
How I Becomes the Strongest King

How a powerless boy become the strongest king of all nations.

Raj_3465 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3:Gary

Next day i asked Gary about his life as security chief of the King. But he refuse to tell me that i don't know why but whenever i asked Gary about his past life he refuse me and then he look kind a sad.Then one day i was working some King's Knight again pass through our farm this time i thought i go and talk to them,so i ran towards them but when i go close to them one man said "go u stupid kid" i said i just wanted to shake hands with you guys they said "we are not shake hands with a lowly stupid brat"and u are a lowly farmer so why should we wanna talk to you we are the knights of the king and we have standards,they laugh and said and you are just a lowly stupid brat....that really triggered me and i said when i became the king of the nation you will obey me mark my words...they laugh so loud and said a weak child like u became a king good joke boy...that's makes me more angry you wanna see my power i show u and i am going to punch him but he kick me in face and said how dare u going to punch me,a knight you really gonna die today boy..and they are going to beat me that made me so scared,i was about to run but then i think if i ran away so how i became strong i am not running..i said come on and the man ran through me and going to punch me and i close my eyes but i feel no punch then i open my eye's and see Gary holding the knights hand and said the boy is my servant if u dare touch my servant i am gonna kill u...suddenly the hole aura changed i saw fear in knights eye's and he was shaking like he is seeing a ghost in front of him and i saw rage in Gary's eye's,he is really not kidding with them....The knight who attack me said u return and some of knight's in back said the traitor is back,we must ran away from him otherwise we are all doomed....I hear the word traitor and i am thinking "Gary is a traitor" is it really true??Gary said call me whatever u can but u must leaves this place at once otherwise u are pay for hurting my Servant...Knight said we leave for now but when i go told the king about you...you are dead traitor,King is looking for you for many years....we will capture you for your crime and you will be hanged on the road of the town.....Gary laughs and told them go tell your king about me i am not scared of your evil king....Evil King why Gary told something about the King he was say good thing about the king yesterday but suddenly he say Evil King why i was so confused....who are you Gary and what did you do in your past that they call you a traitor????My mind is filing with bunch of questions...

The knight said You called our king a evil how dare u traitor,you will be punished for what u said right.....Gary laughs and said when the truth will reveal then we see who is traitor me or your king...After hearing that my mind is so lost what i witnessing hear is so confusing after saying that they ran away from Gary and Gary looked at me and com through.....i am so shaking and i am so scared of Gary after seeing all this But Gary smile and give a hand on my face and said that is it hurt boy???after hearing that i am so relived and said yes i am ok But what they called it's really true,"are u a really traitor"....Gary said go home and wash your face then i told u everything.....because i don't have much time left....i said what's the meaning about that,Gary laughs and said nothing you are a really brave child and rub my head and smiles....But i know something bad about to happen.....But i know Gary is a good man...and i will know the truth from Gary....

Next chapter Gary's truth...Stay Tuned...