
How I Becomes the Strongest King

How a powerless boy become the strongest king of all nations.

Raj_3465 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6:The Wish

It's been 30 mint's since Gary left to fight and since then I stay hidden here...I was so worried thinking of Gary's situation in the fight....My heart says get up you coward and go help Gary...But Gary told me to stay here so I must stay here....It's really very difficult to hide here instead of help Gary.....wait I heard something....sound of some horses standing in front of Gary's house and I heard some walking and talking...who are they?

Are they the knights....why are they here is this a trap to catch me...what should i do now...about thinking if that i heard they are talking about go find the boy in the house i check the back of the house..after hearing that my hands are shaking with fear and I don't know what to do here...I was hide in the store room.....It's about a minute or sec they easily find out where i am...what should i do....dammm God why i can't use power why....I am very angry on myself....

Then somebody open the door of the store room i thought if i remain silent they might never found me....i saw with the help of a little hole one man entered the room and search for me and i was hidden in a closet....suddenly i saw the man coming towards the closet....now what should i do....So i think this is it i have only one way to survive i have to beat that guy own my own.....So i told myself have courage don't fear and believe in yourself,you can do it Mike come on.....

Slowly the man come near me and i prepare myself to fight....But I am so scare...."nothing to worry you can do it''I told myself....But when the man is about to open the door the other man calls him and he left to see why the other man calls him.....Then I was so relaxed and feel like I am safe now But after that suddenly the knight crushed the closet door and told with scary laughter what do you think boy I can't see you...I was just pretending to go...and the man caught me with his hand and punch me in the face....and after the punch my head's shaking and i loose my balance....But i cover my balance with my leg and tried to fight back...I also punch him in the face but the man is like giant...

He said is this really a punch boy...I can do much better big guys...but my head was spinning after the first punch but instead of that i again tried to punch him but he caught my hand and grab my head and crush my head on the wall after that i fell and i became unconscious.....and after that i don't remember what happen...

Back to the battlefield.....

Gary fight with the knights with his fire sword and run towards Steve....

Steve says "I have a surprise for u old man"and guess what the surprise is me....when i weak up after my head crush i saw blood on my head and my head is so heavy....and I trying to open my eyes but my head is in too much pain so i can't open my eyes.....but as i expect i was on a horse and i was sealed with some wire and the horse is going some where...

And on the other hand Gary is still fighting but the number of the knights is to much he was not able to get Steve.....

Gary said loudly Steve are u too scared to fight me...Steve says don't push your luck old man....

Gary said yes I am pushing luck so come here fight me like a man....come on Steve..then Gary use his move "fire sword strike"with this move the remaining knights are wiped out but after this move Gary used too much power so he started to feel weak but instead of that he loudly says Steve here i came ....

Steve stand up and said come on old man let's fight....Gary and Steve stand on the battlefield no one blinking there eyes and Steve says you looking tired old man....

Gary said don't worry about me Steve I will crush you...

Steve said Let's see here i come...Gary stand in the same place Steve go after Gary and tried to punch Gary but Gary dodged and tried to counter Steve with his sword but Steve move with his reflex and said you are to slow old man...

Gary Said let's see how u dodge this "Fire Blast"...and Gary's attack straight go towards Steve and blast him....Gary thought he had him.....And the blast's smokes cover's the area.....

But when the smoke is gone Gary see something that he never expects....Steve standing there and he stops Gary's attack with his Hand....

Steve laughs and says is this the best you can do Old man.....it's to sad...But now my turn"Steve says".....

Steve use his first attack Gary was thinking what should i do he seems very strong compare to the last time.....Steve says what u thinking u better watch out my "Iron hand punch"....Gary what he so fast i can't dodge this....Gary use Fire sword to stop that punch hit's his sword so hard that Gary thrown away and smashed on a tree so hard and Gray's sword was broke into pieces...

What is happening u seems like so weak to me....what happen to famous chief security of the king....I heard that he is the most powerful man after king Raiden..."Steve says"

Gary tried to stand up but after that blow he can't be able to stand up so easily but he is trying....

Still u want to fight with me old man..."Steve says"..

Gray I will fight until my last breath...."Gray says"...and some how with the trees help he stand up and ready to fight with Steve.....

Steve says u have a strong spirit old man.....after that some man says the gift is arrived commander...Steve laughs and said I have a surprise for u old man...maybe after seeing the surprise you dare fight with me....

"Wait where am i"..."Am i dead"....Its so fuzzy i can't see anything..."me talking".....suddenly water came on to my face and after that i can see everything...but my head is still hurting.....i saw a big man coming towards me and grab my head and trow me on the field and say loudly Gary see the surprise yourself.....

Suddenly i heard Gary..."Is this place"....I saw it's the battlefield....and I saw Gary standing under the tree and he cannot move and he is filled with blood.....I say loudly Garyyyyyyyyyyy...

Gary heard that and see me and says "what are u doing here boy"..

I said They caught me and bring me here..I am sorry I tried to escape but they are to strong...."i said with crying"...You order me to one thing ...and I  failed you sorry...while crying.....suddenly the big man kicked me and i was thrown my the kick and blood come from my mouth....

Gary said with anger....This is a dirty move Steve and i will crush you kicking my child...and Gary come after Steve with anger and tried to hit Steve but Steve move so fast he bring me in seconds towards Gary and Gary stop his hand and by the help of that distraction Steve hits Gary in the face..and Gary fall down...After that Steve laugh like the evil laughs and go after Gary and again punch him and said what u do now old man you are dead....

Gary said i made a promise to that boy that i will save him and i will comeback home...I will keep that promise and kill you..."Saying to slowly"..

Oh is that so i will punch you as much i can that you never stand up again...."Steve says"....

I was lying there and see the horrible scene and try to go and saves Gary...But i can't move after the kick...and i tell myself "if i was not here Gary could never loose"" I was responsible for all of this" so please body moves...yeahhhh come on move i have to save him move.....and i saw a rock in front of my hand i pick the rock and throw to Steve....and the rock go straight and hit Steve...and Steve stop beating Gary...But he look at me like evil and says you want to die kid.....

Some how I gain  courage and stand up and said come on fight me but my legs are shaking,My whole body is shaking...and i look at Gary and see Gary also looked at me and smiling and gives me thumbs up....but Steve is approaching towards me what should i do....

Steve says loudly die kid and tried to punch me and i also tried to punch with my eyes close but i can't feel any punch and when i open my eyes i see Gary standing in front of me holding Steve hand and said to me "You did great Kid I need that distraction and now i am ready for the move"..

Steve said loudly your move dos't work on me old man..yeah demon punch...he tried to punch Gary....

And Gary said Fire bomb and i see a big fire ball coming up from sky Steve sees that and hold his move and said said what is this,this is like a meteor...it's gonna blow the entire area.....

Gary said yes this is my final move you all gonna die here and Gary grab me and run.....I said Gary are u oke...he said nothing just running carrying me and when we go little far i saw the fire ball land there and smash the entire area.....and after that we reach Gary's house...after that Gary fall down under the tree and said i don't have to much time kid...

After hearing that...what do you mean??i said....Gary said with blood coming from his and hole body after see all of that i was crying and hug Gary and asked Gary why u risk your and protect me....Gary smiles and says you are special boy and you are my only family and nobody leave his family to die....I am full with tears and said so you should come with and should stayed with me forever so why you left me alone..why....with tears....

Gary said i hate emotional goodbyes so smile otherwise my death will not peaceful....and Gary said i never leave you behind my boy so i give you the little fire power i have and come closer to me...I said but it's your power how you gonna give me ...Gary said this a special move that Raiden senpai teach me...this is called power sharing ritual...I will give you small amonut of fire power but you have grow this power all your own and you have to the strongest in the nation and full-fill you dream to become the strongest King.....

I said i want to teach from you Gary....You are my mentor....don't leave me behind stay with me..with tears...

Gary said i will always stay close to you because i left you with my power and with that i will always stay with u and protect you right kid...so come close to me..and grab my hand....and says with me "share"and close your eye's and now you can open your eyes....Gary said with smile congrats kid you are not a powerless boy anymore...

I said I will promise you Gary i become the strongest king and i will full-fill your wish and save this nation from king Octavious...Just stay in my heart forever...I will do it with your power....That's my promise to you...

Gary said I know u can do it boy.....with a smile and his last words are go to the neighbor Nation and meet a man called Jon and say him Gary sends me.....Then he will know what to do with yo...

I said but how i go to the other nation Gary....he don't answer Gary....Gary ..Gary...And Gary dies in front of my eyes with a smiling face....he said it to me that i will say goodbye to him a smiling face so i will trying to smile...but in my smile i can't hold back tears....

After that I kneel my head towards him and says you are always to kind to me you are like father to me and as your son i will full-fill your wish I will beat the mad King and I will becomes the "Strongest King"....

From this day my journey to become the strongest is starts....

So this is the end of Introduction arc.....

Next time Moving forward...Stay tuned.....

If you guys loves this arc please vote for me and comment me to tell how much you like this arc....Thank u....i will meet you in the next chapter....