
How I Becomes the Strongest King

How a powerless boy become the strongest king of all nations.

Raj_3465 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4:Gary's Truth

After they are gone i am really wanted to know why they call Gary a traitor and At first Gary said to me that The King is good man so why now he call him a evil....I washed my face and i ran to Gary,and i see Gary sitting under a tree and look up the sky and said the sky is so beautiful right boy....I go there and and say yeah it is beautiful.Then i asked Gary why they call u a traitor and why they mistreated you like that.....Gary said look kid what i am about to tell it's the truth of the king no one knows the king is a evil man...i said why....Gary said 30 years ago i worked for the true king Octavious's father Raiden Malfoy.....wait wait you worked for his father too...so how old are you...Gary said are u interested to my story or my age....I worked there 20 years so i worked for his father also.....Raiden senpai is a really good man he taught me how to use my fire power at best,I learn so much from him and He is the strongest King ever the evil group called masters of evil they feared Raiden senpai so much that's why when Raiden is King no one dare attack our nation.....I said there is a evil group to that means they are bad group right...Gary said yes they are really bad and they are so powerful....I said dis u fought them...Gary said yes i fought them many side along side Raiden senpai....I said you are really a strong man...Gary said no matter how strong you are when you stabbed my someone of you own family then you feel the pain....I said what do you mean...Gary said you see.....Raiden had a beautiful women in his life queen Mary,she is like a goddess to us....she care about the nation so much and hers power is healing so she healing all the soldiers and also the people who lives into the nation...they both are really a good king and Queen but their son Octavious is so opposite from his parents he torture girls and he really torture the simple people's like they are nothing.....Raiden send him to another nation for good study and learn to be a good boy and we thought this might work on him and when Octavious is back we saw a different Octavious he is totally changed Raiden is so happy to see his son to became a man on his own and Raiden announces that if he connect to the people and if he proof himself to well enough to became a King then Octavious will be their new King...I was so happy after a long time Raiden senpai is taking rest.....

But after two months Queen Mary found dead in hers room we did't know the reason why she died doctor said that she had a cardiac arrest.....Raiden is so shocked and Raiden feels with tears for his wife once Raiden said to me Gary after i am retire as a King i and Queen Mary go some place and spend our old days together but after his wife's death he was broken and i saw first time Raiden senpai crying....After that Raiden senpai suddenly announce that he is no longer want be king for now Octavious is the King of the Nation....I was so shocked and thought i was so close to senpai but he never tells me that he leaving the throne to Octavious...After Octavious become king he fires all the workers who serve Raiden senpai except me and he hires new man but the new workers are really bad to the people and really cruel they work there like they are king.....One day i go to king's palace to tell Octavious about his new man's behaviour to the people.....But when i about to enter the palace the guards said for now the palace is closed for everyone...i say who's order is that....they said it's the king's order...i say why they say they don't know .....I am really being suspicious for Octavious he became a good man and after he became the king nothing in this nation happen good.....The people's helps part is totally off and people's are dying from starving and Octavious started taking tax from the people to live in his kingdom.....this is really suspicious and i sneak up into the castle to look what is really happening i know the palace so much that's why i am able enter the palace.....i saw the King's hall is empty and the meeting hall is empty too.....i go up for Octavious's room because i heard some sound from there....when i see what's happening in King's room i saw the shocking scene....Gary stops i say what Gary....Gary said i tell u later now lot's of strong man are approaching towards us and they are not a weak man like the knights they are really strong....Gary laughs and tell me go to the home boy i will protect u no matter what....then i tell you what i saw....I said no Gary i will help u....Gary said u are my only family boy i must protect you...after hearing that I said so emotionally promise me you will come back and tell me the whole story...Gary smiles and said i will tell you boy that's a promise...and he said you hide in the house before they approaching us i will approach them and beat them.....Gary said hide in my room u will find something and after saying that he rub my head and said Don't give up on your dream oke boy..and after saying that he run through them....I say loudly Please come soon Grandfather.....and i saw Gary is crying and said i will...I promise with a smile...

Next chapter Attack...stay tuned.....