
How I Becomes the Strongest King

How a powerless boy become the strongest king of all nations.

Raj_3465 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5:Attack

After Gary said me to stay hidden in the house....I go and make myself hidden in the house but i was so worried about Gary because he is gonna fight so many men by himself...But i think Gary got this after all he is so powerful....and i am so weak that i can't even help Gary....No i don't go there if i go there to help him he might been in a grater trouble while saving me.....I make myself hidden here that what can do....I am just a worthless weakling...while i am stay here the battle is about to start there

While Gary running towards them he see a big army approaching towards him....and when he finally approach there he stand against them alone.....

The king's army is lead by King's personal Bodyguard Steven.....Steven says where are u running old-man there is no way to go you are trapped here....

Gary laughs and said who's running son i am here to fight with you guys.....My last fight was in the palace will u remember Steven....After that i never fight and i live as a farmer but i never forgot my fighting skills so now i will so you no mercy here.....Be ready Steve...

Steve says i will never forget that day when u slaughter my comrades i will avenge them and now i am so much stronger then you.....so watch your bone old-man...

Gary said are u here to talk or are u here to fight if u are here to fight so come at me...

After that the battle has start....

Steve said loudly bring me that man's head...and the knights charge towards Gary...Gary is just standing alone and 100 of soldiers are coming towards him....

Gary use his fire move "Fire blast" after that move the soldiers are shattered and behind soldiers are shocked to see that and stops there attack....One soldier said what is that attack it's wipe our half man....and Gary stand on the same place...soldiers see him and take deep breath and said what is his power it's so insane.....

Gary said come on why you u guys are stops there....are u really the Kings's knight because in my time King's knights are so strong....But u guys seems like weak...Is your King don't gave u proper training???...

Steve said why you stops you morons go attack him...one soldier said but commander he is so strong...Steve says so what go attack him otherwise i will kill you right now....then the soldiers move forward to Gary this time 200+ soldiers are coming towards Gary....

Gary laughs and says it's really a good warm up for me so i will use my second move "fire tornado"....after that 50 soldiers are badly injured but they not stops there they are approaching towards Gary.....Gary said so u guys are not coward after-all oke let's do it....Then Gary use his secret weapon Fire sword and with that he move towards them and use his sword...when he touches anyone with his sword the soldiers are became ashes after seeing that the other soldiers get very scared and said do not go so close to Gary otherwise we are toast but not stoping he cut all the soldiers and move towards Steve.....

Steve says come on old-man i have a surprise for you...

Next Chapter The Wish.....Stay tuned

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