left from there and I walk forward for the border but 10 miles is not a easy walk I have to stay some where in the night....Then the nights come and I stay under a tree but I am starving i need to eat some food so I in the near forest to grab some fruits....

I climb up a tree and grab some fruits...But suddenly i heard screaming and crying of a man....I thought some one must be in some problem so I chased the scream and see some wolfs are attacking a boy of my age...He saw me and said please help me otherwise they are going to kill me ....

I thought what should i do here....suddenly comes to my mind this is best way to test my power...so I use my power....I through a rock to the wolfs and said come here....The wolfs being distracted by me and come after me....I said go fire...But nothing happens...one more time go fire....also nothing happens the wolfs are come closer...one more time saying loudly with my hand Go fire yeahhhhhh...and suddenly fire go out from my hand and attack the wolfs...one wolf got caught into my fire but i can't control my so the fire also going for the man....I says loudly dodge it i can't control he jumps from there and dodge it but i can't stop my fire ...i thought i can't stop this forest is gonna burn...I tried to stop the fire then the man come to me and said close my hand then the fire is stop.....

I fell in the ground and say thank u man...he said why  you can't stop your power I said I don't know how to use it....He say never mind...The forest is okay....

I am very grateful to you that you saved my life...he says..

I said no i am very thankful to you if u cannot stop me the forest is gonna burn.....

I said what is your name?...He said my name is Ron and what is your name?..he asked me

I said my name is Mike....He said where are u going I said the other nation Magnolia...I said you..

He said i am also going Magnolia...I said why he said It's a long story....but I have to go Magnolia from this hell....I said is something bad happens to you Ron....He said never mind....

I said you are also trying to grab some fruit...he said yes...I said lets share it I grab 4 so You eat 2...He said is it okay...I say never mind just it....and he and i going to the tree but after seeing his face and his eyes I am sure something very bad is happened to him...But I can't ask him like that...So I asked him where are u go after reaching Magnolia.....He said there is a guy called Jon someone told me to meet him so i am gonna meet him....I shocked and said him I also going to Jon someone also told me that....He say for real oh I am so scared to go there alone so if it is okay I want to go there with you is that possible?.....I said obviously we both go there together so from now we are friends okay Ron...He said yes.. and we shake each other hand and I said in the morning we start our journey okay....He said fine by me....

Then I was eating he suddenly asked me "Is my father did something bad to you"...I said who...He said my father Octavious Malfoy.....I was shocked and asked him who are you.....

He said I am Ron Malfoy.....

Next chapter New Friend...Stay Tuned.....